
The Bad, the Ugly, and the Lost

Firstly, I do not fully own the cover picture. In case you were wondering, it's a chart of Shakespearean insults I edited. You can search up "chart of shakespearean insults" and buy one if you wish to. Now, let's move on. Thank you for coming. I'm just going to say, don't get your hopes up for reading an amazing novel. This is simply a collection of story ideas I have but can't create due to personal issues and limited time. Some are messy ideas for plots, some are short stories, and one is a poem. Edit: Now that I look back, I feel like this is more of "mood writing". WARNINGS: Possible triggers of insanity, obsessions, possessiveness, murder, depression, death, gore, twisted mental health issues, crappy philosophy, etc. Fun fact: I update the list of warnings almost every time I post a new chapter. Also, there's some cussing. Please do not read ANY further if you dislike profanities. I don't decide how mature people are; just acknowledge your own limits. I know a twelve year old who loves reading violence/vivid gore, and many elderly who prefer good ol' cartoons. Updates come whenever I have inspiration, so they may be slow. Please don't be pissed off if the speed doesn't fulfill your own needs. If you are, you can shove that up your ass and leave to find a better book. If you like one of my story ideas, feel free to write your own story around it. However, please contact me first through chapter comments. Really, though, the reason I'm publishing these ideas is because I want them to be used; I want these seeds to be nourished and grown into trees. Presently, I know I'm not the right person to do that. I'm simply requesting that you contact me and include me for credits inside the synopsis if you do indeed wish to use my stories. One last thing. Don't believe the labels used on this. Though it says male lead and urban and whatnot, that's not true. Sorry for the inaccuracy '_' Overall, have a great time. My warnings are not for show. Please don't complain. I hope you can inspire me. ~ Sobriquet

8kkkkkkkk · Urban
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18 Chs



A weirdish freestyle poem I made when I was lamenting the responsibility that comes with growing older. Unlike my former writing, it's more about feeling tired than needing a purpose.


A Lonely Queen sits on her throne,

A crown of glass and her heart cold

Her golden staff, it shines so bright,

But it does nothing to show her kingdom's plight

And in the end she knows the truth

That there's nothing to hold her youth

It's gone and lost to faraway

And she's left alone with the grey

Specters, regrets

And paying, her debts

Sometimes she thinks she sees the silhouette

Of childish juvenile fun

Of leaping under the sun

With no fear, no tears in her heart

Of lax, laidback days

Of sleeping in late

With no worry, no hurry to please

When her mother and father smiled down at her

When she knew nothing of their pain

When she had the freedom of a flying bird

When broken were her chains

But all things come to an end

And she knew she would too

Her youth disappeared, it came and went

Now she was waiting in the queue

Species: Corvus Corax

It's hard to describe. You may interpret this poem however you wish, but I personally feel that it means being tired. Have you ever felt tired of being alive? Not as in physically exhausted or mentally stressed - just this numb feeling that makes you wonder if it would be better to spend your life in a box of fuzzy black than on Earth. Perhaps some would understand it better as perversely intense laziness.

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