
The Bad Girl Attack

"Isn't it obvious?" she asked.

"Isn't what obvious?" He asked back.

"That I want you. I have always wanted you. From when I saw you wearing that blue sweater... To when you sit at that table in the cafeteria with one of your geek friend and now. I always had an eye on you." She places her hand on his shoulder, making his breath hitch and to take a step back. He hit the wall and widened his eyes at her.

"That's... uh... Kind of creepy?"

"No it's not because I like you. And I am not afraid of admitting that. And you know that I don't take no for answers. It's waste of time." She smirked, taking a step forward so that she was inches away from his face. He knew that she hated 'no's' but he couldn't help it.

He was scared... he was actually shitting his pants.

Oh fudge brownie poop, did he just curse?

"I... I can't-"

"I don't take no for an answer." She repeated. "So it ends here. I don't care what you think, you're mine."

"What??" He gaped at her.

"You're mine. And I don't think you wanna go against that." Her eyes dangerously darkened.

He gulped, and nodded a yes.


Lucas Clark was not your average teenage boy. Mean it, he is not. All around you could see boys of his age probably flirting, playing games, hanging out with friends and throwing parties like their life depended on them. But he was a nerd.

And she was the bad girl of the school, Claire Cooper.

When one meet turns out to be Claire claiming him hers, he is left devastated and knowing that not to mess with "The Claire Cooper", Lucas has no option but to give in.

And when the consequences arise, they both are shattered but they find themselves in a better position than when he felt like he was practically being attacked by the bad girl of the school.