
The Bad Ending Creator

I hate stories with a happy ending... A story where a subcharacter swoops in to save the main character from an untimely demise makes me want to pierce a screw into someone's skull. Why can't the main character just die? I just want to see a story where everyone dies a very terrible demise. *Hais* Isn't it too much to ask? . . . Why not i just create a bad ending my self?

IamCurrentlyAlone · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

After getting his melon bread from the cafeteria, Kumagawa started to exploring the school vicinity with melon bread on his mouth and students who were having the time of there lives.

"Hmm, this place is quite peaceful it seems... not like the universe where ninjas started breathing fire out of there mouths, i could get used to this, a world without any anime or manga is not a world worth staying in, and if it wasn't for the fact that i had a limitation of having to kill the mc to travel, i wouldn't have left that place much more faster..."


Puting his arm behind his head Kumagawa continued on with his adventure, and went to check a cliche area where bullies and delinquents some times hangout, that being behind the school building away from any passerbys.



"Ha?! Didn't i tell you to give me your lunch money?!"

With a sound of someone getting beaten up, Kumagawa continued walking towards the noise.

A young man with spike yellowish hair punched the face of a smaller student while grabbing his collar.

Feeling that someone is watching him, the young man looked behind the student he was currently extorting money from and saw Kumagawa kindly watching them

"CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY HERE, SCRAM!" The young man ordered Kumagawa around while still holding his victim on his right hand

Seeing that there is someone who could save him from the yellow haired bully the small student had a glimmer of hope in eyes and smirked at the yellow haired man.

"No, you can continue, I'm just here to watch" Kumagawa spoke nonchalant while weirdly standing there.

(Eh?) The victim looked back and forth towards Kumagawa and his bully with worry on his face.


Feeling something was wrong with Kumagawa, the yellow haired man loosened his grip on the young student making him fall butt first on the ground and left without saying a single word.

Knowing that he was just escaped a very dire situation the young man thanked Kumagawa.

"Thank you so much, I thought Akio-san was going to be my friend so i did everything he asked but look where it got me?"


"May i ask your name?"

Now that his entertainment was cut short Kumagawa looked at the half beaten student now currently asking him his name.

"Misogi Kumagawa"

"Ah, Misogi-san, I'm Yuki Kataro I'm a first year" Kataro introduced himself to Kumagawa.

"Would you like me to erase him?" Kumagawa said happily while smiling.

Knowing Shuchi'in Academy as a prestigious school for nobles and rich families, Kataro immediately rejected Kumagawa's offer thinking that he will literally kidnap and make Akio disappear if he willed it, if his background was strong enough.

"NO! it's fine, to an impure student like me, this the best i could do, pure students have all of the power in the school... if i even lay a finger on him i will get expelled." Katoro depressedly spoke out while looking down on the dirt floor.

Hearing the words of being impure and pure, Kumagawa raised his ears in intrest and patted out all of the dirt around Kataro's uniform before asking a question

"What's the difference between being a pure and an impure student?"

"Misogi-san are you in fact a first year student?" Hearing such an odd question Kataro questioned back.

"Yup, I just transferred here" Kumagawa joked while bumping his head and sticking out his tounge

*Tee hee*

Seeing Kumagawa's expression, Kataro made an deadpanned face and answered Kumagawa's question

"Being pure means that the students used there prestigious background to be able to enroll into the school, while students who are impure are the one who passed the harsh general enrollment exams and don't have any notable backgrounds about them." Kataro explained the overall hierarchy of the school to Kumagawa

"I see... so wouldn't that make me Impure?" Kumagawa said while pointing at himself.

"Wait what?! Misogi-san your impure?!!" Katoro widened his eyes in shock.

"AGH!, YOUR WORDING!, PEOPLE WILL GET THE WRONG IDEA!" Kumagawa immediately rebuked and hand chopped Katoro's head.


Rubbing the sore spot on his head, Kataro apologized and continued on with their conversation.

"Ah, Sorry, but is true you really are impure?"


"They really need to get a new name for this hierarchy... Yeah I'm what you may consider an [Impure student]."


Kataro also sighed with Kumagawa but it was for a different reason, holding his right hand out towards Kumagawa.

"Well, we Impure students got to stick together, do wanna go eat lunch together Misogi?"

Seeing that Kataro was trying to make friends with him, Kumagawa smirked for a moment and shook his hand.

"Sure why not, i only ate melon bread and im still feeling hungry, I'm thinking of getting some hamburger"

Walking towards the main building of the school where the cafeteria is located Kataro started some small talk with Kumagawa.

"So, Misogi why did you join Shuchi'in Academy?"

"I dont know i just felt like it"

"You mean, you passed the 91% failure enrollment exam just because you felt like?!" Kataro remarked, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.


*Face Palm*

"Are you sure your not part of some secret noble family?!" Kataro suspiciously asked



"Is the only thing you say is Yup!?!"


"Do you love me?!" Kataro asked a trick question while acting like a fair maiden who just got confessed by her one true love.


Just as Kumagawa was about to answer he quickly realized the trick question and quickly elbowed Kataro's side.

"Buahahaha, Misogi you almost fell for it." Kataro laughed his ass, seeing that his trick almost worked


(We just met for like ten minutes ago and he's already being so friendly with me, just how naive is this guy? now i know why he already got targeted by the Akio guy.) Kumagawa thought to himself before ignoring Kataro's laugh in the background

"Misogi, i want to to keep this secret between men" Kataro whispered into Kumagawa's wear before checking his surroundings.

Hearing this Kumagawa raised his eyebrow then stopped and listened to what he has about to say.

"Which do you prefer Boobs or Ass?" Kataro whispered the age old question know, till the end of time.

". . ."





In the moment of silence a single word was heard from the mouth of the great Kumagawa.


Hearing the most sacred answer imaginable Kataro put his knee on the ground and spoke with in great honor in voice.

"I'm honored to witness such a high ranking cultured individual."


Kumagawa hand chopped Kataro head again before silently walking past him and pretended like they never met before.

"Hey! wait up Misogi!"



But Kumagawa just ignored him and continued walking towards the cafeteria with hurried steps.


With Kataro's words becoming more faint with every step Kumagawa was able to the hallway that was leading to the cafeteria and right at the end of the hall way is a large dark wooden door with a sign labeled cafeteria on top of it.

Just as he was about to the grab the handle the door suddenly moved toward him hitting him in the process.


Feeling that something was wrong when she opened the door a beautiful, fair-skinned young girl with long black hair with a large red ribbon tying it up suddenly looked at what she just hit.

"Ahh, are you okay?!" the young girl quickly checked if Kumagawa was alright.

Seeing that the boy infront of her wasn't noticable injured, the young girl breath a sigh of relief before apologizing.

"I'm sorry, i didn't know that you were just behind the door."

Out of know where a young girl with blonde hair with blue eyes spoke with worry on her voice.

"Kaguya-sama are you okay?!"

"Hayasaka! give him medical compensation right now!" Hearing the call of her trusty maid Kaguya quickly asked her to give Kumagawa some money to pay for any injuries.

"Okay..." Hayasaka quickly took out a stack of 10,000 yen bills from her pocket and quickly gave it to Kumagawa.

Seeing that he was being handed out a boat load of money from a girl named Hayasaka, Kumagawa couldn't help but accept the weirdly kind gesture.

Realizing that she forgot why she hurriedly opened the door Kaguya shouted with authority and started running out in the distance

"Hayasaka, hurry i heard that Fujiwara and Prez is currently alone in the office!"

Seeing her mistress, suddenly sprint towards the left wing building as fast as she could towards the student council office, Hayasaka sighed silently before bowing at Kumagawa and sprinted towards Kaguya's direction.

With the accident now over Kumagawa just became a few million yen richer than he currently was before.



"Just how fast do you walk Misogi?!"

Being out of breath from trying to catch-up to Kumagawa's walking speed, Kataro complained, but after looking at what was currently on Kumagawa gasped in shock

(Holy?! Misogi is stacked!!)

Feeling that something was up Kataro asked Kumagawa on why he currently has stack of cash on his hand.

"Misogi didn't you say you were not a part of a prestigious family, then why do you have so much money on your hands?"

"A girl named Kaguya hit me with the door and as compensation she gave this..." Kumagawa spoke with an annoyed tone while swinging the stack of cash at the Kataro's face.


"You mean Shinomiya Kaguya?! the daughter of the Shinomiya Zaibatsu one of the biggest conglomerates in all japan. The company that was said to have about two hundred trillion yen in assets and owns a lot of banks, cars and trains, the Shinomiya Kaguya?!"

Kataro started ranting about some facts about Shinomiya group like how his grandpa used to work at one of their offices but had to retire because of health issues.

"Misogi, your very lucky that you didn't even touch her." Kataro grabbed his shoulder like he was just a meter away from getting killed by a sniper who was hiding two kilometers away from there position.

Getting his hands off his shoulder, pocketed his hard earned cash and asked Kataro a weird question.

"Say Kataro, is it allowed to bring weapons to school?"

"NO! if you got caught smuggling weapons to school then they would automatically get you expelled and arrested for even attempting it!"

"I see..." Kumagawa rubbed his chin before noticing something about the girl named Hayasaka.

(She has a bayonetta knife hidden under her skirt) Kumagawa curiously thought to himself before facing Kataro

"Lets go eat lunch, my treat!"

Hearing that Kumagawa was treating him to lunch, Kataro eyes glimmered in anticipation and they both entered the large cafeteria while the students who were eating there now started looking at the person who made a confrontation against the the ice princess.

Seeing so many eyes looking at him, Kumagawa smiled cheerfully and ignored all of there gazes then looked for a decent burger joint to take his order from.

While Kataro on the other hand was embarassed from being the center of attention for almost all of the students inside the cafeteria but he still kept on following Kumagawa.

"Wick Ronalds, Huh?" Kumagawa was surprised by blatantly obvious copy infringement claim but ignored it and placed his order

"50 cheese burgers, ah no 52 cheese burgers and two large sodas with a large fry please".

Hearing such an absurd amount of cheeseburgers being order by a single person, the female cashier was shocked for a moment before placing his order on the waiting

"Would you be willing to wait 10 minute for us to take care of your order?"


"Okay then it would be 10,700 yen, do you want to use credit card or cash?"

"Credit Card"

"Then please swipe it here" Female cashier said politely while pointing at the payment terminal.

Taking out his wallet from his other pocket, Kumagawa swiped his credit card at it making the transaction complete


"Okay, then please wait for us in about 10 minutes we will call you when the order is finished"

After 10 minutes of waiting, his order was done and now he is currently holding a tray filled with a mountain of burgers while, Kataro is holding the drinks and fries to there table.

Finally sitting at there table where no one else but them was currently sitting, Kataro made a comment.

"I don't get it Misogi why did you use your credit card, when you obviously have cash on you?"

Kumagawa looked at Kataro like he was an idiot and unwrapped one of cheeseburgers and ate without any care for the world.

"and also are you really gonna eat all of that?!"



Taking a sip from his large soda, Kumagawa was finally able to talk normally and gave him two cheeseburgers from the burger mountain that was sitting on his tray.

"Go eat, didn't i say it was my treat?"

"But you still haven't answered my question?!"

"Oh you mean this?" Kumagawa showed Kataro the stack of cash that her got before and placed it on the table.

Seeing the money Kataro became even more confused.

"I just felt like giving it to you." Kumagawa nonchalant said while pushing the money towards Kataro and continued eating a cheeseburger every minute.

"But why?! you barely even know me? my grandpa said there's no such thing a free lunch, there is always a price for something"

(Oh, so he wasn't naive as i thought...)

Stopping his speed eating just for a moment, Kumagawa looked at Kataro in the eyes.




"Because i want too." Kumagawa openly smiled and continued eating his buffet.

Hearing such a simple reply, Kataro couldn't believe it, and looked at the money that was laying on the table in front of him with tears on his eyes.

"I still don't get you Misogi" Kataro whispered silently to himself before taking the stack of cash and putting it on his pocket.

"Thank you, Misogi... I will be sure to pay you back one day" Kataro promised himself

But Kumagawa just waved it off and continued eating.

(I can finally pay off mother's debts and her medical fee's with this...) Kataro happily thought, while eyeing the two cheese burgers and then started eating joyfully knowing that some of his worries are solved.




Hearing a weird sound coming from there surroundings Kataro, asked Kumagawa if he also heard but it just disappeared like just appeared

"Misogi, did you hear that?"

After a moment of silence a girl's scream was heard throught the large cafeteria.


Kataro hearing a girl screaming, quickly stood up from his seat and looked behind him.

(A Corpse?) Kataro looked at a female student with brownish hair is currently impaled into the floor with a screw as large as a person's arm with horror in his face.

*Boyish and Girlish Screams*






[Author: I'm making a simple vote, comment on this paragraph, if you want to add some anime that Kumagawa is going to go next.]

[Akame ga Kill]

[Jujustu Kaisen]

[Seven Deadly Sins]

[Bocchi The Rock!]

[One Punch Man]