
(9) Story Time By Beth

"So you are saying that the tooth fairy is going to visit me?!" A little girl asked Charlie. Her blonde hair was put into pigtails and she was wearing two pink ribbons on each of the tails. She was grinning so widely, so happy, that she showed off her teeth with a missing tooth.

She's not from my daycare, that's for sure.

"YUP!" Charlie beamed happily as he wiggles, yes wiggles, his butt. "And I bet that she's going to leave a gift!"

"A gift??" She gasped, "Is the tooth fairy Santa Clause?!"

If tooth fairy is a girl, why the heck would she be Santa Clause? -Oh I don't know, she's probably cosplaying. That would be so cool.

"No, but she is actually a close friend of Santa Clause" He gasped amusingly, "Just like how I am close with Santa Clause!"

"You're a fairy?!" Her eyes widened with amusement written all over her face.


"But you're a boy..." She suddenly frowned, "In a dress."


"Who said boys' can't wear one?" He asked, laughing awkwardly.

Her answer made me gape at the young lady. "Society."


"Well, that's society." He wiggled his butt, "In this amazing and magical place, there's no racism, sexism, and any other -ism!"

Her eyes sparkled, "That is amazing!"

"It is!"

"Jemma?" An older woman called out, carrying a lot of paper bags on her hands and care keys hanging on her fingers.

"Bye-bye Mr. Fairy! My mommy's looking for me!"

"Let your spirit fly!" He grabbed a fistful of glitter and sparkled it above her, "Goodbye!"

"Yaaaay!" She cheered, smiling so widely, and started jumping around, "I'm going to see Peter Pan!"

"Jemma, let's go." Her mom unlocked their car.

"B-bye!" Jemma grinned, before running towards their car while shouting, "Mommy! I want to go to that amazing and magical place!"

"Whatever you say hunny-" And the car door was slammed close.

I think Charlie just got his first customer.

"Good job!" I grinned, coming out of my shop and walk beside him. "You're doing great!"

He smirked, "It's me after all."

I chuckled, before looking at him with a serious expression. "Are you sure that you want to wear that here?"

And here means -> Outside the shop, in front of the shop and across the Denovan Mall. -which is one of the most famous malls by the way.

"It's not like I have a choice." He rubbed his neck, "But hey, it's fun!"

"Whatever you say, Charlie, whatever you say." I chuckled, walking back inside my shop.

"Hey, Vanch!"

I turn around and faced him, "What?"

"Thank you." And with that, he gave me the million-dollar smile I love so much.

"No probs." I smiled back, before heading back inside. No problem.

I was about to enter my office when I saw a random bag sitting on the floor.

It probably belongs to one of the children, damn!

I picked it up using the handle. "Oh come on guys, I told you not to leave you-" And it fell. Apparently, it was open and all its contents fell. Great.

Sighing loudly, I bent down and started putting the things back in the bag.

One particular stuff stopped me though. I froze and picked it up.

Oh my gosh.


"Hey Boss, Charlie's using too much glitters and-" Beth paused when she saw what I was holding. "I can explain."

I gawked at the picture. My eyes were so wide that I bet my eyeballs would simply pop out.

Yes, pop out as it would simply pop out.

Yes, as it would simply slide off from my eye socket with blood pouring out and fleshy chunks burst with it too.

A younger-looking Dean kissing a younger-looking Beth on the cheeks.

What the mighty duck that squeaks?!

"Is this... you and Dean?" I asked, still in shock.

No duh, Vanch.

"Like what I said, I can explain." She muttered, walking towards me and gathered all her stuff back in her bag. She looked at the photo and blood rushes in her face.

"If you don't want to explain, it's okay." I mean, I can always ask Dean...

She looked at me smugly, "I know you'll ask him about this."

Darn it.

"Well, I'm like a sister to you since you moved here 3 years ago. I think I deserve a lil' bit of drama." I winked.

Chuckling, she sighed silently and picked up the photo from my grasp. "Just like what I said before, he was my brother's best friend. He and my brother were 3 years older than me, and I had the biggest crush on him for years."

We walked inside my office as she continues, "We were uh, close too. When I was a freshman in high school, he told me that he liked me. I had a huge crush on him since we were toddlers, so yeah, I told him that I didn't like him, I loved him."

We took a sit on my sofa. "We started dating in secret, he said that he doesn't want my brother to know since it would break their friendship."

She smiled sadly, "I loved him, and like what any other 7th grader would do, I agreed." She whispered, "The biggest mistake I've ever done."

She fidgets with her hands, "It was summer, I was starting sophomore year soon while he and my brother would go to college. I was fine with an LDR, but he wasn't ready for-"

"Wait, wait, wait." I cut off, "What's an LDR?"

She chuckled, "Long Distance Relationship."

"Oh... okay, continue." I smiled sheepishly.

Nodding, she did. "Like what I said, I was ready for a long-distance relationship, but he wasn't ready with it. He said that it's college and he wants to experience everything. He said that we were too young for a serious relationship. So he dumped me."

That butt hole!

"And a day after that, he and my brother left, saying they want to explore the place before the semester starts. My brother said goodbye while he didn't. My brother, Bart, told me that Dean was already in the airport and told him to send his regards to all of us."

That asshole!

"I tried calling him for days, but he didn't answer. Then a week after they left, Dean sent a photo for me in an email." She paused, "It was a picture of him and my brother in a nightclub, with girls surrounding them. With a caption of -> Having fun. What about you?"

That piece of dog-piled poop!

"Please tell me that you didn't reply to it."

She shook her head, "Hell no. I blocked him on every social media I use and even on my phone. I packed my bags and left, moving here in Denovan with the reason of "I'm trying to be independent for the future." And they believed it. My parents were always busy with their business, so they just gave me money and paid my boarding school."

But she was just 15...

"And tada! You've met me and I met you. You cared for me and I cared for you." She grinned, "And now that he's here, which I have no idea why I don't give a duck. I have no feelings for him."

U-huh? "Not even a little bit?"

"Just anger." Something flashed in her eyes, "And hatred." She put her chin up high before smiling non-humoristically. "But other than that, nothing."

"Whatever you say, Beth, whatever you say," I said unsurely while planning on how to kill Dean -not literally, but you get my point.