
The Bad Boy Calls Me Cupacake

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss Naveah Brooks Just your average good girl. She's got the grades, the looks and an unhealthy obsession with cupcakes, the good girl cliche so to speak. Has never had any sort of interest in "love" and is willing to keep it that way. Then Nathaniel King comes to the picture and turns her life upside down, literally. Two stubborn souls in Highschool and a really delicious cupcake. Would they be able to change their perspective on Love? WARNING Mature Language Cliche to the core

Vintage_Panda · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

13. Special


"Daddy!!!" I run up to a grinning brown haired man who picks me up and twirls me in his arms. "My princess" he hugs me and kisses my cheek then puts me down.

Suddenly I hear a scream from a distance. I turn to the direction where the sound is coming from and I see the same tall figure that stood in front of me a few seconds ago and my...mother?

"You bitch" he slaps her across the face. "Don't you dare call me that you bastard. You put it inside of me now you can't take care of it?"

No, not this again.

"You're crazy, I can't stay here anymore. You fucked up Racheal. You had to go through with that pregnancy when you clearly knew we weren't ready for it! I've lost everything! My job, my family! And it's all your fault! And you're here blaming me, saying I'm the problem?. You're insane!" He screams at her.

"What did you want me to do?! Kill the baby? No you're the crazy one! You're a coward, it's your job to take care of her and you're running away?! You don't deserve her, you don't deserve to see her, to touch her, to breathe the same air she does. You don't deserve to be called her father! Get the fuck out of my house or I'm calling the police!" My mom screams back at him at the top of her lungs.

I couldn't watch this anymore. I can't watch this. I ran up to him and hug his arm. "Daddy please don't go!" I begin to sob. "Not now princess, go to you're room." He says glaring at my mother.

"Did I fucking stutter? I said get out of my house you idiot!" She says. Tears pouring down her face. "Daddy please don't leave me" I sob next to him. "I'll be back princess. I love you" he kisses my forehead. "Promise me daddy! Promise that you'll come back" I sob uncontrollably

A tear rolls down his face. "I promise princess. I'll be back for you" He hugs me before closing the door shut.

My mom screams and falls down to the ground, with her hands on her face. She suddenly looks up at me. Anger written all over.

"You! It's all your fault you little bitch!" She says getting up. I try running away but she caught me. "You caused this!" She says, her hand colliding with my cheek.

"None of this would've happened if you didn't happen" She takes the remote on the table and throws it at me. Hitting my upper lip. She kicks me everywhere and I couldn't help but scream.



"Cupcake, please wake up"

*end of flashback*

My eyes suddenly shoot open.

I'm taken aback from the brightness of the room. When I finally get used the light and begin to breathe properly, I looked up and saw beautiful brown eyes staring back at me.

"Shit, cupcake you're crying" he says using his thumb to clean tears I didn't know were rolling down my cheeks.

He hands me a glass of water and I gulp it down. The cool liquid pouring down my throat. I winced as a wave of pain came crashing down on me

"Oh you're finally up Miss Brooks" I didn't notice when the middle aged nurse walked in. She handed me some pills and more water. I could feel his burning gaze at the side of my head.

"You hit your head pretty hard darling, you had a concussion and were unconscious for 2 days" she informed me.

Shit. 2 days?

Then all the events that happened that day hit me. My stubborn ass wouldn't go into the car like he asked me to. My stubborn ass refused to get into the car.

"Don't worry dear, your visitors left a few hours ago but your boyfriend has been here with you since you got here." she whispered motioning to Nathaniel's direction

I froze at her choice of words but couldn't find it in me to correct her. Bold of her to assume he's my boyfriend.

"You'd need a few check ups then you're free to leave but I'd need an adult or guardian to sign you out. Preferably a parent" she says smiling softly

"That won't be necessary" His voice resonates through the white walls of the room. "I'll sign the thing and take her home myself" he adds not looking in my direction.

"I'm afraid I can't do tha.."

"you said you needed an adult to sign it right? I'm 18, I'll sign it" he interrupts

She agrees begrudgingly and soon enough I'm in Nathaniel's car on my way to my house. The car ride is awkwardly quiet, Nathaniel hasn't spoken to me since we left the hospital and I'm not willing to say anything either.

"Thank you" I finally say, couldn't take the silence much longer. He finally looks at me keeping eye contact for a second and then turning back to the road.

He doesn't say anything and I don't bother saying anything else either. We finally stop at my house and we stay there. My mind keeps going back to what happened before the incident.

"I'm sorry" Nathaniel finally speaks. "What for" I turn to look at getting caught in his beautiful brown gaze, to intense to look away. What could he possibly be apologizing for. If anything I should be the one saying sorry for being such a block head and not listening to him when he offered a ride.

He looks away, shutting his eyes closed and reopening them, fisting and releasing his fists, his leg bouncing unconsciously. He looks like he's having a mental battle. He keeps opening and closing his mouth in an attempt to say something but nothing's leaving his lips, so I save him stress and speak up.

"You're not supposed to be the one apologizing here King, hell, this whole thing is my fault. I'm sorry I was being so stubborn and for being an inconvenience. The nurse told me you hadn't left the hospital since we got there. You didn't have to do that"

"No cupcake, you're everything but an inconvenience, I'd be with you even if you push me away a million times, I'm not going anywhere, I'd be here with you. I care about you too much. Much more than I intended to" he lifts his palm and caresses my cheek "You're special to me Naveah, you have no fucking idea" he repeats the same words he said to me that day in his bedroom. I don't know what to say, I stay frozen in my spot too stunned to speak, blood creeping up my cheeks turning them crimson.

"Next time listen to what I say cupcake or you might end up breaking that thick skull of yours" he smirks and I roll my eyes, I couldn't help the smile creeping up on my face.

"Oh fuck off" I couldn't help the smile in my tone, he just had to say something stupid

"Thanks fuckface, for everything" gave him a peck on the cheek and left the car.

"Anytime cupcake" he smiles back. He hardly ever smiles and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

And with that I disappeared into the suffocating walls I call a home.


~Hey guys :)