
The Bad Boy And The Bad Girl

dream_in_neverland · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Katy's Pov: I wake up to my annoying brother. I get out of bed and go to my closet. I pick out black skinny jeans with a white shirt. I go to the bathroom and brush out my hair. I go back to my room and put on my black leather jacket. I grab my backpack and walk down the stairs. My brother looks at me and says you look tired. Thanks I am really tired. I didn't sleep that good I was up thinking about something that I can't explain I say.

Oh my brother says. Let's go I don't want to be late and get yelled at by you I say. Hahaha, very funny says Derek. (Katy's brother) It's true but it's your fault, but I get blamed for your mistakes I say. We walk to the car. I hop in and drive to school. (10 minutes later) We get to school. I park the car. I hop out and Derek says keys are mine. I look at him and say they are mine. Derek rolls his eyes. I will leave you after school I say.

No thank you says Derek. Okay, don't roll your eyes at me again I say. Okay says Derek. We walk into the school and I see three new boys. I wanted to walk up to them and say hi, but my brother would flip. I walk past them. I walk to my locker and open it, then this kid that I was earlier comes up and closes my locker. I turn around and say who and the flip do you think you are. Me I'm the kid everyone hates, what about you he snaps back.

You don't want to know I snap back. Very funny, who are you the boy says. You have to wait and see I say walking away. Why the boy says. Because if I told you now, it wouldn't be a surprise would it I say. I left the boy standing there confused. I walk into Art, my favorite class of the day. I get my drawing book out of my backpack. I get the rest of my art materials in the front of the class. I sit back down and draw what the teacher said and it is a dog sitting down.

I done the head first, then the body. Last but not least I did the legs. I finished and went up to the teacher and handed her my work. Very impressed Katy says my art teacher. Thanks I say and go back to the table. The bell rings and I go to second hour, which I hate math. I don't understand any of it. I walk into class and this kid named Jack says look who showed up. Yeah I'm here what are you going to do about it I say. You are asking for trouble Jack says. I am trouble I say and walk away.

I sit in my seat and the teacher comes in. The bell rings a minute later and I'm like where and the world is my brother I say to myself. I raise my hand and the teacher says yes Katy. Can I use the restroom I say. Yes the teacher says. I get up and leave. I go down the hall and I found my brother and 3 other boys. Hey jerks I yell. They all turn there heads. I see a familar face. That's when it hit me the boy that shut my locker. How about you get out of here, before I hurt you says the boy with brown hair. Okay come at me I say.

Okay how ever you are, you need to get the fuck out of here says the kid with pink hair. No let the kid go and then I will leave I say. God you don't listen do you the kid with brown hair says. No I don't isten I say. I walk up the the kid with brown haor and thump him in the nose. I grab my brother and leave. We walk back to class and the teacher says where were you. In the office my brother was in there I say lying. My brother gives me a death glare and sits in his seat. I sit down and the teacher gives us our homework. I finished it.

The bell rings and I go to third hour which is science. I walk down the hall and into class. I sit in my seat. I get a text from my brother. M-me B-brother

B- Stupid are you trying to get yourself in trouble.

M-Maybe, okay you weren't in class, so I decided to come and look for you. I'm not stupid, I'm the schools bad girl for your record.

B- No dip sherlock. I know, you need to stop getting in trouble you are making things worse for yourself.

M-Okay, I'm not stopping, I have only began.

The bell rings and I put my phone away. I listen to the teacher. Science is a shitty class. We are watching a movie, It's better than working. I started to watch the movie, then decided to grab my art book and doodle. My phone goes off and I look at it. It was my brother. M-me B-brother

B- The kid that you punched in the face, has the principal with him and he asked if anyone saw her, well I'm your brother, I can't lie now can I sis.

M- Okay tell the principal that it was me, he won't do anything to me.

I put my phone away and continue to draw. My phone lite up.

B- Okay, he is on his way down.

M- Okay thanks.

I put my phone away like nothing happened. I turn around and the principal was talking to the teacher. The principal says come with me please. I get up and follow him. We get to his office. I sit down. The principal says why did you hit the new student. Because he was picking on my brother. Oh so you think it gives you the right to hit someone every time, they pick on your brother says the principal says. That pretty much sums it up I say. Well it doesn't Mrs. Jackson, how about we walk to where the new kid is and say sorry says the principal. Okay I say.

What the fuck the most stupid stuff I've ever heard, why would I want to say sorry to the new kid, he hurt my brother for god sakes. School sucks ass. I want to go home and wish the new kids never came. I love being the bad girl of the school. But there is only one problem, I have to share my school with a bad boy.