
Ep.5: Chapter 14: Premonition

I'm sitting in the classroom now. This is the spot where I sat yesterday.

I have the same situation as yesterday, too. The seven guys are still here. Sitting on the chairs near me. Lingering around as if I'm going to disappear. Yet, escaping from their sight is impossible.

Why are they still here? Is it because of me again? Why are they putting so much effort into being active in looking after me? How was that became possible to happen that I got seven guys beside me to protect me?

I'm very curious to know who they truly are in my life. Why are they taking the role of being responsible for keeping me safe and sound?

If it's true that they are not originally from this classroom, they shouldn't be here. This is what I'm thinking as it is what I've understood about how the class students here reacted yesterday the minute that one of these students saw them joining the class. Why are teachers letting them do whatever they want?

Right now, I can say that they are a blessing to me. I honestly don't know how to survive in this place without them. I just hope they won't just turn into the opposite in the future.

It's rather early for the first subject class, hence a teacher is not present at the moment.

I'm scribbling on a paper while I wait for the time to pass. Simultaneously letting myself sink into deep thoughts about how should I ask these guys. I couldn't think of any possible way considering I can not just ask them to talk privately. I don't know them yet to trust them like that. I can not be with them somewhere private bearing in mind that they are guys and I am a lady.

I sighed deeply.

I took a piece of chocolate from my bag, opened it with my hands, and started to eat it. I always bring chocolates in my bag. This is my comfort food. Thinking so much is stressing me out. I need one of these.

"Hey, Jelly Bean! I want that, too. Give me one!" Demanded by one of these guys.

Jelly Bean? Who was that Jelly Bean this guy was talking to? It couldn't be me. I also don't think it was someone from their group. Men do not usually patronize call signs with each other on grounds of it disgusts them, unless with their opposite gender.

I quickly went into realizing that it could be me because I was the only one here who bring out something to eat. If this guy was asking for something else from someone else, what and who else could it be?

I turned my head to look at the Asian-American-looking guy to find out who he was talking to. He was looking at me, too. So, I was right. It was me who he was asking.

I turned my head back to my front like I heard and saw nothing. Jelly Bean is not my name after all. So I must not be the one to whom he was referring. He must not be talking to me, too.

I continued to eat my chocolate.

"You're so mean, Jelaine!" He, then, grumbled.

Now, that's my name.

I spun my head to the left again and eyed the guy for the second time. I've caught him louring like a child.

"How am I being mean? You're not asking from me, you're asking from Jelly Bean." I rotated my head back to my front and then speak again. "It's not me."

I heard the other guys laugh.

"Dude, I'm being a sweet friend calling you a cute name so I could sound politely and sweet and cute!" The guy replied, trying to justify himself.

"Refer to her properly, dude! She doesn't like you being a sweet friend and calling her a cute name and sounding polite, sweet, and cute." Said someone from these seven. With that, they started to laugh off. The sound of the voice points out a person in my head. I think it was the one who got the anime character look.

I kind of memorized their voices and faces already. All I need now are names to be able to call them properly and refer to them easily.

"Being and sounding polite, sweet, and cute is not our thing, bro!" One guy mocked and then it initiated a noise of their laughter again. I also recognized the voice at this time. It was the one who owns the acrimonious eyes.

I sighed as a sign of surrender. I decided to get a piece of chocolate from my bag for the guy already. It's not going to be in the character of me being stingy.

"Here." I stretched my arms to give it to him. "Because I'm not mean."

He immediately received it, snatching it fast with his hands from mine as if I'm going to change my mind in a few seconds.

"Thanks, Jelly Bean. You're indeed a kind angel!" He, then, commended.

I rolled my eyes after hearing this guy calling me that way once more and I know what he's talking about on that 'kind angel' thing. I guess, imitating the words that came from my mouth back there at the cafeteria is not ending there.

"It turned out that you are the mean one, dude!" I heard the gentle-faced guy comment.

"How about us?" I deemed at the guy beside me. This guy that I still turbid what name is. It was Basileus or the other name I heard that I hate saying.

This is actual abuse, don't they know? They have to be thankful I'm grateful for all the kindness they've done and shown to me from yesterday. If not, I wouldn't be in a position of not having an option to refuse. I almost forgot that I suppose to thank them as well for all the favors. Giving them something can be a sort of way to do it. I guess this is enough for an initial. I conceive a formal thanks is rather needed and it's important to carry out the moment I stumble upon a chance.

Good thing that I have brought a lot. I'm used to bringing and keeping a lot of these in my bag forasmuch as my best friends also ask for these at my previous school each time they see me eating one.

I took a handful of small pieces of packed chocolates out of my bag and placed them on Basileus's desk in the absence of being active on being attentive. I heard him getting them from his desk and cobbled each at each one of his friends. I also harked them thanking me as they got it. They have such superficial happiness. Such as little kids.

Well, except the guy right at my other side. Theos. He probably wouldn't understand and appreciate the vibe just now. Basileus did not give him one of the chocolates that I gave. I know because my ears are observing. I'm sure they're completely clued up he wouldn't take part in this kind of gesture. Just like the other guy right there beside him.

He is one other guy who behaves like Theos and rarely talks but I think he likes chocolate just like us. He's eating one as well, though he is not joining the fun talk of his friends.

"The cruelest part of being a student is when you came so much earlier than expected time for class and the teacher comes at the set hours for their subject class or decides to come early too because students are all present yet." The anime-character-looking uttered out of nowhere.

He does have a point though.

"You've got it right, Nine! You're so smart. You're getting a hundred percent grade on the subject 'facts and fucks'." Basileus said, making fun of his friend.

Finally, I heard a name. So this guy who has a face of sketch-like anime character face is Nine. He has a unique name.

They laughed. I wanted to laugh, too. As we all know that that subject doesn't exist. However, it wouldn't be appropriate if I laugh with them. I just held it back.

"Facts and fucks, my ass, dude!"

I realized something one of a sudden. The way I acted in front of them earlier was not appropriate as well. I must not treat anyone of them like that. I should not give them a reason to get mad at me and propel them to turn their back on me to lead them to aim to become my foes. I shouldn't do something to create disarray between us. I'm too clumsy to deal with this kind of situation. It's good that they did not take it seriously. Nevertheless, I'm not too sure. I hope this Asian-American-faced guy is not holding any grudge.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. I turned it silent as I'm going to the entire day for class at school. I knew it was a message from our group thread with my best friends. I'm not too friendly to have a lot of friends apart from them, so there's no one else I can expect a message from.

I took my phone from my bag and checked the message out. I found out that it was not a message from our group thread, but a message from Zekeine alone who is one of my best friends.


"Don't you have any thoughts about it yet?"

At first, I didn't understand what was it she asked in the message she sent me. For that reason, I reiterated to read her message in my mind. I thought about her question carefully but that did not enable me to decipher anything hitherto.

I turned curious. I created and sent an immediate response to her. It might be about something important. I needed to ask her to know about it.


"About what?"

I, then, received a reply from her right away.


"About the name of the school."

Then, I responded again after reading her message.


"What about it?"

She replied fastly.


"The name of your school!!!"

The name of my school? What is she talking about? I'm starting to get irritated with this conversation. She is making it long.


"Just tell me what it is you're trying to tell me!"

I rolled my eyes as I sent my response.

Then, there came a message from her again.


"Gosh! The name of your school and your fiancé's last name, girl!"

I frowned.

I typed in a reply to her.


"But according to the rumors, its origin is from the word echo, right? Echo, because the school aims to ring like a buzz in fame."

Then her next response to my message made me dive into profound thinking.


"Think about it, girl. Why did your mom bring you there in the very first place?"

I can not even ignore Zekeine's idea since it also happened that I heard that familiar name here in this school again after a long time of avoiding hearing it.

She has a point. Why haven't I thought about it without her telling me? After all, they are indeed the same names.

The premonition that grazed my thoughts is levitating in my head again and it's bothering me to death.

I silently looked at this guy on my left, beside me. Is he Jeon?

Was this the main reason why my mom decided to bring me to this place?