
Chapter 4: Shadows of Summer Break

The final days of school before summer break always carried a palpable sense of anticipation. Students buzzed with excitement, making plans for vacations, parties, and time away from the daily grind. For Liam, however, it was a time of mixed emotions. The prospect of three months away from his tormentors was a relief, but the abuse he suffered daily seemed to reach its peak before the break, as if his bullies wanted to ensure he remembered his place.

Liam walked into the school building with a sense of foreboding. He knew today wouldn't be easy. The hallways were filled with the usual chatter, but he felt disconnected from it all, a spectator in a world that had never welcomed him.

As he reached his locker, a group of jocks and cheerleaders loitered nearby. He braced himself for the inevitable.

"Hey, freak show, get over here," called out Brad, the captain of the football team. His voice dripped with disdain. "Ready for summer break? Got any big plans, like staying home and crying?"

The group erupted in laughter. Liam's jaw tightened, but he kept his eyes on his locker, trying to ignore them.

"Hey, Liam, did your mom finally dump you at the orphanage?" Jason, another football player, taunted. "Or is she still working three jobs just to keep you in those rags you call clothes?"

Liam's fists clenched at his sides, the anger simmering beneath the surface. But he knew that retaliating would only make things worse. So, he gritted his teeth and tried to block out their cruel words, focusing instead on the task at hand.

"Look at him, he's probably never even talked to a girl," sneered Emily, one of the cheerleaders. "Hey, Liam, do you even know what deodorant is? You smell like a dumpster fire."

Liam tried to keep his head down, to avoid drawing any more attention to himself. But the bullies weren't satisfied with just words.

One of them, a burly jock named Tyler, stepped forward, blocking Liam's path with a menacing grin. "What's the matter, Liam? Cat got your tongue?"

Liam stumbled backward, his books scattering across the floor. He felt a surge of anger rising within him, a burning desire to fight back against his tormentors.

"Leave me alone," Liam said quietly, his voice barely audible.

"What was that?" Brad stepped closer, towering over Liam. "Did you just talk back to me?"

Liam looked up, meeting Brad's gaze. "Yeah, I did. Just leave me alone."

The hallway went silent as everyone turned to watch the exchange. Brad's face twisted in anger. "You think you're tough now? You think you can talk to me like that?"

Liam's heart pounded, but he felt a strange sense of calm wash over him. He knew something they didn't. The power he had discovered in his dreams gave him a newfound confidence, a dark, hidden strength that he could feel pulsing just beneath the surface.

"I'm not scared of you," Liam said quietly, his voice steady.

Brad's eyes flashed with rage. "You will be."


The school day dragged on, each class a blur as Liam's mind wandered. He couldn't stop thinking about the backrooms, the power that had seeped into his very being. He could feel it growing stronger with each passing hour, a dark force that promised retribution against those who had tormented him for so long.

In history class, Mr. Benson droned on about the Civil War, but Liam's thoughts were elsewhere. He envisioned himself summoning horrors from the backrooms, watching as his bullies cowered in fear. He imagined the looks on their faces as they realized they were no longer in control.

"Liam, are you paying attention?" Mr. Benson's voice cut through his reverie.

Liam snapped back to reality. "Yes, sir."

"Then perhaps you can tell us the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation?"

Liam paused, his mind racing to recall the details. "It... it declared the freedom of all slaves in Confederate-held territory."

Mr. Benson nodded, satisfied. "Correct. Now, let's continue."

As the class resumed, Liam glanced out the window, his thoughts drifting once again. The power within him was growing, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he could unleash it.


The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Students poured out of classrooms, eager to begin their summer break. Liam took his time gathering his things, knowing that the worst was yet to come.

As he made his way to the exit, he saw Brad and the rest of the football team waiting for him. They had cornered him in this same spot countless times before, but today felt different. There was a sense of finality in the air, as if this confrontation would be their last.

"Well, well, look who it is," Brad sneered. "Thought you could get away with talking back to me, huh?"

Liam stood his ground, a dark smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I'm not afraid of you, Brad."

The football captain's face twisted with rage. "You're gonna wish you never said that."

Before Liam could react, Brad's fist connected with his stomach, doubling him over in pain. The other players joined in, kicking and punching him mercilessly. But through the pain, Liam kept that maniacal smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with a strange, unsettling light.

"Look at this freak," Tyler jeered. "I bet your dad left because he couldn't stand to look at you."

"Yeah, and your mom probably wishes she had left with him," Jason added, laughing cruelly.

"You're nothing, Liam," Brad spat, punctuating each word with a punch. "A worthless piece of trash."

Despite the pain and the brutality, Liam's smile only widened. He endured the beating in silence, his mind filled with thoughts of the power he now wielded. *This is the last time you'll ever hurt me,* he thought, enduring the beating in silence. *Soon, you'll all pay.*


Liam lay on the ground, battered and bruised, as the football team finally relented. Brad looked down at him, a smirk on his face. "Remember this, loser. You're nothing. You'll always be nothing."

The group walked away, laughing and high-fiving each other, leaving Liam alone in the hallway. Slowly, he got to his feet, wincing at the pain but feeling a sense of triumph. He had endured their worst, and soon, he would show them what true power looked like.

just kidding, I finished my lunch so I was bored and made the next one, aren’t I great? have a good day

Tiamat372creators' thoughts
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