
The Azkaban Resistance

Twenty-five years after the demise of Albus Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic is under the dark grip of Lord Voldemort. In this turbulent era, those who resist Voldemort's rule rally under the leadership of Harry Potter, once an Auror and now the formidable ruler of Azkaban Island. Join the rebellion in this gripping tale of courage, magic, and defiance against tyranny. Welcome to my Patreon! I'm Jon Snow, and I'm thrilled to share exclusive advance chapters of my compelling stories with you. Dive into the world of magic, rebellion, and adventure as we journey through captivating narratives together. By supporting me on Patreon, you'll unlock early access to chapters and gain behind-the-scenes insights into my creative process. Join our community of readers and be part of the storytelling experience. Let's embark on this exciting journey at patreon.com/JonSnow007! Thank you for your support.

JonSnow_44 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 6: Attack on Morsmordre Prison: Part Two

Raider Team 1

Harry Potter: Medium hight, emerald green eyes, charcoal black hair, streaks of grey

Jordan: Forties, woman, voluptuous, smoky green eyes, glossy dark hair

Robert: Seventies, limping left leg, greyed man, auburn hair

Davis: Newbie, twenties, determined to do well, brown scruffy hair, dark brown eyes, medium height

Bowden- Woman, eighties, greyed, former Auror Instructor at Ministry, small height

Raider Team 4

Kingsley Shackelbolt: Dark Skin, gold earring, tall and strong

Elie: Pale albino woman, pink eyes, pale skin, white hair, petite

Collins: Dark blue eyes, sixties, grey streak in dark hair, medium height

Woods: Forties, arrogant but liked, dark hair, mocking battle style, medium height

Haldeman: Newbie, short blonde hair, nervous grey eyes, tall

Warning: This chapter contains violence and graphic material. You have been warned.

This is called a warning, which not only makes sure the reader is aware of any potential graphic material, but covers my own arse from the Mods.

"Fuck!" Harry swore violently as the piercing alarms ran through the fortress, shrieking madly as Auror's rushed from their sleeping quarters half-dressed, their wands out and ready, streaming into the ground floor from different doors. On the third floor, Harry could see them swarming about, looking up as Kingsley's team slammed through the last of the Auror guards on that level and began to send down streaks of coloured magic at the Auror's, who dodged and shielded themselves and hurled dangerous curses right back up at them. He whirled around and saw Bowden, Davis and Robert moving across the walkways at a jog, their wands poised and ready.

"Sir, what happened?" Davis yelled over the shrieking alarms.

"I don't know," Harry answered loudly. He involuntarily flinched as an orb of sparkling and cackling blue-green magic soared from below, right past the walkway he was on, and exploded in a wave of magical sparks and arcs on the catwalk right above them. It creaked ominously; metal screeching as it was its supports were blasted away and gravity ripping through the welding, before it gave a final groan and fell.

Davis dived out of the way while both Harry and Bowden raised their wands. They said nothing, but something that was felt rather than seen, something large and powerful and emanated magical power, burst from their wands. The falling metal suddenly flew through the air, as if its centre of gravity had changed, and landed in a broken heap on the other side of the Third Floor.

"Where's Jordan?" Harry asked Robert; who at that moment was peering down at the battle going on below them on the First Floor and the Courtyard. Kingsley's team had pushed the Auror's back off the First Floor. Three of the four stairways were twisted heaps of rubble, still smoking from the powerful curses that had destroyed them, and Kingsley's team fought at the top and base of the last stairway, taking cover behind the walls and alcoves.

Robert didn't answer but Davis spoke up from the ground, gesturing towards the last of the cells.

"She was in there, last I saw anyway." The man responded shakily, glancing at the scrap metal that had almost ended his life with a visible shudder.

Harry nodded and turned his head to where Davis had gestured, where Jordan was leaving quickly with two muggleborn children in tow. One looked to be only seven, a boy with long strands of blonde hair and watery blue eyes. He was being held in Jordan's arms, while the other was an older girl, about fifteen, with wavy brown hair and fearful green eyes. Jordan noticed Harry's look of surprise and dismay and shrugged half-heartedly as she approached.

"New wards have gone up and they don't let the pre-programmed Portkeys out," Jordan explained. She gestured to the girl by her side. "This is Isabel. The boy in my arms is Michael."

Harry sighed in frustration. It was just plain bad luck that those two muggleborns had been left behind rather than a failure on Jordan's part. Still, luck or not, it would dampen the team's ability to move and fight if they had to be constantly looking out for them. Suddenly, the complex rumbled worryingly as a powerful curse struck the thick fortifications. Dust sifted from the stone walls and the walkways shook and rattled loudly. Below, the fighting only seemed to intensify, and Harry made his decisions.

"Jordan, Use the Imperius Curse and get somebody to look after these two," He ordered slowly as he thought carefully on his strategy. "Bowden, take Davis and go across the pathways and down to Floor One. Repair the bridge and attack those Auror's from behind. We'll back up Kingsley's team and charge them while they're distracted. Go!"

At once, Bowden and Davis sprinted across one of the pathways that connected the two sides of the third floor together, while Jordan chanted something under her breath as she jabbed her wands towards the Auror's they had captured and controlled beforehand. She finished her spells and bent down on her knee to look the little boy in the eye, glancing up towards the girl as she spoke.

"Listen, these men are going to look out for you. Stay behind them at all times," she instructed gently, her green eyes softening as she talked.

"B-But those are the bad men!" The boy said in a shaky voice, glancing fearfully at the unmoving Auror's.

"They listen to me now," Jordan said intently. "They don't have any choice but to obey me,"

"Like mind control?" The girl spoke up in surprise.

"Exactly like mind control. Actually, it is." Jordan agreed quickly. "So stay behind them. If a curse or hex… er, a streak of light, comes close, let it hit them rather than you."

"Above us!" Robert suddenly yelled. His head was craned upwards as he raised his wand, jumping out of the way just in time as a billow of dark purple and black flames roared over where he had been standing. The metal rails caught alight under the onslaught of the dark magical flames and a terrible smell of sulphur and a wave of dizzy-inducing heat seared through the air.

Harry moved quickly, flicking his wand once to dispel the flames and flicking it again to retaliate. The Auror above them had jammed his spell through the metal grating to conjure the wave of flames. This was his undoing, for the few seconds he needed to stand up cost him his life. On Harry's second flick of his wand, a thin slither of magic shot from his wand and soared through the air towards the Auror. It looked vaguely like an arrow head, except that it was made from gleaming solidified yellow magic, which glowed brilliantly as it shot through the air with deadly accuracy. The Auror never made it up as the powerful piercing curse tore through the metal grating as if it were paper, much like the way it tore through the Auror's head a second later. The body fell with a loud thump against the grating as Harry lowered his wand, his eyes quickly scanning the rest of the grating above them.

"Good shot, sir," Robert remarked nonchalantly, while the two children stared in horror at the body, unable to tear their eyes away. A thin dribble of blood had started to form and dripped from the walkway above, slapping against the third floor with a squelching noise, which mingled in with sounds of battle below.

"Jordan, will your Imperius Curse hold on them?" Harry said, ignoring the body as he addressed Jordan.

Jordan nodded with a nasty smile on her face. "I've strengthened the curse and placed a few other spells that weaken the will and dull the mind," she said.

"Good. Order them to look after the kids; we're going to help Kingsley. We'll take the second way out," Harry finished and with a few quick hand sign started moving.

Most of the second floor was completely deserted as Harry and his team moved down the stairs. Over the other side of the courtyard, three Auror bodies lay motionless on the grated metallic walkways. Through the metal grating, Harry could see Kingsley's team huddled behind the walls and cells, their wands returning curses and sending blasts of magic back down at the Auror's. He moved hurriedly forward, glancing to the left to see Bowden and Davis on the other side of the floor, running across the metal pathways to reach the stairs. Both parties reached the stairs at the same time and surged down them.

The first thing Harry saw as he reached the bottom of the steps was a streak of ugly rotten-brown magic that radiated a sense of sickliness and disease soaring towards him. He swished his wand, his mouth automatically mumbling an incantation, and the curse suddenly exploded in a shower of red sparks, rocking the metal grating roughly. Next to Harry, half-covered by a small alcove, Kingsley Shackelbolt sent a burst of red fiery darts from his wand and sent Harry a look of relief and gratitude. The members of Kingsley's team were all pinned down behind small alcoves or in the case of an albino woman, a cell itself. On the ground floor, there were at least thirty Auror's who had milled around the stairs. Some temporary barricades had been placed up, hastily conjured chests and overturned tables, and seven Auror's lay in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, one of them with a large hole in his chest that oozed out dark blood.

Harry immediately ducked into the alcove with Kingsley, while his team successfully leapt for one of the cells, as twenty or so streaks of different coloured curses rocketed towards the steps. They impacted on various sections of the metal pathway and while some disappeared in a shower of sparks, several of them tore through the metal of the stairs leading to the second floor. Sparks flew, not magical sparks, as the metal staircase groaned in protest as before it collapsed with an enormous bang that echoed loudly around the courtyard.

Htook the split-second to glance across the other side of the first floor and saw Davis and Bowden looking at him. The stairway to the ground floor had been repaired, at least, temporarily, and they now hid in one of the cells from the Auror's. Harry nodded and lifted his hand, holding up three fingers. Bowden nodded and started whispering urgently to Davis while Harry turned to Kingsley.

"I need a barrage of curses from everybody, right now!" He ordered quickly but firmly.

Kingsley nodded and stood up. He cupped a hand over his mouth and took a deep breath. "Bombard them!" he roared in determination, and leant across from the alcove with his wand out.

Harry heard several shouted incantations and shouted out his own, a deliberate move to make this sound more intimidating, and suddenly powerful blasts of magic erupted from various positions around the stairs. Some of the power behind the curses was phenomenal and raw magic flittered through the air, cackling in random bursts as the smell of burnt ozone leaked into the air.

On the ground, Auror's yelled in panic as they ducked and dodged the powerful barrage of curses, which impacted on overturned tables and the stone floor. Rock chips burst from the ground as the floor exploded beneath the power of the curses and one of the tables burst into a large fireball. An Auror screamed in agony as the wave of heat produced by the table seared into his skin and jumped up, beating frantically at his clothes with his left hand and clutching his eyes with another. Some Auror's half-heartedly sent a retaliatory barrage of curses, but most of them began the process of casting powerful shielding charms and temporary rune wards as they realised that their opponents were a lot more powerful than they had thought.

In that time, both Bowden and Davis had snuck to the ground floor and attacked the Auror's from behind. Davis was very precise in his attack as he sent a rapid salvo of powerful and quick-casting stunning hexes towards the exposed backs. Several Auror's crumpled and fell to the ground underneath a flash of crimson magic. Bowden was a little less subtle and she raised her wand and bellowed out a powerful incantation. A flash of lightning shot from her wand, as big as her arm, cackling and sizzling in the air as it lanced forward in a blink of an eye. It struck an area of bare ground around six Auror's and for a single-second; it looked as if the spell had missed. But as the Auror's spun around, from that ground, a dome of brilliant electricity rose up, which spat and hissed out as it lanced out towards the Auror's. Wands exploded and Auror's were ensnared in the powerful lightning trap, jerking in seizure-like movements as they were electrocuted. Bowden grinned triumphantly as she ducked underneath a powerful piercing curse, the glowing yellow arrowhead missing her head by millimetres as it flew past, while Davis continued to cast stunning charms, two every second. Auror's were revived and reawakened, only to have to revive the person who had revived them. Immediately afterwards, they would be stunned again. It was chaos.

For ten seconds, there was complete anarchy amongst the Auror's as both Kingsley and Harry's group sent another barrage of powerful curses. This time, some Aurors were too slow and were struck by these curses. One of them was blown off his feet and sailed through the air, slamming onto the back wall at a speed of five metres per second. Another one of them screamed in agony as every single bone in his was broken simultaneously, before he fell to the ground, his eyes staring unblinkingly open as his spinal cord was snapped. One of the Auror's simply exploded. It was a grizzly sight as blood sprayed all over his companions. The powerful blasting spell disintegrated most of the body mass but a single and despoiled arm, the hand still clutching the wand, fell to the ground with a mist of red pulp. The last Auror to be struck seemed to be fine as the powerful curse seeped into him. He looked vaguely confused before he suddenly stated to pat down his body with his hands. His robes began to smoke and the man looked at his comrades, horrified. His mouth opened to scream and suddenly a glaring yellow-red glow emanated from his open mouth. It happened with his nostrils, ears and eyes as well and the man just stood still as the something inside of him glowed violently, before he simply became a column of roaring flames. His robes and wand were engulfed in the flames while his companions shied away from the searing heat, before the flames died down. There was no trace left of the Auror, not even ash.

However, it was only a matter of seconds before the Auror's reorganised themselves and leapt into a back-to-back formation, facing both Kingsley's group and Harry's group, and the two man party consisting of Davis and Bowden, who suddenly found themselves under attack. Curses soared over their heads as they both ducked, but the ground exploded and was ripped apart by a stray blasting curse, forcing them to move to avoid a deadly barrage of stone splinters, which whipped through the air. Davis leapt out of the way but Bowden grunted in pain as one of the splinters sliced deep into her cheek. Immediately, blood began to well as Bowden whipped out her wand and summoned a corporeal shield, much like the ones used in the Middle Ages, which covered her arm and protected her face and body. Davis summoned a gleaming globe of bronze magic and flicked his wand, intending to send a curse back at the Auror's. However, a powerful slicing curse ripped through it and struck Davis in the leg. He screamed in agony as it sliced in deep, stopping half-way through the bone, and fell to the ground as his leg gave way.

This was when Harry moved. Levelling his wand at the ground just next to the Auror rank facing him, he took a few steps backwards before running from the cell and off the pathway while muttering the incantation.

" Oicca!"

It was a good three metres drop but as Harry jumped off the balcony, he was instantly pulled towards that particular section of the ground. He had created that spell, which was simply the opposite of the summoning charm. Instead of summoning an item towards you, it summoned you towards it.

One of the Aurors was quick enough in shaking off his surprise and slashed his wand through the air, roaring an incantation and levelled his wand towards Harry. From the tip of his wand came a thin sleet of flames, which shot towards Harry and completely enveloped him. Harry suddenly became a flying fireball as another sleet of flames was surrounded him, but landed gracefully on the ground and stepped out of the flames calmly, which flickered and died as he did so. With movements too fast to be properly seen, Harry did a broad underarm flourish from his left to right and released his magic. Power roared through the air as suddenly the first half of the row were ripped from their feet by a wave of power and were thrown carelessly away. It was as if they had been struck by a trolls club as they flew through the air, slamming into the walls, pathways and floor. Bones snapped and Aurors screamed. Some struck the ground with a hard thud and didn't move again, while others feebly tried to stand up.

While they were trying to, Harry had entered the Auror ranks and had broken their formation. It was utter chaos as he let loose another broad sweep of his wand, sending four more Auror's flying away. Less than a second later, he had thrust his wand to the end of the ranks where a cluster of three Auror's stood and launched a glowing orb of brilliant white light at them. It rocketed through the air and exploded in a bright flash in between them. The pure force generated by this spells pushed the Auror's back with incredible strength, sending them flying off their feet as they clutched their blinded eyes.

" Avada Kedavra!" One of the other Auror's bellowed with a tinge of desperation in his voice. From the tip of his wand came a fatal jet of glowing green magic, which lanced through the air towards Harry, who sidestepped gracefully in the nick of time as it soared past his shoulder. He could feel the noxious aura of death and decay radiating off the curse and settling in on him. The robes he wore would smell like this curse for a very long time, perhaps even years, for that was the sheer deadliness and power of that curse.

Harry swiped his wand through the air, anger on his face and adrenaline pumping through his veins as he fought to clamp down his emotions, bringing his Occlumency shields to bear and suppressing his thoughts. The rage still pumped in his veins but he ignored it as he coolly killed the Auror who had cast the Unforgivable at him with a flash of silver light and a spray of blood. Around him, the other members of the Order of Phoenix charged into the fray, their wands bursting with quickly cast curses as they burst past the crippled Auror formations.

The next few minutes were a blur to everybody fighting. Harry was constantly moving, his wand causing more damage than any other as he ended life with short sharp jabs and slow sweeping swishes. Streaks of light blasted into stone floor and walls and chips and splinters of rocks shot everywhere. Dust flittered from the walls and the high ceiling and the metal walkways rattled loudly. Harry could see Kingsley duelling with three Auror's, the dark-skinned Auror flicking his wand violently as he sparred with them. An Auror nearby fell to a powerful beam of cackling orange light, convulsing madly on the ground, and Woods entered his line of sight, smirking arrogantly as he turned to another Auror, his mocking duelling style present in his poise.

Harry whirled around to deflect a nasty ray of fiery red and orange magic and sent a hail of shiny glowing needle-thin spikes back at the Auror, who rolled to the side and sprang up again. Before they could continue this fight, another Order member leapt into view, Joseph, and blasted off a flash of dark green light. The Auror dodged that as well and turned to face the new threat, while Harry did the same as another Auror tried to challenge him. There was no order in this fight; it wasn't two opposing lines blasting curses at each other from different sides. Rather each man and woman, Auror or Order, was surrounded by both friend and foe and was fighting desperately to regain control. The Auror's suffered grievously against the powerful, skilled and combat ready Order teams, but they inflicted some damage. Harry saw Collins, a member of Kingsley's team, fall to the ground with the life fleeing his already darkening eyes as his throat was torn open. An albino Order member screamed in pain as her shoulder was torn to shreds. Kingsley grunted in pain as something sliced into his ribs. Joseph was limping even more heavily than he usually did, his knee bleeding profusely. Davis was still on the ground, his face white with pain as his blood streamed from his wounded leg, despite the conjured bandages, waving his wand whenever he could.

Suddenly, it was all over. Most of the Auror's were on the ground, most of them unconscious but several of them were dead. Harry was panting slightly, his wand clasped tightly in his hand. The ground was soaked in dark crimson blood, seeping into the rocks and staining the robes of those who had fallen. For a second, the group just surveyed the carnage that they had been a part of with aged eyes. Nobody spoke and the only sound that could be heard was the shrill alarms, which continued to blare. It was that because of that sound that Harry snapped back into action, suppressing all emotion and reorganising his thoughts.

"Kingsley, casualties," He said roughly as he strode through the battlefield, taking care not to step on any of the bodies as he approached the leader of the fourth raiding team, who was taking a quick examination of all Order members.

"Collins is dead," Kingsley said grimly, wiping grime made from a mixture of blood and dust from his face. He gestured to the albino woman, whose name was Ellie, and grimaced at the sight. Bowden was kneeling next to the prone woman, blood leaking from a deep cut on her cheek. She looked bleak as she expertly ran her wand over the wounded and unconscious woman and gave a small shrug.

"The girl's got a deep shoulder wound," Bowden said quickly, gesturing to the bloody hear that had once been a shoulder. "Unconscious from the pain, I suspect."

"Revive her," Harry ordered curtly. "Give her pain suppressant potions,"

Bowden nodded and started on her work while Harry looked over his people. Joseph's bad knee, damaged long ago by dark magic, was bleeding slightly, but it was probably the old wound that had reopened. Davis was struggling to stand, blood slowly leaking down his leg as he leant on a conjured walking stick, panting heavily. His face was white with pain but his eyes were determined. Haldeman had a large burn on his left hand and was cradling it mournfully but he seemed to have no other injuries. Apart from the various cuts and bruises and minor wounds, they were the majority of the team's injuries.

"Jordan, how are the children?" Harry called and from across the room, Jordan appeared with the two children in tow. She wisely stood in front of them and blocked their vision of the bloodbath and smoothed down her robes. Her green eyes were cold and hard as she surveyed the dead Auror's, before swinging her eyes back towards Harry.

"They're fine. A few Aurors bore down on my position, but my lackey's took care of them. Unfortunately, they died in the process." Jordan answered, not really sounding upset, referring to the Aurors under the Imperius Curse.

Harry nodded and frowned as the alarm continued to blare. "Kingsley, take Haldeman and Robert, you take post and make sure the boathouse is secure. Bowden, you stay further behind them and move Davis and Ellie out along with the children. Woods, you're with me and Jordan. We'll watch your backs." He ordered. Lowering his voice, he leaned in closer to Bowden. "Transfigure Collins into something that's easy to carry,"

Bowden nodded solemnly and flicked her wand. Ellie and Davis slowly levitated off the blood-soaked rock and began to float towards the open doors, which revealed a cobbled stone path that would lead directly to the boathouse. Jordan ushered the children towards the doors, making sure that they didn't glance back, while Kingsley, Robert and Haldeman strode quickly past Bowden, Robert easily able to keep up even with his limp.

Woods stood nearby and Harry waited for Jordan to return. When she did, Harry counted to twenty in his head before raising his wand.

" Eternusflammus!" He chanted softly, and the phoenix mark flickered brightly as it was summoned above the ground floor, casting an eerie. He turned to his companions, who were bathed under the fiery red of the phoenix and the pale blue of the background. "That should be long enough."

A mere thirty seconds later after Harry had left the ground floor, two dozen robed figures suddenly appeared in the middle of the still battlefield without a noise. The alarm continued to blare as they fanned out, stepping over broken bodies and pools of blood. One of the Death Eater's flicked their wand and the alarm suddenly cut out. They all wore black hooded robes and a smooth white mask hid their facial features, leaving only slits for eyes and two small holes for the nostrils. They were Death Eaters, the most powerful and skilled wizards and witches in the Dark Lord's service. Most of them had been recruited from the Aurors, but there were some Death Eaters who had been alive in their Masters first rise. One of those Death Eaters was Bellatrix Lestrange, who was currently staring at the large fiery Phoenix Mark with a look of utter rage and fury on her face.

"He… He… How dare… that mud blood filth desecrates… ," She spluttered, madness flicking in her eyes. Words seemed to escape her as she glanced around, disdainfully brushing aside the wounded and dead bodies that littered the ground around her and focussing on the blood-soaked stones and the damaged walls. She was shuddering madly as her Death Eater's formed a perimeter around her, their wands clasped in steady hands as they waited for any sign of movement. Suddenly one of the doors opened slightly and somebody peeked out. Bellatrix whirled around, her lavender eyes glowing with rage as a bloodied and limping Auror hobbled over to the Death Eaters, relief plain on his face.

"Thank the Dark Lord you've arrived!" He gushed, almost sobbing with relief. "There were so many of them, we couldn't hold them back!"

"What's your name?" A woman Death Eater barked roughly, jabbing her wand in the Aurors direction.

"Augustus, Augustus Antherill," The Auror answered in a hoarse voice, his relieved smile suddenly falling at the hostility he was meeting.

"Augustus…" Bellatrix hissed and the Death Eater's parted to reveal her. Augustus swallowed in fear and his eyes widened dramatically. He opened and closed his mouth wordlessly as Bellatrix stalked forward, almost gliding across the ground as she approached.

"My Lady Bellatrix," The man eventually got out.

"How many people were attacking you?" Bellatrix queried quietly, almost kindly, but the malicious and ever-burning flames of rage never left her eyes and her smile resembled a snarl of animalistic lunacy.

"T-There were a-at least forty of them," The man stuttered fearfully, his eyes wide with panic. Bellatrix didn't say a word but the woman Death Eater who had questioned the Auror before stepped forward, her blue eyes probing the Aurors unblinkingly. The Auror stared back at the Death Eater without a word, his eyes vacant and lost as his mind flashed the horrible battle beforehand. He shivered uncontrollably as the Death Eater turned towards Bellatrix.

"He's lying. I can see it in his mind… there were ten at most. When the Aurors began to lose the battle, this one hid." She told the regal woman, with a note of derision in her voice. "And…"

"Ten?" Bellatrix interrupted coldly, her voice no louder than a whisper. "Only ten? You lost to a force of ten when you tripled their numbers? You fled rather than serve you Lord with honour and obedience?"

"My Lady…" The Auror half-sobbed, half pleaded, reaching out to her with a shaky hand as she raised her wand. She made no noise but from the tip of her wand came a curse of utter decay and putridness, a splotchy sickly green, pasty brown and slimy purple streak of dim light, which struck the Auror and seeped into his very body. The Auror gagged and retched, bringing up his dinner as he doubled over. His skin began to darken to a rotten black colour, his hair falling out in clumps and his eyes turning a sickly green. The Auror screamed in absolute agony as his body began to rot away from the inside. No Death Eater turned aside as Bellatrix watched with an orgasmic pleasure as the Auror died, slowly and painfully, his body withering away like a plant left out in the sun.

"My lady…" The female Death Eater began, and Bellatrix gave a wordless snarl and tore herself away from her entertainment.

"You dare interrupt me?" She spat out menacingly, her voice raspy and hollow.

The Death Eater seemed to shrink as Bellatrix towered over her, but held firm and swallowed nervously, licking her lips from behind her mask.

"My Lady, Harry Potter was here. I saw him in the Auror's memories," The Death Eater said.

Bellatrix froze in her paths, an indescribable look of dark emotion washing over her features.

The Death Eater continued, gesturing to the large Phoenix Mark. "That was done only two minutes ago, My Lady. Potter and his men went outside afterwards. If the emergency wards were activated, then he may still be on the island. There would be only one way to get off, and that would from the…"

"Boathouse," Bellatrix finished, her eyes wide as a sudden eagerness entered them. She concentrated and swirled around, apparating away. Seconds later, two dozen Death Eaters followed her in a volley of cracks and pops.

Bellatrix reappeared at the boathouse, where five Aurors lay on the ground near a stack of crates. The large building was empty but Bellatrix saw a small vessel moving rapidly away from the pear. Several people were seated in it but one man was standing up, facing Bellatrix. Even in the poor light, Bellatrix recognised Harry Potter and let out a piercing howl, her scarred throat burning painfully as she raised her wand as she sprinted up the long wooden pier, trying to get close enough.

" Avada Kedavra!" She screamed with all her hatred. Her wand buckled and she stumbled back as a roaring jet of green light erupted from her wand, lancing towards the standing man, who ducked gracefully. The killing curse soared above him, its intense radiance casting an unnatural light on the boat as it passed. Potter stood up gracefully again and flicked his wand. A roar of power surged from it, so powerful that Bellatrix could feel it from the pier, and suddenly a huge glistening wall of water burst from the ocean. It was five metres high and two metres thick and distorted through it was Potter.

" Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix screamed again. The killing curse soared gracefully through the air and struck the wall of water. There was a loud boom as part of the water wall burst apart with the force of a geyser, but more water simply filled its spot as the killing curse faded, the sense of death lingering on.

Bellatrix heard dozens of apparition cracks behind her and turned around, her eyes gleaming madly. "Curse the boat! Curse it!"

The woman Death Eater was the first to step forward, raising her wand instantly. "Avada Kedavra!"

Another jet of green light soared through the air from the tip of the woman's wand, while other Death Eaters stepped forward. Incantations rang through the air and wild dark magic was rampant as a flurry of curses flew towards the now distant boat. Magic cackled in the air, dark sparks flaring to life as they struck one another, as the curses struck the wall of water, which absorbed most of the curses with a wet slurp. Some curses struck it and damaged it, large goblets of water exploding from the thick watery barricade, while one red curse simply entered and left, zooming past the glistening wall of water and rocketing towards the boat.

But the boat crew simply deflected it with powerful shielding charms, sending the bright red streak of magic spiralling away with ease. The wall of water suddenly fell as Potter left the maximum casting range but as Bellatrix prepared to cast another powerful curse, a cone of tightly suppressed wind and fire roared through the air from the boat. Bellatrix froze for a split-second before she apparated from the pier. Most of the Death Eater's followed her example in the five seconds it took for the cone of fiery red and arctic white sparkling magic to travel the distance. Two Death Eaters threw themselves off the wooden pier as the cone connected. Instantly, the pier end exploded in a loud thundering ball of flames and shattered wood. Powerful conjured winds fuelled the flame as it ate away at the planks, ripping through the pier wood easily. The flames were partially quenched and rendered harmless a few seconds later by several powerful extinguishing spells and flame-freezing charms, but by then the boat had left the prison wards and when Bellatrix was able to banish away the smoke, it was empty.

She stood in the same spot for several minutes, not moving a single muscle, while her brain conjured fantasies of her plans for Potter, weaving in her rage, pain and insanity. The Death Eaters shuffled uncomfortably on the spot, recognising their leader's mood, and stayed silent, until somebody apparated into the boathouse. Wands flew up and curses were ready to fly, but it was a simple green-cloaked Auror with a scroll of parchment in his hand. He looked absolutely terrified as if he had just encountered the devil but he passed the scroll with shaking hands to the female Death Eater, who read it quickly and sucked in a breath, and apparated away.

"My Lady?" She ventured carefully.

Bellatrix whirled around, ready to curse the one who dared disturb her, but froze as the Death Eater continued.

"My Lady, there is a message from the Ministry. The Dark Lord wished to see you tomorrow, at nine o'clock sharp."

Bellatrix could feel her heart pumping furiously as her eyes went wide. There was only one thing that could make Bellatrix feel fear, and that was the wrath of her Master. Surely he had not heard of the raid on Morsmordre yet? She mentally shook herself, of course he had. The Dark Lord knew all. She could only hope to explain her failure before the Dark Lord punished her. She wanted to scream in rage and frustration at Potter, and wanted to beg and plead because of the Dark Lord. She did neither.

"Thankyou Avery," She replied in a raspy tone, her throat aching painfully.

Avery bowed deeply and stood back as Bellatrix walked forward, aware of the eyes of her servants upon her. As she began issuing orders and instructions, her mind wandered to her summons. What would the Dark Lord do to her? A grimace of madness and fear flickered over her face but she suppressed it as she sent her Death Eaters away with various tasks. It was going to be a long night.

Morsmordre Prison Attacked!

Dangerous Prisoners freed! Aurors brutally murdered!

By special correspondent Maria Skeeter

Department of Media Affairs

Last night, the Order of Phoenix, led by Harry Potter, performed a vicious assault on the Ministry prison facility on Morsmordre Island, freeing over seven dangerous criminals and murdering over fifteen Aurors. The renegade wizards entered the facility on a supply boat and subdued the guards patrolling the docks, before gaining entrance to the prison and breaking out seven people accused of treason against the Ministry of Magic. While doing so, Harry Potter personally visited the Auror quarters and brutally hacked away fifteen Auror's with powerful dark magic while they were sleeping. Minutes later, when vigilant Aurors discovered the break-in, the Order fled the prison with their prisoners. In the following battle, three Aurors and eight Order members were slain, before Harry Potter escaped using the supply boat he had arrived in.

The Ministry of Magic is in an uproar over the incident and the public is pressuring them to do something about terrorist group that has stricken fear into the hearts of wizards and witches worldwide.

" I can't get to sleep at night, I'm too afraid to go outside, I won't let my children Floo without an adult… it just has to stop!" said a sobbing witch, who wished to remain anonymous.

" The only good thing about last night was that members of that filthy Order were killed," sneered a patriotic citizen, who also wished to remain anonymous.

The Ministry has released a statement early this morning, given by Head of the Department of Media Affairs, Malcolm Bulstrode.

" Rest assured that this heinous crime will not go unpunished! As we speak, the Ministry is hard at work on several operations that will ensure the demise of the hated Order of Phoenix. We at the Ministry would also like to console the families who lost a loved one in the massacre last night. Rest assured for the Ministry will avenge them! Until then, I urge citizens to remain calm and cautious. Go about your daily business but if you see anything suspicious, anything at all, contact the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Every report will be taken seriously and Aurors will arrive at your location in minutes to investigate. We will keep you safe from the evil of Harry Potter!"