
I Got A Job

"Ahahahha it's okay. Thank you." reply Li Xiao He with a smile in her face.

"Ur welcome,errr,miss......"

"Just call me xiao he,mr Ling" interrupted Xiao He.

"Okay then" answered Ling Mu.

After that there is nothing more to chatting about. So the duo keep their silence and think about their own problems until.....


The sound of door opening,and a couple of middle aged man and middle aged woman coming inside the hospital room with a rush.

"Xiao He,Xiao He,are you okay?" Asked the middle aged man.

"I'm okay dad. Thanks to this mr Ling Mu here. He save me when i got car accident in the way go home" answered Xiao He.

Then the middle aged man looked to the corner of the room and notice there is a young man there. And he walk to the young man when the middle aged woman talking with Xiao He.

"Young man,thank you so much for your help. Xiao He is our only daughter so... if something happen to her i don't know what will i do" said the middle age man with gratitude in his eyes.

"It's okay. It's just minor help sir. Well excuse me then because i still need to find job for lives sir. Please watch your daughter safety for now. " said Ling Mu.

"Dad,can't we hire Ling Mu to our company? I think he is trustworthy and reliable than those kissa*s in the company that only care about their own profit" Said Xiao He suddenly.

"Well it's a good idea. What do you think mr Ling Mu?" asked the middle age man.

Ling Mu can't believe his ear. Is it really happen? is he dreaming? He only help someone without thinking much and he got the offer to a job!!! A job that he keeps searching around for these days but no one accepting because he got no resume whatever. But before he accepts he confirmed again with the middle age man.

"But excuse me for my rudeness sir,i am only from a place near jungle so i don't have any resume or any educational background. is it okay to hire me?" asked Ling Mu with uncertainty.

"Sure no problem. Since my daughter already talk for you and i trust your character." answered the man with smile.

"Then i will accept it then. I will do my best. When do i start work boss?"Said Ling Mu.

"Cut it. Just call me uncle and i will call you little ling. You can report to North Hua Company tomorrow. It's located in taoxu street no 46. For the position,just see tomorrow. After you get into the company said you are there for mr Li Gan Mu. They will know it" said the middle age man with a smile.