
The Awakened Conqueror

Kai is an ordinary high school student, going through the ups and downs of teenage life. Unfortunately, he experienced a heart-wrenching betrayal from his childhood sweetheart and closest friend, leaving him feeling hurt and isolated from others. For years, he carried this pain deep in his heart, keeping himself distant from everyone around him. However, everything changed when an unexpected and exciting event unfolded before his eyes - a mystical transparent window appeared right in front of him! Do you want to steal (conquer) the woman you desire? [Yes / No] The moment Kai clicked the [Yes] button, his life, which had stood still, instantly began to surge forward towards his own exciting destiny. ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning! Adult content. This book is rated R-18, so if you're not yet 18, yes, please, you should know what to do. There's no NTR in here, but the MC will cuckold or steal someone else's. However, it is only for those who deserve it or not? maybe? (v^_^).

Little_Yuan · Eastern
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65 Chs

Reika Sakazuki Conqueror's Points Limit Reached

The radiant glow of the moon bathes the classroom in a gentle light. Two young souls, a girl and a boy, are hugging each other. If someone saw these two, they might think that they are lovers. Well, it will come true eventually.

These two youngsters are Kai and Reika. Just as Kai was about to calm down, a soft and warm feeling assails his body as Reika puts her arms around Kai's neck and pulls him towards her, burying his face in her heavenly softness.

The sudden action of Reika gives him a sudden shock, causing his brain to short circuit for a while. As a young, healthy boy, this intimate feeling causes his blood to boil. Just when the sleeping dragon is about to awaken, the soft and soothing voice of Reika rings in his ears.

"Junior, I'm sorry. this is all I know how to comfort you." Reika said shyly.

This is her first time hugging someone of the opposite gender on her own. Even her boyfriend doesn't receive this benefit as he always makes the first move. If that guy were to see what she did, he would definitely burst into rage and jealousy while wearing a wonderful sports green hat.

Her good intention clears the dirty thoughts in his mind, replacing them with a warm feeling. This is what he has been looking for all these years. This simple warm and comforting hug is enough to wash away his negative emotions.

Kai just responded with a shake of his head. Indicating that this was enough.

"I'm glad." Reika said as she smiled sweetly, and she continued "This was the magical medicine that my grandmother always gave me whenever I'm sad or feeling lonely."

"This is good medicine… and bad medicine at the same time." Kai said.

"W-why is it bad?"

"Because it's addicting." Kai said, making her blush as he hugged her back tightly. 

Ding! +10 Conqueror's points.

She didn't try to push him back as she also feels good and feels protected. Her face is buried in his manly chest.

In actuality, they are both the same, looking for someone's warmth. Reika, being alone in this faraway land from her hometown, wanted to change her life and be independent like her mother. But the longing she felt for her family's warmth can't be denied. This is also the reason why she accepted that 'X' guy. And Kai, who's been alone all this time after the fateful event in his life.

No one made any sound, and their eyes were closed, savoring each other's body warmth. They simply embraced each other under the moon's blessing, and it seems that they will not part anytime soon.




"Are you okay now?" Reika asked.

"Yes... Thank you, Senior." Kai replied.

The two of them are still in each other's embrace. They are reluctant to separate from each other. However, they still need to go home. "Then... Should we go home now?" Reika asked.

Instead of answering her, he questioned her back instead. "Are you not going to wait for that guy anymore?" 

"I already gave him enough time," Reika replied. 

And she continued in an irritated manner "Let's forget about that guy."

Even though she had already decided to be with Kai, she still felt really annoyed because the guy she had accepted as her boyfriend totally ditched her. He made promises to come back, but in the end, he never did. Such a letdown!

The little trust that she gave him as her boyfriend is now like dust joining the wind. She thought that he was a decent guy but after she denied him again and again his true face was slowly getting revealed. However, she was glad that it turned out this way Instead as she was able to know his true colors before her body was tainted by that guy.

Kai is her real knight in shining armor. Although Kai rescued her with bad intentions too, compared to that jackass, she is sure that she was safe with him. For sure, once that asshole gets what he wants, he will leave her behind, just like what he did right now.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." Reika replied as she also sent that guy's existence to the trash bin.

Ding! +20 Conqueror's points.

[Reika Sakazuki Conqueror's points limit reached!]

Kai ignored the system notification as he was preoccupied with the girl in his embrace. They reluctantly separated from each other and looked into each other's eyes.

Kai was mesmerized by her beauty, and his gaze fell upon her glistening lips under the moonlight. He unconsciously reached out to touch her face, and her glossy black hair brushed against his fingers. He used his thumb to feel her soft lips.

"Senior… You lost." Kai said.

Before his words sank into her, his mouth was already pressed against hers. He kissed her gently at first, and then, as if it wasn't enough, he pushed her against the wall, cupping her small face and kissed her harder.

The scene was too fast for Reika's brain and innocent heart to follow. With the Conqueror's points reaching the maximum limit, all the feelings they felt for each other overflowed, so she just responded to his kisses as her heart started to beat faster. This was her first kiss, so she didn't know if she was doing it right, but she didn't care as it felt good.

'I think I might get addicted to this.' 

Reika wrapped her arms around his neck as their kisses deepened. Her fingers grabbed his hair as their heads waved left and right. The smacking sound then reverberated in the dark classroom.

Ding! First kiss acquired.

Bonus Reward: Golden Egg.

Kai is like a hungry wolf savoring the peerless swan. The sleeping dragon is now fully awake as it keeps on roaring and knocking on Reika's cave, but the entrance is being hidden.

His hands are now all over Reika's back as he slowly lowers them to her perky butt. He grabs it hard in a vice claw, making her gasp. He kneads her butt to his liking. After shaping it well, as if it was not enough for Kai, he wants to raise her skirt to feel it barehanded, but before he could do it, she pushes him a little, making him stop his work.

Reika catches her breath and uses her willpower and says, "I-if we don't leave now, we might be unable to go home if the school gate closes."

Kai was also gasping for air, startled by Reika's words. It seemed that they had stayed too long. Knowing this, Kai had the urge to grab Reika and run to his home to resume, as he had been blue balled by this vixen many times today. However, he decided not to, as he still needed to complete his daily quest. 

Kai deep kissed her lips again for a few minutes, which startled Reika but she gladly accepted it.