

The Fellowship looked on with horrified stares as Frodo's small body went limp.

The troll fell to the ground, causing Frodo to land roughly on the ground.

In a fit of rage the hobbits and the others began slashing at the orcs more furiously.

While they fought desperately, Korra's figure loomed over Frodo as she quietly observed his unmoving body.

Gandalf risked a quick glance in Korra's direction.

Her back was facing him so he couldn't see her face, but her clenched fists were indication enough as to what expression she wore.

An unsuspecting orc made the idiotic decision to try and cut down Korra while she had her back turned.

However, as soon as the orc moved to strike, its weapon was knocked out of its hand by an invisible force. Before it could react Korra, whose back was still turned, outstretched her arm and seized the orcs neck, causing it to growl savagely at her while it tried to pry free from her death grip.

The orcs strangled cry had caught the attention of the Fellowship.

Curiosity turned to slight horror as a loud crack resounded throughout the chamber.

She had snapped the orcs neck with one hand like it was nothing!

The temperature seemed to drop as Korra finally faced all of those in the room.

The expression on her face could only be described as inhumanely furious.

However, what drew their attention was not her infuriated appearance but her eyes... They glowed an ominous white.

The raw power that she was emanating was unlike any the Fellowship had seen.

They watched with mixed feelings of awe and horror as Korra's killing intent rolled off of her in waves and hit the orcs with the force of a tsunami, causing most of them to flee.

And really, who could blame them? Korra was looking pretty damn menacing.

However, unknown the Fellowship, Korra was no longer in control of herself.

Those foolish enough to stay immediately realised their mistake as blue fire shot out of Korra's mouth as she let out an enraged roar.

With literally no effort, she leapt forward and landed right in the middle of the cluster of orcs, the earth cracking beneath her feet before she created several boulders around her and sent them flying in all directions.

To say the Fellowship was shocked would be an understatement.

They watched on in silent disbelief as Korra effortlessly crushed and incinerated the orcs with no hesitance whatsoever.

The remaining orcs trembled in fear as she had backed them up against the wall.

Spreading her feet apart, Korra brought her arms around in a circle, creating a flowing moment, and almost immediately, lightning cackled around her arms.

Just as the lightning completely encircled her body she sent it towards the orcs, instantly killing them.

Their shrieks of pain sent chills down the others spines. In that moment, all members of the Fellowship shared the same thought.

'This isn't Korra...it can't be. Can it?'

Gandalf had seen and experienced many things during his time in Middle-Earth.

However, no amount of experience could have prepared him for what he saw; Korra was standing over the orcs burning corpses, her smoking fists clenched at her sides.

Unsure of what to do Gandalf slowly approached her signalling the others to stay where they were.

"Korra?" He said in a soft and uncertain voice.

Her head snapped in Gandalf's direction, expression still one of pure anger.

"Korra. There-" Gandalf's sentence was cut off by the sudden sound of a sharp inhale.

Everybody looked to the source of the noise and saw Frodo gasping for breath.

"Frodo!" Everyone chorused. Aragorn looked at Frodo in bewilderment.

"You should be dead. That spear would have skewered a wild boar!" He exclaimed. Frodo chuckled weakly.

"I'm alright, I'm not hurt," Frodo assured them.

While the others were marvelling at Frodo's Mithril shirt which he revealed to them, Legolas and Gandalf noticed Korra's eyes slowly returning to normal.

She placed a hand to her head as if massaging a headache and swayed slightly on the spot.

An anxious look crossed her face as she examined the numerous piles of dead Orcs surrounding her. She undoubtedly remembered how she mercilessly slaughtered them all.

However, Korra's grim expression immediately turned joyful as her eyes landed on Frodo.

"Frodo!" Korra yelled as she sprinted over to the hobbit and scooped him up into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm sorry. I almost let you die. I should have stopped that thing from lashing out. I'm so, so sorry Frodo," she apologised.

Frodo placed a small hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"It's fine Korra. Really, I'm not hurt. See?" he said softly, gesturing to himself.

At that Korra smiled brightly and ruffled his hair, causing Frodo to pout.

Though the others were still slightly unsure of how to react to the power that Korra had just demonstrated, the friendly interaction had brought a smile to their faces, including the normally stony-faced elf.

However, distant sounds of screeching and clanging immediately brought them back to reality, and the light atmosphere from before disappeared entirely.

"To the bridge of Khazad-Dum!" Gandalf called hastily.

Not wanting to face another onslaught of Orcs, everyone instantly obeyed his orders rushing out of the chamber as fast as they could.

While they continued to run, Korra watched in horror as Orcs and Goblins crawled down the pillars and out of the massive cracks in the floor and completely surrounded them.

Korra thought they eerily resembled giant spiders scuttling to their prey which they had trapped in their web.

She didn't like that analogy. Not one bit.

The very thought of being torn to bits by these foul abominations made Korra's stomach churn.

Just as everyone had gotten into their defensive positions making a circle around the hobbits, a loud bellowing roar was heard.

Whatever had made the noise sounded very big, very scary and VERY angry.

The Fellowship looked in the direction that they had heard it coming from and saw the pillars, floor and ceiling illuminated by a bright orange light.

As the second roar was heard the Orcs immediately fled, fearful and yet triumphant expressions crossing their faces as if they'd already won the battle.

A very confused Legolas pointed his arrow in the direction of the light while casting Gandalf unsure glances.

Boromir shot the wizard an equally puzzled look.

"What is this new devilry?" the man questioned.

All eyes turned to Gandalf who had closed his eyes and let out a defeated sigh.

"A Balrog... A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you," Gandalf said darkly while casting everyone, particularly Korra, a warning stare. "Run!"

Everyone gladly complied and ran as if their lives depended on it, because, well it did. It wasn't long before they sprinted through an archway and found several flights of stairs.

Boromir, who was out front, immediately dashed down but had to stop himself in front of an incomplete stairway. He would have fallen off if Legolas hadn't pulled him back.

Gandalf leaned on the archway breathing heavily. Aragorn ran up beside him with a look of concern.

"Gandalf?" Aragorn called softly. The wizard put a hand on the Ranger's shoulder.

"Lead them on, Aragorn. The bridge is near," Gandalf said inclining his head in the direction of the thin bridge.

Korra narrowed her eyes on Gandalf suspiciously, not liking what he was implying.

"And where are you going?" Korra asked. The silence that followed was answer enough. "Let me help Gandalf. You know I'm capable."

Gandalf quickly shook his head.

"This is my fate Korra. Yours lies within the Fellowship. I leave their protection to you. Now do as I say!" Gandalf yelled while pushing Aragorn away roughly. "Swords are of no more use here...Nor is bending," he said gruffly, giving Korra a pointed look.

As they dashed down the stairs they came across a two foot gap in the steps.

Legolas jumped over effortlessly and gestured for the others to jump as well.

Korra felt the stairways foundations crack.

"Come on guys. We gotta get off this thing before it collapses," Korra urged.

As Gandalf leapt to the other side an arrow ricocheted off of the step just below Boromir's feet.

Korra's vision zoned in on a group of Orcs that stood on a ledge holding bows and arrows.

'Great. Just what we needed,' Korra thought sarcastically.

Apparently Legolas had seen them as well as he was quick to shoot one in between the eyes.

Boromir hastily grabbed Merry and Pippin and jumped over the gap, the place where they had been crumbling away as they did so, leaving an even larger opening.

After Aragorn picked up Sam and tossed him into Legolas's arms he moved to grab Gimli but was instantly rejected when the dwarf held up a hand.

"No one tosses a Dwarf," Gimli said stubbornly. The dwarf then proceeded to leap to the other side only to lose his balance.

Legolas was quick to grab onto Gimli's beard and pull him to safety, ignoring him as he shouted, "Not the beard!"

Frodo, Aragorn and Korra scrambled back as more stairs crumbled away.

The gap was now a grand total of six feet, definitely not a jumpable distance. The staircase shook violently and Korra racked her brains for a plan.

"Bend you knees!" She ordered. Frodo and Aragorn gave her identical puzzled stares. "I have an idea, just bend your knees!"

As soon as Korra saw Frodo and Aragorn's knee's bent she used the earth to catapult them forwards.

They landed safely in front of the others.

"I can't believe that worked," Korra muttered.

Legolas, who was the only one that heard, arched a brow but didn't say anything.

They all then sprinted to the bridge as fast as they could.

Flames licked the floors behind them indicating that the Balrog was close. Really close.

When Gandalf stopped running everyone else turned around and shot him confused looks.

Gandalf motioned for them to continue.

"Over the bridge! Fly!" was all he said before he turned to the flames.

Just then, a mighty beast jumped forth from the fire and landed directly in front of the wizard.

The beast's beady white eyes scanned Gandalf before it hunched its back, showing off the massive wings on its back, and let out a deafening roar.

Its black body was wreathed in orange flames and large horns stuck out of the side of its head.

Korra also noticed its sweeping tail and the flame whip by its side.

Despite looking quite hideous it still managed to appear impressive.

Korra threw a quick glance at Gandalf who simply nodded and mouthed the word 'go'.

Korra nodded back and dashed across the bridge after the others.

When everyone made it safely on the other side the Balrog went to follow them, but was stopped as Gandalf stood firmly in its way.

"You cannot pass!" The wizard said while glaring harshly.

The beast ignored Gandalf's statement and stood up to its full height.

The fire around it grew larger and burned brighter than before.

Instead of being intimidated Gandalf's scowl deepened.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor," he growled while raising his staff. As he continued to talk the stone in his staff grew brighter. "The dark fire will not avail to you, Flame of Udun!"

While the Balrog produced a flame sword, a shield of light gathered around Gandalf.

Once the creature's sword struck the shield it ricocheted off, causing it to momentarily reel back.

"Go back to the Shadow," Gandalf snarled as the Balrog took a step onto the bridge and cracked its whip. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Gandalf raised his staff and smashed it against the floor sending a shock wave which pushed the monster back.

The Balrog brushed off the attack and advanced on the wizard with a war cry.

However, the floor cracked underneath its weight and the bridge collapsed beneath its feet.

The creature howled as it fell into the depths of the abyss.

Gandalf turned back to the Fellowship and gave them a weak smile.

Everyone let out breaths that they didn't realise they were holding. Korra and the others marvelled at wizard's power.

'So this is a wizard's strength huh?' Korra thought.

The moment of peace was short-lived as a whip appeared behind Gandalf before wrapping itself firmly around his ankle.

As Gandalf was jerked downwards he clung to the edge of the bridge.

"Gandalf!" Frodo and Korra called in unison.

Both ran to help Gandalf up but were stopped instantly.

Boromir had a firm hold on Frodo while Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli struggled to keep a furious Korra firmly in place.

The Avatar state was flicking on and off as her anger grew.

She had almost let Frodo die. She wasn't about to let Gandalf die. She couldn't.

Gandalf gripped onto a crack on the bridge floor and managed to pull himself up high enough to look at Korra.

Korra saw Gandalf give her a small smile and shake his head at her.

The message was clear; stay.

Korra stopped fighting against her three friends and watched on in sorrow as Gandalf uttered his last words before letting go of the edge and falling in the chasm, along with the massive abomination.

Gandalf's last words reached their ears just after he fell.

"Fly you fools."

"NO!" Frodo wailed while beating his fists helplessly against Boromir's arms.

The Gondorian picked the hobbit up and headed for the exit.

Korra saw that Aragorn was frozen in place and so she tugged on his arm.

"We gotta go," she said quietly her voice thick with grief.

Aragorn seemed to snap out of his state of shock and he followed the rest to the exit while dodging arrows that were flying his way.

The Orcs were yelling out in frustration on the other side of the bridge, brandishing their weapons and firing arrows in a desperate attempt to kill the Fellowship.

Once Korra saw everyone else was out of the mines she entered the Avatar State and ran her hand along the walls, causing them to melt away into lava.

As soon as she was out she solidified the lava to trap the Orcs in the mines.

Under different circumstances the Fellowship would have probably marvelled at Korra's ability to also control lava.

However, they had just lost a dear friend.

There were no smiles of relief. Nor were there cheers of victory.

...Losing a friend wasn't a cause for celebration.

Korra crossed her arms over her chest and observed her friends. Each of them were mourning in their own way.

Sam sat on a rock and buried his face in his hands as he cried.

The tears in Boromir's eyes were barely noticeable as he struggled to prevent a furious Gimli from digging his way back into Moria and getting revenge for Gandalf.

Merry cradled Pippin who was bawling his eyes out, and Legolas looked lost and confused.

Aragorn's face looked expressionless, but the pain in his eyes were clear.

Korra clenched her fists.

Never again.

She wasn't going to let anyone else die. Gandalf had entrusted their safety to her. Their protection was now her utmost priority.

Aragorn roughly wiped the Orc's blood off of his sword with a rag as he too observed his comrades.

"Legolas, Korra, get them up," Aragorn called.

Legolas was quiet for a moment before he complied, probably too shocked by the wizards death to talk.

Despite being angry about Gandalf's death, Korra uncrossed her arms and walked towards Merry and Pippin. Boromir's head snapped in the Rangers direction.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake," Boromir exclaimed, slightly annoyed at Aragorn's impatience.

Aragorn shook his head tiredly.

"By nightfall, these hills will be swarmed by Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien," the Ranger stated calmly as he sheathed his sword. "Come Boromir. Legolas, Gimli and Korra, get them up."

Aragorn went over to Sam and pulled him up before looking around for the ring bearer.

"Frodo?" Aragorn called. He then spotted Frodo wandering off by himself. "Frodo!"

The hobbit stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. A lone tear rolled down his cheek as he gazed at the Ranger hopelessly.

Korra felt her anger grow as she gazed at Frodo's miserable expression.

'Never again,' she repeated in her head, over and over again.
