

Hi, I'm gonna post the author note at the top today, sorry for not posting a chapter the last 2 days, but I'm very busy with the university/college (I never know the difference) and I'll be busy till wedsnesday next week, so the chapters will be irregular, I have 3 test and 2 projects,

Now enjoy the chapter.


It's been a month since I started school with Rumi in this past month, we got along with Kameko and Sameko, they were really good kids, they easily became friends with Rumi, Sameko was really similar with Rumi, they both love fighting and end up intimidating most of the school.

They are like the school bosses even the kids who are older than us are afraid of them, the only one that can beat them is me, but I couldn't achieve it every time, Sameko is really strong and she use her maw in the fights and if you are not careful you can lose a piece of you, so we forbid her to use them in our sparring.

Nevertheless Kameko is a really sweet child, she is always worried about Rumi and Sameko getting hurt, one time sparring Rumi got a big wound and we discover that Kameko is not only a tortoise but a sacred one and she has really strong healing powers, she said that she didn't know, but at the sight of Rumi getting hurt it just awaken.

Also this month we tried to get close to Kaze, but she doesn't like to speak with people, we discovered that she comes from a really rich family and all her friends till now were always trying to get on her good side and get their money, but we didn't know so I tried to befriend her, for now it went in a really slow pace.

In this past month, my father has taught me all my family styles, he didn't understand the true value of his earth quirk in all this time, he never tried to move metal or lava or other things related to "Earth", when I spoke about it he look at me as I was crazy, but I've seen him trying to move a spoon with his mind, failing every single time, I tried too, but he didn't know, I have to keep trying I feel that is near, but I can't do it at the moment.

My mom said is time to start my Water training, unlike my father her family has developed the "Waterbending" quite well, the know how to manipulate water in all it's states solid, liquid and gaseous, she also told me that her family has a different branch, not to be called evil, but they work in the shadows and use their quirk to manipulate blood even in the body of a human.

I found that it follows the same path as bloodbending in Avatar and I was quite surprised, this branch of the family worked for the most influencial and rich in the world and they don't just work in Japan, they have shadows in every country, they even have some people that can become water, making their job even more easy.

She told me, that I won't be learning that art, at least not now, but maybe in the future, she wil contact her cousin to teach me, she also told me that she belong to that branch, but she was never able to use the bloodbending, nonetheless she is able to heal with her power.

Now, I know why mom is the head of the family, she is far stronger than father.


Today was the first day, that i learned Waterbending, we decided to train near the pond we have in our garden, it will be easier to move the water, she knows that I can condensate the water in the ambient to make liquid water, but it's more convenient to use an already liquid one, she told me that her hero suit has a secret compartiment with lots of water in case she is not near it.

She taught me lots of things about waterbending, she showed me how to make water whips that if they move fast enough they can be dangerous, she told me about a member of her family, that lost her arms and legs and always used that method to move and fight, she became quite a famous person in her family.

She taught me how to stand on the water, how to run in the water, but the most impresive was running in the air, she make small water platforms, and jump from one to another, it was amazing, but difficult, I tried but i end with my face in the floor.

She taught me how to make the water cold or hot, it was quite complicate to understand at the begining, it involves lots of scientific data, but at the end I was capable of making an ice sword, ice shuriken and other weapons, they were quite sharp.

When we end our training, I train with Rumi, we fought, she won, well another loss, when I came back home the dinner was ready, my parents told me that they were talking with a very famous Fire quirk user to taught me how to use that element, but for now he was refusing, I didn't catch the name but was something that ends with "-avor" so I would see on the future.

Next chapter