
Constructing The Plan

8:40pm, Monday, An Under-Construction Building. They were walking up the stairs, which had no safety railings or boundaries. The building was unfinished. Not even the limits of every storey. Kenneth tripped in the darkness and almost fell off. "This location suits the work" he said, "And who chose it?" "Me" replied Ektaj. "Well I must say, you have a great taste" said Kenneth. They could hear a faint voice from the above storey. "Who's that?" asked Kenneth. Everything seemed so cinematic to him. "The Leader" answered Ektaj. As they went higher, the voice came louder and clearer. It said something about, "Bank…..Men…..Security….."

They finally reached the storey, where the voice originated from. There was a large piece of paper on a table, beside which, stood a bright lamp. There were precisely two men, whom Kenneth couldn't see, as their bodies were in the darkness of the night. "New Recruit" said Ektaj, advancing forward, "The Magician". The two men seemed, to Kenneth, as if they were looking at him. "Hi" he started, "I am sorry that I had rejected the offer, yesterday-". "I don't call it an offer" said Logan, one of the men with a grim voice – the voice which could be heard in the storey below. This guy must be the leader – one of the men in the Ellino House, thought Kenneth. Logan turned to Ektaj, "New Recruit – Rajath, the 'good-at-wires". "Namaste" said Rajath, the other man. "Evening" replied Ektaj.

"I've noticed your delay and therefore discussed half of the plans", said Logan. "I apologize" said Ektaj, "I knew the time but finding Kenneth was hard, I must say". "Mind starting it again for me?" asked Kenneth. "Take a seat" said Ektaj and he placed himself in one the chairs. Kenneth did so too.

Logan started again.

 "Let's begin with What, When, Why and How. Listen very carefully. We're going to rob the eternal cash of 20 million Australian Dollars, approximately, from the Avarez National Bank. So it's gonna be risky and difficult to do for a man, and I hope you're all still in it."

"2 million dollars doesn't look very handy. Its gonna be difficult to carry, or even to sneak in. I heard it is a heavily secured bank in all of Austria. How are we even gonna do it? A street clown, he's a mechanic I suppose, and I don't even know who both of you are! Not even why we're doing this" interrupted Kenneth.

"You don't need to know who both of us are, and even if you did, that's not gonna help you in any way. He has a plan for what must be done, by whom and when to be done. So if you just remain calm, and let him proceed…" Ektaj said, pointing to the paper on the table, which looked like a map.

"Concentrate" Logan started, "the reason behind why we're robbing this bank is complex. Avarez Bank is not like any other banks; neither in the way it runs, nor in the way it is constructed. It is built as a labyrinth whose route is tricky. No account's information in this bank is disclosed. No one knows what treasury lies in the accounts. This is what political leaders take as an advantage. They hide most of the state's treasure, that is probably collected as taxes, in the heavy vaults of this bank"

"But that also includes the money of including people, right? Hard-working people like-" said Kenneth in a low-voice.

"Excluding. Common people don't even get to build an account in this bank. Creating an account here has some limits. It at least needs to have a hundred thousand dollars deposited. And the ones who have a hundred thousand deposited, are common people no more"

"So this is not for our own greed?" asked Kenneth.

"No. This is to end the rich's greed" replied Ektaj.

"And we're gonna rob all of that eternal money you've mentioned before?" Rajath asked.

"And what are we even going to do with the money we steal?" Kenneth was doubtful about the money. All that he wished was Logan to be kind enough to give a part of the money to him, so that he could upgrade the garage he works in.

"No, not all of it. We won't have the time to do so. When we enter into the vault of one's treasury, the alarms go whistling. So, let's just hope you'll be able to shut the alarm down, and we at least rob the Minister's. And we'll think of what we'll do with the money. First let's just hope we succeed" Ektaj replied.

"Hmm… that sounds very secure. How are we even going to rob the bank? I don't think four of us are enough. I don't even have the skill to steal a screw from my friends!" Rajath started worrying.

"Neither do we. But we know the tactics to rob the bank, and also I have some men who could cause a – distraction, if that's the right word"

"What do you mean distraction?"

The weather looked rather weary for Rajath that day, it being Monday, which he didn't like at all, and it started raining all of a sudden. It was 10 at night already and they were standing in the darkness, exposed to the cold winds. There was dead silence among the four, as soon as a voice was identified – a voice in the storey below. They looked at each other. The owner of the voice seemed to come above – to the storey they're in! This was all supposed to be a secret. All four of them rushed to hide behind a few stacks of tools. The voice came closer, and a beam of light from a torch could be seen. It was a fat bald man. He was talking in a foreign language to a person in the phone. The map of how they're going to steal was still on the table and that is what concerned Rajath, that his heart started beating so hard. He tried to leap to the table and drag the map but Kenneth pulled him back, to not be spotted. The four men fell silent, watching in suspense, what the man was doing. His torch flashed on the map, and the man stopped talking. It looked like he was studying the map. A chill ran down Rajath's spine. The man exclaimed all of a sudden, "Baap Re!"

Rajath jumped out of his skin and found himself in the garage where he works – The Kendra Motors. He was in the repair yard, where many labors, under a sleeveless and a short, were working – some hitting metal plates with a hammer, the others producing a dull sound. A man beside Rajath sprinkled a hand full of water, which he immediately flexed with a rebuff. The man was fat and bald-headed, "Kaam Pe Lag Jao!" he screamed on Rajath and left. "How lucky I am to have you as the antagonist in my nightmare!" Rajath muttered and helped himself stand up.

10:12am, Tuesday, Kendra Motors. Rajath walked gloomily towards the waiting hall and moved the curtains which separated it and the repair yard. Thin beams of light hit his eyes. The disturbing noise of the repair yard vanished all of a sudden and the vehicles on the road started to dominate. Rajath sighed, feeling lazy, having got up a minute ago. He revised all of that which his 'Robbers Gang' has discussed the day before – What, When, Why and How.

He gulped and got back to work.