
The Avalon Of Five Elements

The tens of thousands of universes have merged. The disintegration of Spiritual Force led to the momentous collapse of the great Cultivation World, a mighty era that had endured through millions of years of history. In the wake of the large-scale invasion of the Wilderness, the Avalon of Five Elements has become the practitioners’ last stand. After a thousand years, a lowly youth, who hailed from the Old Territory, toiled as a laborer for three years in the depths of the Wilderness. He then became an exception and obtained the opportunity to enter the Avalon Of Five Elements for further studies. Bearing beast-like fighting capabilities and driven by the desire to take control of his life, the youth strived for greater strength and power. Little did he know that he would set off a majestic upheaval.

Fang Xiang · Eastern
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715 Chs

Unique Hand Palaces

Translator: Cynthiia Editor: Pranav

Just now, in the embroidery workshop, Ai Hui had been totally immersed in the happiness that the money had brought him. As a result, as soon as he went back to the training hall, he bragged with Lou Lan for quite a while.

Lou Lan had been distraught these past few days since he had just been separated from Master Shao, and Ai Hui had been so engaged in training that had no time to think about Lou Lan. Therefore, Ai Hui seriously bragged with Lou Lan for a whole afternoon.

But Ai Hui soon realized that bragging for an afternoon was much more tiring than training, and he decided to replace "bragging with Lou Lan" with "training with Lou Lan."

Fortunately, he still had the elemental soup prepared by Lou Lan—it was so delicious that Ai Hui nearly bit his own tongue.

Its delectable taste lessened the pain he was feeling for the one hundred thousand yuan for its ingredients.