
The Avalon Of Five Elements

The tens of thousands of universes have merged. The disintegration of Spiritual Force led to the momentous collapse of the great Cultivation World, a mighty era that had endured through millions of years of history. In the wake of the large-scale invasion of the Wilderness, the Avalon of Five Elements has become the practitioners’ last stand. After a thousand years, a lowly youth, who hailed from the Old Territory, toiled as a laborer for three years in the depths of the Wilderness. He then became an exception and obtained the opportunity to enter the Avalon Of Five Elements for further studies. Bearing beast-like fighting capabilities and driven by the desire to take control of his life, the youth strived for greater strength and power. Little did he know that he would set off a majestic upheaval.

Fang Xiang · Eastern
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715 Chs

The Inner Demon

Translator: Cynthiia Editor: Pranav

When Shi Xueman returned to the Shi Clan Training Hall, she asked Uncle Yong Zheng, "Do you know where Vanguard Training Hall is?"

"Vanguard Training Hall?" After mulling over for a while, he shook his head. "No. There is no such training hall. Where did you learn about it?"

He had been responsible for the Shi Clan Training Hall of Central Pine City for a very long time, and therefore, he was familiar with everything about the city—especially with matters concerning training halls. He was literally one hundred percent sure that there was no such training hall in Central Pine City.

Now that the young mistress had mentioned such a bizarre place, though, he was seized with a feeling of foreboding. He was not worried about her safety at all because he clearly knew of her strength. However, having grown up in a relatively simple environment where she cared about nothing but training, she was naive and ignorant to the various ways of the world. This kind of girl would easily be cheated.