
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

It was an exciting day. I, the Author of Life, had finally decided to reveal myself to the elves. I knew that it was a big step, and I was nervous.

As I looked out over the city, I could see the excitement in the air. The city was bustling with activity, and there was a sense of anticipation among the elves.

I took a deep breath. "I suppose its time to reveal myself, Benny. It's been centuries for the elves. How should I go about doing it?"

"The best thing would be to create a grand temple as we have concluded before and gather the elves there. It would be a more fitting setting, and it would allow the elves to have a sense of awe and reverence," Benny says.

"Very well then." I focus on the image of a temple, and I use Imagination Amplification to bring it to life.

The temple is beautiful, with stained-glass windows and marble columns. It is a masterpiece, and it is a testament to my abilities as the Author of Life.

I place the temple I have created in the town center. Since I have the view of the entire city, I simply place it like you would move a chess piece.

"Benny how do I go about descending to the world?"

"Use your imagination amplification and visualize yourself descending. You have the power to do anything, so it will happen. Don't overthink it. Just trust in your abilities and let it happen."

"R-right," I say with a stutter. "I'm not very good when it comes to socializing."

"You have all the knowledge you need to deal with these types of situations. Trust in yourself, and you will do fine."


I visualize myself descending from the sky, and I feel a sense of wonder and excitement. I can't believe that this is happening.

As I descend, the elves look up in awe and amazement. They can't believe their eyes.

"It's the Creator!" they shout.

As I descend, I am surrounded by a brilliant, golden light. It is a sight to behold, and it fills the elves with excitement.

As I land on the ground, I see the elves bowing before me. They are amazed by my presence, and they can't believe that I have descended from the heavens.

I raise my hands, and I speak. "Children of Cyrus, I have heard your cries, and I have answered your prayers. Cease this disunity at once. I, your Creator have decided to reveal myself to you, and I am here to guide you towards a brighter future. Trust in my words, and trust in my wisdom. Do not allow yourselves to be led astray by those who seek to divide you. Together, we will create a better world, and we will fulfill the purpose for which you were created. You are my wonderful creations, and I will always be with you, no matter what happens."

As I finish speaking, I see tears in the eyes of the elves and see Cyrus emerge from the crowd.

"Greetings, my lord. We are humbled by your presence, and we are grateful for your guidance," Cyrus says.

"Greetings, Cyrus. You have done a great job of leading the elves, and I am pleased with the progress you have made. You have grown old, I did not expect the elves to have such long lifespans."

"Thank you, my lord. However, I must admit, the disunity among the elves is troubling. Many are losing faith in your existence, and some are beginning to worship the Great Tree," Cyrus says, a concerned look on his face.

"The elves have been blessed with a long lifespan, and their natural curiosity will always lead them astray. Fear not, the time has come for me to fully reveal myself and guide the elves towards a path of prosperity far more than now. Your civilization is very crude and still in its infancy. While I applaud you for creating the foundation for one, the fact that the elves are divided is a concern."

"What would you have us do, my lord?"

I think for a moment and realize that I have no real plan for the elves. My only desire is to see them grow and to cure this crippling loneliness I have by interacting with them and befriending them.

"I would have you continue to lead the elves, and I would have you continue to spread my word and my will. There is much work to be done, and the future of the elves is uncertain but I will be there every step of the way."

"As you wish, my lord," Cyrus says.

As Cyrus steps aside, I see the elves gathered, and I feel a surge of excitement and anticipation.

"Let us go to the temple I have constructed using my power. Lead the way, Cyrus." 

The elves are still in the Stone Age, and their city is primitive, but there is a beauty and simplicity to it that speaks volumes.

As I walk through the city, I see the elves going about their daily lives. They are busy at work, and the city is bustling with activity.

I see the elves crafting tools, building homes, and trading goods.

The city is nestled in a valley, and it is surrounded by trees and vegetation.

The city is a mix of stone and wood. The houses are simple, but there is a sense of peace and tranquility that surrounds it.

The streets are crowded, and the elves are a curious bunch. I catch their reverent stares towards me as I pass.

I stop and admire a stall filled with handmade goods. There are baskets, pots, and other useful items.

The merchant looks up and sees me, and he can't believe his eyes.

"It's the Creator!" he shouts, and he bows before me.

The elves around me who have yet to hear the news are shocked, and they can't believe their eyes.

"He's here!" one elf shouts, and the word begins to spread like wildfire.

The elves are excited, and they are amazed.

They gather around me, and they ask questions.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you really the Creator?"

"Why did you reveal yourself to us?"

The questions continue, and I realize that the elves are curious, and they have a desire to learn.

I speak to the crowd, and I tell them of the plans I have for their future.

"You have been blessed with a long life, and you are free to explore and discover the world around you. Follow me to the temple if you wish to know your destiny."

The elves are moved by my words, and they follow me to the temple. The temple is grand, and it is a sight to behold. The elves can't believe their eyes, and they are filled with a sense of wonder.

Cyrus walks next to me and I see him look up at me with a smile.

"It is a marvel, my lord," Cyrus says.

"Yes, it is," I say.

I look up at the sky and see a brilliant blue with clouds drifting by. It is a perfect day, and the weather is ideal.

I step forward and I speak to the elves.

"Welcome to my temple, elves."

The elves are still in awe, and they can't believe their eyes.

"You may not believe your eyes, but I have truly revealed myself. The time has come for me to guide you towards a better future and to cease this disunity once and for all. You are a precious creation of mine, and I have watched over you from afar. I will guide you and protect you. Trust in me, and you will be blessed."

I raise my hands, and a golden light surrounds the temple.

"You are all children of Cyrus, and you have a special place in my heart. Follow my instructions, and you will find a prosperous future."

The elves are moved, and they are grateful.

Cyrus steps forward and he bows before me.

"Thank you, my lord," Cyrus says. "Your presence has lifted a burden from our shoulders, and we are humbled by your guidance. We will do as you ask, and we will spread your word."

"Thank you, Cyrus. You have been a loyal servant, and I have watched you grow and develop. You have been a true leader, and you have guided the elves well."