
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

I was excited to see the development of the elves. I had left them for a few days, but I was eager to see how they were progressing.

I took out the box from my closet and inspected it. I saw the elves had grown in number and had developed a thriving society. Fast forwarding time must have made decades pass within the Box of Dimensions.

As I looked at the elves, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. They had accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. They had developed a language, a writing system, and a sense of philosophy. It seemed like Cyrus had followed my instructions closely, and he had used his knowledge and instincts to create a thriving society.

However, there were some changes that concerned me. The elves had developed a sense of heresy, and they had begun to question the Creator's, my, role in their lives.

As I watched them, I saw a sense of confusion and uncertainty. They didn't know where they fit in the world, and they were struggling to find their place.

It was clear that the elves needed guidance, and I knew that I needed to step in and provide it.

"Benny, would it be wise to step in?"

"No, let them develop a little more. This is a necessary part of their development. It is not an easy thing, but they need to discover their own path and their own beliefs. Once they have done that, then you can step in and provide the guidance they need."

I was puzzled at Benny's advice but I decided to take his word for it.

"Okay, I'll leave them for a little longer."

"That would be best," Benny said.

As the elves continued to develop, I saw that they were becoming more and more sophisticated. They had developed a system of government, a class structure, and a complex social system. Cyrus, was of course the king of this society.

It seemed they had created a monarchy, which was fine as long as Cyrus used his position for the good of his people.

The elves were also beginning to explore the world around them, and they were discovering new things every day. They were developing a sense of curiosity and a desire to learn.

They were a curious race, and it seemed like their natural curiosity was leading them down a path of scientific exploration.

They were beginning to develop tools, weapons, and technology.

As I watched them, an idea came to me. "Hey Benny, I was wondering if it would be wise to create a second race? I wanted to recreate the human race."

"Why do you want to do that, Thomas?"

"Well, the elves are a fascinating race, but they're not human. I want to see how humans would have evolved in this world. Also, I want the world to have more variety. I was thinking of creating multiple races."

"You have the power to do whatever you want, Thomas. But remember, there are consequences to your actions. Creating multiple races will create more challenges for you, and it will make your job as the Author of Life more difficult with so much to manage and all. One glaring weakness you have is your lack of omniscience."

"Yeah, that's true. But I'm up for the challenge. I'll take a risk and see what happens."

I began to focus and concentrate, using Imagination Amplification to recreate a race, a humanoid race, a human race. 

As I began to create the humans, I felt a sense of excitement and wonder. I knew that this was going to be a big step, and it was going to change the world forever.

I focused on the image of the human race, and I used Imagination Amplification to bring it to life. Slowly, the image began to take shape.

It was a race of humans, with soft, smooth skin and delicate features. They were similar to the elves, but they had a different look. Of course rather than the typical pointy ears the elves had, the humans had rounded ones.

While I was creating them, I decided to create a list of traits that would be innate within them, something I had not done with the elves. I made the human race adaptable, curious, and rapid breeders. I made them capable of adapting to any situation and overcoming any obstacle.

As I looked at the humans, I felt a sense of pride and wonder. This was a momentous occasion, and it was a big step in the development of the world. I decided to place the two humans I had created some distance away from the elves so that they would develop their own civilizations.

"I've created a second race. This will surely make things interesting," I say, excited to see what would happen.

"You have, and I'm sure it will," Benny says.

After I placed the humans, I felt a terrible headache come over me. I knew that this was a result of the tremendous strain of creating a whole new race, the creation of a brand new sapient species.

"I need a break, Benny. I'm exhausted," I say, feeling overwhelmed and tired.

"You should rest, Thomas. You've done a lot today, and you need to take care of yourself."

"Thanks, Benny," I say, grateful for his advice.

I decide to take a break from creating for a while and just watch the elves and the humans as they go about their lives.

It was an amazing experience, and I couldn't help but feel proud and a sense of accomplishment.

"It's unfortunate I won't be able to guide the humans due to the strain it put on me. However, the elves are doing well for themselves and seem to have a stable civilization and culture," I say to Benny.

"Although they are still very primitive."

"Indeed, they have. It seems that Cyrus has used his wisdom to create a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. However, it seems the elves have their own share of troubles."

"What troubles are you talking about?" I ask, concerned.

"The elves are beginning to question their purpose, and there is a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction within the kingdom," Benny says.

"Ugh, I suppose it has to do with my inaction for what appears to be centuries int their time now. I had no choice, but I have to fix this. I need to step in and provide guidance for the elves," I say, frustrated.

"Perhaps you should do that, Thomas. Perhaps it is time for you to reveal yourself to all the elves. I was mistaken for preventing you to do so in the first place. Maybe you can create a grand temple, one that can act as a beacon of hope and guidance for the elves. Perhaps that will help to settle the growing dissent among them," Benny suggests.

"That's a great idea, Benny. I'll get right on it," I say, excited to finally reveal myself to the elves and begin guiding them.