
The Author's Reincarnation

Our mc dies and gets reborn into his novel. Wants to live a better life, gets stronger maybe he'll fall in love. This is my first work and honestly I write for my own enjoyment more than anything else, so if you wanna read this go for it

Ramen_Guy10 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 - The New Student [2]

I woke up at around 5am today, my body seemingly didn't need anymore than around 6 hours of sleep. It seems my body is slowly changing as we speak, as of now, I can work with around 5 hours of sleep. Yesterday it was 6 hours, my body was seemingly needing less and less sleep.

The same went for food, I was rarely hungry now adays. Although I still needed to see wether my dietary requirements would change like my sleeping requirements.

Since It was fairly early in the morning I thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea to train, so pulled out some clothes from my Dimensional Ring. I went outside and jogged for around half an hour before practicing some Swordsmanship. The [Draking King Style]'s first form, I channeled Mana into my body and kept drawing my practice sword before sheathing it, I did this till my body couldn't go on. By the end, my muscles were on fire, I could also feel my muscles reconnecting and reconstructing themselves due to my heightened regeneration.

I looked at the time, it was 6:30am, I completely forgot about Alicia, and since it probably wouldn't be a good idea to meet a princess while sweat stained. I decided to wash up and have quick shower before donning my school uniform.

I made my way to the front gates, I saw Aurora waiting there. We greeted each other and waited, then after a few minutes had passed. A limousine drove in, and out came Alicia Heralith.

She had silver hair that was simply captivating, her eyes were a beautiful shade of Teal. Her face and skin were spotless, her body wasn't as curvaceous as the others. It was modest from the front, from the back she was a little larger than average. But her real charm came with her demeanor, and face. Her demeanor was elegant, I probably would have stared at her if I was younger.

She greeted me and Aurora, I simply nodded towards her. Aurora talked about what she could expect, and where to find her if she needed anything. Then she walked away, and wished me luck.

I looked at Alicia and smiled at her before speaking, "Anywhere you want to go? Or do you want to set your things down in the dormitory first?"

She looked at me, she seemed perplexed yet interested. Honestly I couldn't care less about her, I was only doing this so I could be taught by Aurora.

"You aren't even going to call me your highness? I'm a princess you know? Since you're my guide you're probably someone rather well off, so I'm guessing you were taught basic mannerisms? I mean, look at the way you move, if you've been taught that, then surely you know how to address someone of a higher position?"

I looked at her with a completely dull expression, "My apologies, your highness" I said, stressing the "your highness" part. She smiled at me before speaking again, "That will do for now, and whilst your way of talking isn't exactly orthodox. You at least don't look at me in a repulsive way, well the way you look at me is quite cold. It's a new experience but it's not as bad as being ogled at. And why don't we leave my stuff at where I'll be staying before we head to class?"

I nodded while trying to seem respectful, but I had no fucking clue how to speak to a princess, and although she acted somewhat haughty, she was a decent person at heart. But she was also terrifyingly intelligent, she could probably find a way to kill me if she tried even though her stats were lower than mine. But that's only if she was given time to plan.

And she also had the bloodline of the High Elves, which allowed her to do several things. One of them was the ability to connect her senses to nature, and that made it impossible to sneak up on her. Well that was later down the line, right now a [D] rank could sneak up on her if they were trained well enough.

We made our way to the dorms while engaging in some small talk, then she asked, "How do your parents feel? You know, knowing that their child gets to accompany a princess for a while?"

Then, I felt memories from both the original Reinhardt and my past life flowing into me. The way Reinhardt was treated by his family, and I remembered how my previous family died. It made me stop momentarily which made her bump into me. She opened her mouth, probably to complain or something, but she then saw the look I had in my eyes and decided against it.

It probably made my already cold eyes seem inhuman, she didn't look at me with fear or anything of the sort. She simply looked like she pitied me, although I didn't want to be pitied, I didn't want to be feared by someone who I was supposed to escort so this was fine.

"My apologies for saying something like that, I didn't think about your family situation."

I smiled at her, although it wasn't a genuine smile and she probably knew that. "It's fine, and you didn't seem to mean anything bad so it's all okay. And you seem to think I'm some well off person, but I'm sorry to disappoint, I'm a normal person from a normal family. Well mostly normal, my dad's dead and my mother, well we can talk about that some other time."

It was true, Shadow, Reinhardt's father, was dead and according to the memory i had seen. Reinhardt's mother had abandoned him, apparently she had been with another man for a while now and had even had a daughter with him before Reinhardt was born. Meaning he had an oder sister,but he had never met her. On another note, why was this man's family situation so complex?

"I see, another time huh? That sounds good to me."

We walked in utter silence for the rest of the way to the dorms, however we were both enjoying the silence quite a lot. I didn't know why and I don't think she did either. Once we had arrived at the dorms we made our way to her assigned dorm room, I only got to see a little bit of the insides but it was way larger than my room.

Well, at the end of the day she was a Princess, no it made a lot of sense. And she was here to help with the friendship between the humans and the 3 race alliance. After all, no one wanted another enemy when the Demons were tearing up world after world.

She went into her room and came out around 30 minutes later, "I finished putting up some minor decorations, why don't you come in and we can have a chat on the plans for the rest of the day?"

I was taken aback by her request, but at a closer look. I could tell that she wasn't requesting me to listen but ordering me. I had no choice but to agree and so I entered her dorm room, her dorm room was decorated with things originating from the Elvish worlds. She also had her own tea set up on the kitchen counter, yes she had a personal kitchen.

There was a kitchen we could all use downstairs near the lobby but she had a personal kitchen. I was jealous because I father enjoyed cooking. And she even had a tea set, if I had any real amount of money in my past life I'd have been a tea enthusiast.

The Princess looked at me with interest before saying, "Do you want to use my kitchen or something? I mean you can if you want to, but make sure it tastes good. I don't want to see something unseemly being made in my kitchen."

I nodded, she probably had brought some sort of Elven tea with her. And I simply couldn't pass of the opportunity to drink tea that came from a totally different world. I cleared my throat and spoke in the most servile tone I could muster, "Your highness? Could my incompetent self please be grated the honour of making tea?"

She looked at me, completely confused and understandably so. But she slowly nodded her head, "It's in the cupboard, feel free to make some tea for me while your at it."

I nodded and started making the tea, the aroma the tea gave off was rather fresh. Not too dissimilar to green tea but it tasted rather, natural. Well Elves did like their food to be more natural, in fact a large portion of them are vegetarian.

I sat down and set the intricately designed tea cups along with their coasters down on the table, "Here's the tea, m'lady? Your highness? Miss? I'm not entirely sure as to how this is supposed to go."

She smiled a bit and shrugged her shoulders as if to say she didn't know either, I felt at ease with the Princess. And that was actually scary, she made someone whom she had just met comfortable with her within such a short period of time.

I shuddered and thought to myself, 'This girl, just why did I make her like this?' I then took a sip of the tea, and that seemingly took away all of my worries and brought in a wave of flavour that couldn't be compared to anything I've had prior. Then again she was a Princess, so it's probably to he expected.

We partook in the tea for a while longer before we started discussing what to do, I also told her who was important and who to make connections with. The main character did something similar in the original, but he just told her about his friends and she was able to use that information to her advantage.

But I'm not an overly friendly person so I just told her directly, she seemed rather happy that I told her this information since it would help out a lot to make friends with some humanity's future most prominent figures. We indulged in the tea and the silence for a little while longer before we headed off to class.