
The Aurelian Empire

"When Verlian, a god condemned to walk the sinful Earth alongside humans and Ravynne, a girl sacrificed by her poverty stricken village just because she refused to marry a king, come to gether under the same roof - all hell breaks loose. He doesn't want to waste his time on a girl that is useless to his goal but at the same time, he can't bring himself to throw her out as he was. She doesn't want to give her ex-village the satisifaction or blessings of her death and is willing to do whatever she can to survive. ...but wait, it turns out they have the same goal. Follow them as they come together to seek revenge against those who wronged them and attempt to create a new era!"

Thalia_Ilace · Fantasy
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42 Chs

What About Ravynne?

Ashke paced back and forth, biting on his thumb nail. Ravynne's wounds were healing fairly quick considering their severity. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, the whole thing seemed fishy. A girl who had no experience in actual fighting, takes on five men, and manages to run them off, while also coming back from the dead with her severe and fatal wounds healing quicker than the average person? Things weren't adding up.

The problem, however, was Verlian. He was guarding Ravynne so closely, there was no opening for Ashke to get to her. Where Ravynne went, Verlian went. If she needed to get out to get some fresh air, Verlian was right by her side helping her stand and making sure she didn't get too cold. Whenever she ate, Verlian was on standby in case she felt too weak to hold her utensils. Possibly, the only time Verlian wasn't attached at the hip was when Ravynne needed to use the bathroom, in which case he was still close by. Besides, Ashke had no intentions of interrogating her during those times anyways.

At some point, he would have to leave her side, right? For days, Ashke watched carefully, looking for an opening. When finally, on the fifth day, Verlian left the house leaving Ravynne on her own. Ashke waited for him to get far enough down the path to enter the house without being seen. There, sitting up in bed sewing two pieces of plain cloth together, was Ravynne.

She looked up at him, her brown eyes didn't have the same glow as they usually did and they seemed very tired, but she smiled nonetheless. "Ashke! Hello. You just missed Verlian, he should be back soon though. He's just getting supplies." Part of her expression looked disappointed.

"I'm here to see you actually."

Ravynne perked up and smiled wider, "You are here to see me? I was wondering why you haven't stopped by to be honest."

"May I?" Ashke motioned to her bed side and she replied with a nod, scooting over to make room for him. He sat next to her and pointed to the fabric she was sewing, "What are you working on?" "I was getting really bored so Verlian suggested that I try to improve my sewing skills. I'm not very good though." She held up the two pieces that were sown together in a sloppy, uneven stitch. "At least, they're staying together though, right?"

"Yeah, for now." The two laughed together although Ravynne forcibly cut her laughter short. Ashke could see that she was in pain, "You're still hurting huh?" Ravynne nodded, "I'm still very sore."

"That's to be expected. I was wondering actually, if I could ask you a few questions Ravynne."

Before Ravynne could answer, Verlian walked through the door and pulled Ashke up from the bed. "She's still recovering. Can you not wait until she's healed?" He was very clearly irritated and Ashke gave him a dirty look.

"Verlian, it's okay. I don't mind. He can ask me whatever questions he wants. It'll be a pleasant change of scenery. Well, verbally speaking."

Verlian glanced between the two of them before sitting down at the table across the room. "Make it quick Ashke."

Ashke nodded and sat back down on Ravynne's bed side. "Ravynne, where are you from and what year were you born?"

"I was born and raised in Novenwell. It's a really small village, I think it's probably north of here, and I was born in the year of the sky."

Ashke raised his eyebrows in surprise and glanced over at Verlian, whose eyebrows were furrowed. He couldn't tell if Verlian was also shocked or if he was just irritated that Ashke was still there. Ravynne noticed Ashke's surprise and laughed delicately, "I know it's rare for children to be born in the year of the sky! That's probably why they said I was a curse."

"What about your parents?"

"My parents passed away when I was younger but they were really good people. My mother was a seamstress sand my father was a hunter. Both of them were revered in our village for their outstanding skills. I think those genes skipped a generation maybe." Ravynne held up the poorly stitched work and made a face that screamed, 'DEFINITELY'.

"I mean no offense by what I'm about to ask next, but are you sure that you're their blood?"

"Because of this?" She flapped the fabric and smiled, "Yes, I'm sure. My parents actually struggled to conceive so everyday for five years, they went to the temple to pray and leave offerings in hopes of having a child. Then I came along!"

"There's a temple in your village? Don't small villages tend not to have temples?"

"I don't know about that, I've never been outside of Novenwell, before I came to Evania anyways, but north of our village is a temple dedicated to the fertility goddess, Dune." Ashke and Verlian exchanged nervous glances, "My mother would leave exquisite dresses and my father would leave prime game as offerings. Although, once I was born and our village plunged into poverty, everyone was banned from visiting the temple. They said more children would only mean less resources for everyone else. They took the dresses left there by my mother to trade for food as well. I felt really bad about that so I used to visit the temple everyday and ask for forgiveness on their behalf, but I eventually had to stop since it became unsafe to visit. No one was upkeeping it and I didn't know how."

"I've never heard of the fertility goddess, Dune. What's the story there?"

"I suppose that makes sense since she originated in Novenwell. Dune was a beautiful goddess who descended from the heavens to aid a traveler whose wife was suffering complications during child birth. The woman and her child were not meant to survive the birthing process, but the traveler prayed and pleaded so earnestly for his wife and child to be alright that Dune granted her and their child safety and health. Dune had not experienced such happiness as was that of the traveler and decided she wanted to grant more people that same feeling. Thus, she began to help families with their fertility issues, but only if they were earnest enough. The traveler and his wife built a temple in the spot in which Dune had descended. It used to be common practice to leave offerings for Dune regularly, whether you were praying for fertility or not, but people stopped doing it over time."

Ashke nodded, trying his best to absorb all of the information. He wanted to know more, but before he could ask Ravynne sunk back down on the bed, "I'm sorry, I'm starting to feel tired. Can we continue another time?"

Verlian stood up, ready to escort Ashke out, "Yeah, I'll see you next time then Ravynne."

"Thank you for stopping by, Ashke!" Ravynne smiled genuinely and Ashke felt a pang in his heart as Verlian escorted him out of the house. He felt guilty, for not having visited under genuine pretenses, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Verlian closed the door behind them and stepped closer to Ashke, "Your thoughts?" Verlian's eyebrows were furrowed and he looked mildly concerned.

"A fertility goddess named Dune? There's no goddess of fertility and certainly no goddess named Dune. Verlian, she's born in the year of the sky for goodness sake!"

Verlian held his hand up to stop Ashke from speaking further, "The goddess was probably just made up by the humans. She's probably not real and is something they created in order to have hope. It's common amongst mortals. Being born in the year of the sky doesn't necessarily mean anything, it's just rare."

"Her parents were barren for five years, Verlian. They probably struggled before that too, and then all of a sudden they give birth to a daughter born in the year of the sky? That's too big of a coincidence. The year of the sky is reserved for gods of royal lineage, with the exception of a crown prince or princess, like yourself, and for humans that are meant to carry out a god's will. Ravynne was not on the register."

The sky was meant to represent infinite abilities with no limitations, thus a human who was born of the sky was born due to a god wishing to carry out a task. However, when this happened, it was put on a register within the Celestial Kingdom, and the Aurelian Empire also held up this tradition. However, a crown prince or princess would be born in the year of the flame, with the flame representing a passion for leadership. Other royals would be born in the year of the sky as it is said that the air feeds the flame and it is their job to uplift the crown prince/princess.

Humans could also be born in the year of the flame, although this was much more common, it was said if your child was born in the year of the flame, they would grow up to be a hero or a powerful person. The year of the tide was also shared amongst gods and humans, with normal gods being born in this year. It is said those born in the year of the tide will bring stability and fortune, while those born in the year of the soil were exclusive to humans.

Verlian rubbed his chin in consideration, "I'll try to find out more, but I think you're overthinking it. Besides, what is your theory? What does it mean to you?"

Ashke rubbed the back of his head, "I'm not sure, all I know is that there's something no right here. I'll figure it out."

"Once Ravynne heals, I will depart with her to Novenwell, I'll do more research there. Alright?"

Ashke nodded, "Alright. Just be careful."

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