
The Auction | Book One

Elaine was groomed and perfected in the Leon Del Rio Academy to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. She's not ready to submit to anyone just because they own her. However, Caesar isn't a man to be played with. He's a killer and he's cold and ruthless and won't fall to his knees for anyone. Can Elaine dominate him? Or will she end up ensnaring Caesar's brother Issandro?

guanabanabana · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

I just landed in Atlanta; it'll be a quick trip. I'm checking out my gentlemen's club in district nine. Atlanta usually does really well money-wise, but recently there hasn't been a lot of revenue coming in. I'm here to find out what's going on.

I dial Manny; he's my club manager in district nine. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, I'm in Atlanta. I'll be at the club in fifteen. Meet me there." I hang up the call.

My driver opens the door for me, and I get in the car. As he takes me to my destination, I prepare for what's coming next. I load my gun in a compartment in the vehicle and keep it on my back.

I'm not sure if Manny is fucking with my money. Since I'm not positive that he's not fucking with my money, he has to die. Let's hear him out first and see what he has to say.

Sometimes I get too trigger-happy; I love making an example out of people.

I make it to the club before Manny does. I go inside and take a look around. It's a nice clean club. It's dark, with dim lights on the stage and around the bar. There are a few poles apart from the stage scattered around the club. Those are for personal dances guys pay the girls to do in their little sections. Then some stairs lead up to the second floor with rooms a little bigger than a fitting room with a curtain where the girls give private lap dances, among other things.

No one is forced to do anything they don't want to do. That's an oxymoron, given that they're forced to work for the clubs, but you know what I mean. They have some say when it comes to certain things.

Manny finally arrives; I know he's here because of the loud doors in the front. I'm sitting in one of the private booths on the first floor. I step out and greet him with a smile.

"Hey, boss!"

"Hey, Manny, come sit down with me." He approaches me, and I motion for him to sit on one of the lounge chairs. I sit right across from him. I want to kill him already. See? Trigger happy.

"Manny tell me, what's going on?" I'm talking to him in a friendly tone, but I think it makes him more nervous.

"What do you mean?" You're going to make me drag every little bit out of you, huh?

"The money Manny. You know I wouldn't show up unless there's trouble with money. Trouble and money are two words that should never go together."

"I don't know what to say, the boss; it's been a dry season. Not many customers are showing up. They're scared because of COVID or monkeypox, whatever that shit is."

Really, this mother fucker is blaming this shit on the pandemic.

"My other clubs are doing great, so don't come with that bullshit."

"It's not bull—" I talk over him, interrupting his words.

"Manny. The club looks good, bitches always sell. What's really going on? You steal from me?"

"No, Boss, I would never steal from you." He seems sincere, but I'm not convinced.

"Someone is stealing from me. If it's not you, then who?"

"I don't know; maybe it's one of the girls." This guy, he knows how to make me laugh and piss me off at the same time. I mean, really, one of the girls stealing from me?

"If that's the case, isn't it your job to keep them in line? Isn't that what I pay you for? Why am I paying you when you're letting some bitch steal from me?" I'm no longer speaking to him in a friendly tone. If Manny was nervous before, he's scared shitless now.

"I'll get them in line, find out which one is stealing from you, and handle it!"

"I already found the bitch that stole from me." I pull my gun out and aim it at the middle of his forehead, "Don't worry about it; it's been handled." I pull the cold trigger and place a bullet in Manny's skull.

His body slumps, and his head rolls, blood oozing from the hole in his skull.

"I got blood on my shirt, goddamn it, Manny!" I dial the number to one of my guys that cleans up messes. "I need you to do a disposal and a cleanup for me." I give him the address, and then I go back outside. I button my suit jacket before I get back in the car. I make a call to Mitch.

"Manny left us." Technically he did leave us.

"Why'd he leave?"

"He came up on some money." He stole from me, that fucker.

"Are you sure?" Mitch sounds surprised.

"No, I just feel that's what happened." In other words, I'm not entirely sure, and I probably killed an innocent guy, but probably not.

"Okay, you need me there soon?"

"Yeah, in two days. I'm closing the club till you get here with the new girls."

"Alright, see you in two days."

I end the call.

I start thinking about Elaine and can't wait to return home.

Woah! Stop that thought. Looking forward to going home because of a woman? Since when have I ever? What is she doing to me? Fucking she-devil. I have to punish her for making me think of her while working.

You've punished her enough. It'll never be enough. I inhale a deep breath. I have to get this out of my system. I have to get her out of my system before returning home.

"Take me to my hotel," I tell the driver. I have to change clothes.

I get to my room, and as I step through the hotel room door, I'm greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The plush carpet under my feet welcomes me while the soft lighting casts a gentle glow across the space.

A comfortable king-size bed with crisp white linens dominates the room, beckoning me to sink into its fluffy pillows and drift off to sleep. The headboard is adorned with a tasteful piece of artwork that adds a touch of sophistication to the space.

To the side of the bed, a sleek and modern nightstand houses a collection of books, magazines, and a lamp, all within arm's reach. Across from the bed, a large window offers a stunning view of the cityscape, and a cozy armchair invites me to curl up and take it all in.

In the corner, a desk and chair provide a comfortable workspace with a lamp and device charging ports. Above the desk, a piece of art adds color and interest to the space.

The inviting bathroom has gleaming white tiles and a spacious glass-enclosed shower. Soft, fluffy towels are neatly folded and arranged on a nearby shelf, waiting to be used.

I remove my clothes and jump in the shower. I remember the shower with Elaine, and my cock is growing hard… and it infuriates me. I can't stop thinking about her. I haven't even had her yet. Maybe that's what it is. I haven't had her, and there's all this sexual stuff going on.

Yes, once I make her mine, I'll be bored of my toy, and I won't have these racing thoughts about her. I have to get her out of my system tonight before I get on the plane tomorrow morning. I can't go to her with all this pent-up need. I'll fucking destroy her.

I step out of the shower and wear a new change of clothes. I'm going to my favorite club in Atlanta. Find me some beautiful women and fuck the ever-loving shit out of them.

I head out and give my driver the address to the club. The entire drive to the club has been plagued by thoughts of Elaine. "I can't be sober tonight." I do a line of coke before stepping out of the car and walking into the club.

The inside of the club resembles a rave. A bunch of women with scantily clad neon clothing dancing to music. Go-go dancers in cages and people making out with randoms. This is precisely what I needed.

I hang out by the bar and drown myself in alcohol. I'm eyeing a woman wearing a red dress across from me. I won't buy her a drink; I don't need to. I approach her. I place my hand on her back and whisper, "You keep staring at me like you want me to fuck you."

"Aren't you going to buy me a drink first?" she says while wetting her lips with her tongue.

"You've had two drinks already, and I'd like you to be sober for what I have planned for you." I take her hand and lead her to a private VIP section. There are other people here, but they're either getting sucked or getting fucked, so no one pays attention to us.

I turn her back to me and hike up her dress, pressing my erection against her ass. She takes in a sharp breath. I pull out my cock, put a condom on, slide her underwear over, and thrust myself inside her. She gasps. "Oh!"

"Shh," I tell her as I continue burying myself inside her. And for some demonic reason, my thoughts go to Elaine. I have this beautiful woman beneath me, and all I can think about is my fucking toy.

I think about Elaine as I'm fucking whoever this chick's name is. I imagine she's bent over with her ass in the air waiting for me to fill her with my cock, taking all of me in. I imagine her looking back at me and asking me for more, so I give no name more.

It's been about 30 minutes when I finally pull out of her, and she all but falls to the floor. I catch her and sit her on top of me. I snort some more coke. I'm not planning on leaving any time soon.


It's the following day, and on each side of my bed lie two women whom I don't recognize or know. I look around; no red dress; I didn't leave with the one I fucked in the VIP section. Both women are naked underneath the sheets.

I slip out of bed and make a dive for the bathroom. Once I get out of the shower, I check my watch for the time, 9:57am. I'll make it in time for my flight. I contemplate waking the women but don't have time to deal with two hungover women. I start getting myself dressed. I grab my things and leave some money on the dresser for the two women.

I decided not to fly back home but instead to Port Bern. That's where tomorrow's shipment will be dropped off. I'll stay there for the day and make sure everything goes as planned. There are too many distractions at home.

I call Daymar, "Hey, I'm on my way to Port Bern. I thought we could talk and have a few drinks while I'm there."

"I'm not near Port Bern right now."

"When are you going to get here? You're supposed to be picking up the packages tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know. I'll make it there this afternoon."

"Ok, I'll see you." I end the call.

Daymar, apart from my brother, is the closest person to a friend that I have. We do a lot of business together, so naturally, we spend a lot of time in each other's company.

Over the years, I've gotten to know him personally. He's calm and collected, doesn't lose his cool, and has this look that makes him feel mysterious. Daymar doesn't wear his emotions on his face; I think that adds to his mystery. Essentially, he's the complete opposite of me. Even when it comes to women, I don't think I've ever seen him with a woman publicly; he's extremely private about his personal life, unlike me.

We land in Port Bern; I exit my plane and get in my car. I need to make some calls.

I ring Mitch, "Hey Mitch, gather the packages from Atlanta and bring them to Port Bern. We're handing them over to Daymar. Once we get the new shipment, I want you to take them to Atlanta."

"You've got it, boss."

"And I need you there until you find someone new to replace Manny."

"Sure thing."

"Alright." I end the call.

I look at my driver, "Take me to a hotel near the Port. I need some rest; I barely got any last night." He nods his head.

We arrive at a hotel overlooking the Port. I check in and go to sleep for a few hours.

When I wake up, it's 4:13pm. I dial Mitch, "Are you here yet? I don't want to be sober any longer."

"I'm on my way there; I land in 20 minutes. Is Issandro joining us?

"I hadn't called him; I probably should. He needs to be here tomorrow anyways."

"Text me your hotel details."


I hang up and dial Issandro, "I need you in Port Bern tomorrow."

"I'll be there." He sounds upset.

"Everything good, baby brother?"

"Yeah." Short and quick, he's definitely pissed.

"Why don't you fly in now? Daymar and I will catch up over some drinks and women."

He scoffs, "I'm surprised Daymar is going. He never gets out."

"You're one to talk. Plus, I don't feel comfortable with you being caged up with my little bird."

He's dead silent for a moment, "I'll be there. I need to loosen up."

He hangs up on me.


Issandro pulls the scarf from my neck and exposes the bruises I got from Caesar choking me. He covers his mouth and paces back and forth.

"I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him."

"Shh! Lower your voice!" I want to tell him to calm down, but I'm afraid it'll anger him more. He walks over to me and lifts my head to inspect me.

"I told you I'd protect you." I can hear his voice straining; he's blaming himself. My heart feels heavy. I don't want him to hurt.

"It's not your responsibility, nor is it your fault." It's true; your brother is a psycho. He'd find any reason to hurt everyone around him.

"Why, why did he put his hands on you?" Because of your interest in me. Because he thinks you will save me from him. Because I feel safe when I'm with you.

"Is there any reason that could justify his actions?" He's shaking his head.

"No, there isn't. I want to hurt him."

"Please don't do anything stupid."

"Esto no se va quedar asi," he keeps shaking his head while he rubs my neck with the pad of his thumb. "Te lo prometo."

He tucks my hair behind my ear and brushes my cheek with his fingers. I can barely feel his touch, so I turn my face towards his hand, and he cups my cheek in return.

I look up at him, I can tell he's angry, but right now, he's just looking at me like I'm the most precious thing in the world. "Will you do anything for me?"

"Yes, anything and everything, for you, Elaine," he breathes, "anything and everything."

"Let it go this one time." He shakes his head in response.

"No, don't ask me that."

"Please—" his phone rings. He looks to see who's calling, and his jaw clenches

"It's my brother."

"Don't say anything!" I beg him. You'll make things worse. Just don't pick up the call at all.

He picks up the call, "What?" I'm pressed against his chest; he's holding onto me as if Caesar could jump out of the phone and hurt me. It feels good being held this way and not being held by a chokehold.

I'm not paying attention to the conversation; I can't. All I can focus on is the heat coming off his body and being absorbed into mine. I can feel his muscles beneath me; being held like this feels good. I feel safe with you; that's what I want to tell him.

"I'll be there; I need to loosen up," he says, then hangs up the call.

"Where are you going?" He's still holding on to me like I'm his.

"Port Bern," he says, "with my brother and a friend."

"I don't want to be alone," I tell him.

"I have to go anyway for work." I wrap my arms around him.

"You could stay here with me" He lowers his head and gently kisses my forehead.

"I have to go," he says reluctantly.

"Ok," I whisper. I sit on his bed and watch him get dressed. He leans over me just as he's about to leave and wraps the scarf around my neck.

"Don't hide from me. If he touches you again, don't hide it from me, ok?"

"Don't provoke him," I say.

"If only you were mine," he says, and I just want to yell at him and say I can be!