
The Auction | Book One

Elaine was groomed and perfected in the Leon Del Rio Academy to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. She's not ready to submit to anyone just because they own her. However, Caesar isn't a man to be played with. He's a killer and he's cold and ruthless and won't fall to his knees for anyone. Can Elaine dominate him? Or will she end up ensnaring Caesar's brother Issandro?

guanabanabana · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

How can I describe the stage? It looks like the inside of a beehive. It's quite intimidating.

There are a bunch of cells, each one housing a sponsor. The cells are a one-way mirror. The sponsors can see me, but I can't see them. It is completely pitch black except for the platform I'm standing on. A soft light illuminates from it, onto me.

I look up at the cells and they seem endless. It almost feels like I'm alone here, but I'm not.

I have twelve sponsors. All the cells that aren't participants of my sponsorship have a big red X; that means they can't bid on me. The cells that don't have a red X are housing each of my twelve sponsors.

It feels like I'm waiting forever for the bidding to start.

A robotic voice comes through the speakers.

"Elaine Valentino, 28 years old, overall pool 163 million, starting bid 14 million."

The platform moves and takes me to one of the cells. Then quickly it shifts and moves me to another cell. It keeps moving me from cell to cell. I guess this means it's moving me to the highest bidder.

I am holding on to the railing for dear life. This thing is going up, down, side to side and I can't see the bottom of the platform anymore. I am going to fall and die. Sadly, that might not be the worst thing that could happen to me right now.

The bidding is now up to 17.5 million. I'm being lunged around like I'm in a damned claw machine! Good grief.

The robotic voice can't even finish stating the current bid. "19 million, 19.5 millio--, 20 millio--, 20.5 million."

After a few minutes many of the bidders have dropped out, their cells now displaying an X. My current bid is at 37.5 million. There are three sponsors left. I still don't know who is who. My platform is moving a lot slower now. I don't feel the need to vomit.

"40 million." Another sponsor drops out. Now there are only two left. "40.5 million…". Two minutes later I'm at 45 million. I'm staring at the cell that currently holds the highest bid on me.

"Going once." The voice says. "Going twice… sold!"

At this point I'm shaking, and I don't know if it's because I am terrified or because I am cold as fuck! I must keep my composure. I can't let this man know I am intimidated by him. A million thoughts are racing through my mind. Who could this person be? Why would anyone throw 45 million dollars on a human? Who spends 45 million dollars this easily!?

My platform moves closer to the cell. A path is unraveled that takes me straight to it. I walk towards the cell slowly. Slow. Slower! I'm standing in front of the cell now. Put your alluring face on bitch! The window of the cell lifts and there stands Issandro Libertino and his brother Caesar Libertino sitting looking smug as ever.

My heart is racing. Not this monster, God no. I step off the platform and into the cell. The window closes behind me. Caesar is still sitting, "Turn around, let me see your ass."

Excuse me!? Of course, I turn. "Beautiful" he says, and, in my mind, I say I know.

"I'm Caesar and this is my brother Issandro" he waves his hand at his brother.

"Hello, Elaine" says Issandro. I tell him hello softly.

"From now on you're my property." I stare at Caesar blankly not letting any emotions sweep through my features.

Issandro adds, "A very expensive piece of property."

"I'm worth every penny." Caesar gets up and walks towards me. He grabs my face and points my gaze up towards him. I'm terrified of this man, but I also want to break him. I want to break him before he breaks me. Why couldn't I have gotten the normal brother? I sigh internally.

I hold his gaze still and he lowers his head and brushes his lips against mine. I stick a bit of my tongue out to wet his lips, but he pulls away before I can.

"Let's go and finish this." He yanks me forward and we step out of the cell along with Issandro.


We're driving to Caesar's and Issandro's home now. Caesar finished the auction paperwork, and my parents got a lump sum of 208 million minus the percentage that goes to the academy. It's been a quiet drive. Caesar hasn't touched me, and I wonder how his girlfriend feels about him buying himself a new woman. Issandro keeps looking at me like he's worried or something. If he is why didn't he sponsor me and save me from his brother's clutches? He's left me with this psycho.

I really have no clue what he could possibly want with me. He has Paola, she's beautiful and he seems to like her, I think. He is a womanizer though.

We finally get to their home. They both step out of the car and Issandro holds out his hand to me. I hold on to him.

As you approach the mansion, your eyes are immediately drawn to the grandeur of its façade. Tall, stately columns reach skyward, supporting a majestic pediment that looms over the entrance like a regal crown. The brickwork is impeccable, with each brick perfectly laid, creating a sense of order and elegance. The windows are tall and wide, allowing the light to pour in and illuminate the luxurious interior.

Caesar is walking up the stairs already bored with his little toy.

As you step through the imposing front doors, you are greeted by a vast foyer that exudes sophistication and refinement. Gleaming marble floors stretch out before you, reflecting the glittering chandeliers above. The walls are adorned with exquisite artwork and intricate moldings, showcasing Caesar's impeccable taste and eye for detail.

He stops and addresses one of his many servants, "Show her where she'll be sleeping and where her new clothes are." She nods and gives me a tour of the mansion.

Venturing further into the mansion, you find yourself in a series of opulent rooms that seem to have been plucked from a fairy tale. The dining room is a feast for the senses, with a massive crystal chandelier hanging over a table that could easily seat thirty guests. The library is a cozy retreat, with plush armchairs and shelves lined with rare volumes that invite you to lose yourself in their pages.

The bedrooms are the epitome of luxury, with sumptuous four-poster beds, plush carpets, and enormous windows that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Each room is decorated with exquisite furnishings and accents, reflecting Caesar's discerning taste and appreciation for the finer things in life.

As you wander through the estate, it becomes clear that this is not just a home, but a work of art. Every detail has been carefully considered; every inch of space has been thoughtfully utilized. This is a place of beauty, of elegance, and of unapologetic extravagance. A true mansion, fit for a king or queen.

She finally takes me to my room it's big, but I can tell this isn't the master bedroom. So, we won't be sleeping together. She walks me over to a door that leads to a walk in closet.

Opening the door to the walk-in closet is like stepping into a luxurious haven. The closet is expansive, with ample space to store all manner of clothing, shoes, and accessories. The walls are lined with shelves, drawers, and hanging racks, each designed with precision to maximize storage efficiency.

The lighting in the closet is soft and warm, casting a gentle glow over the space. The floors are plush, with a soft carpet that feels like a dream underfoot. The air is scented with the sweet fragrance of freshly laundered clothes, adding to the sense of indulgence.

As you peruse the racks, you're struck by the sheer variety of items on display. Rows of designer shoes line one wall, each pair meticulously arranged and displayed like pieces of art. The clothing racks are filled with a rainbow of colors and textures, from silky blouses to soft cashmere sweaters.

The shelves are stacked high with purses, hats, and jewelry, each piece sparkling in the soft light. You can spend hours in this closet, trying on different outfits, experimenting with new styles, and simply reveling in the sense of opulence.

At the center of the closet stands a full-length mirror, perfect for admiring yourself from every angle. The mirror is surrounded by a comfortable chair and a small table, creating a cozy spot to sit and enjoy the tranquility of the closet.

Overall, the walk-in closet is a personal sanctuary, a place where you I indulge in the finer things in life and revel in my own sense of style and luxury.

"Is there anything I can do for you miss?"

"Where does Paola stay when she's with Caesar?." She looks surprised by my question.

"She stays with him in the master bedroom miss."

"Is she here now?"

"No, not at the moment."

I nod at her. "You don't need to call me miss, just Elaine."

She bows, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yes, I want you to let me know every time Paola is here in the house with Caesar. Is that something you can do for me? She nods her head,

"Of course." Then she leaves me.

Paola is going to become a problem. I've heard some stories about her.

Caesar doesn't hide his indiscretions and even when he's with Paola he's known to leave with other women. There have been many tabloid stories about those two.

What is she planning for me?

I'm crazy too, Paola. I'll do what I must do to defend myself, but you won't catch me throwing hands over Caesar Libertino. I think I should stay as far away from her as I can. Deep inside me I just want to taunt her though.

"I should shower." I get up, remove my clothes and walk over to the bathroom. The bathroom is a serene oasis, a place where one can indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation. The tiles on the floor are cool and smooth underfoot, and the walls are adorned with mosaic tiles, creating a stunning work of art that surrounds you.

The centerpiece of the bathroom is a deep, luxurious tub, just begging to be filled with warm, fragrant water. A tray sits across the tub, holding a book and a glass of wine, ready for you to indulge in some much-needed self-care.

The sink is a sleek, modern affair, with a gleaming chrome faucet and a large, framed mirror that reflects your image back at you. The countertop is clutter-free, save for a few carefully chosen items, such as a vase of fresh flowers and decorative tray of scented soaps.

The shower is a masterpiece of design, with a spacious enclosure and a rain-style showerhead that pampers you with a gentle cascade of water. The shower walls are made of glass, allowing natural light to flood the space, and providing a sense of openness and airiness.

The bathroom also features a luxurious heated towel rack, keeping your towels warm and fluffy, ready for you to wrap yourself up in after a relaxing soak or shower.

Finally, the bathroom is filled with scents that transport you to another realm, with fragrant candles and aromatherapy oils that infuse the air with a sense of tranquility and calm.

The bathroom is a place of escape and indulgence, a place where you can forget about the outside world and focus solely on yourself and your own sense of well-being.

I get in the bathtub and soak in the hot fragrant water as I sip on my fruity wine.

Am I going to be fucked today? Oh God, I am going to be fucked! My first time, with a complete barbarian!?

You stupid girl, of course he's fucking you, you cost him 45 million dollars! He's going to squeeze every dime out of you until you bleed.

Can I drown myself under a shower head? Maybe he'll forget that I'm here. I am in a separate room. I wanted to roam his mansion, but if I stay away from him, he might spare me, at least for tonight.

Okay bitch, good plan! I pat myself on the back. I start lathering my body and scrubbing every crevice, just in case! I rinse myself and wrap a towel over my body.

"Let's see what should I wear?" I saunter over to the walk-in closet. Did Caesar pick these clothes out? No, he probably hired someone. I picked out a black see-through body suit, a black leather mini skirt and black pointed toe knee high boots. I style my hair pin straight and lightly do my makeup. So much for not getting fucked tonight.

I hear a knock on the door, it's Issandro. He tells the bodyguard posted outside my door to leave it open.

"I have a bodyguard?" He nods. "For protection or to watch me?" I ask.

"To watch you" he answers. I roll my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I came here to see how you're doing, are you going to stay locked up in this room all day?"

"I plan to. Where's your brother?" I don't actually care where he is I just want to make sure he's not anywhere near me.

Issandro sits down on a lounge chair, "he's around here somewhere, working." Good, working… that'll keep him busy.

Just because I'm nosy I ask, "what exactly does he do for work?"

He looks at me amused, "Come on Elaine, don't play dumb. You know what business we're in." Human trafficking.

"Well, not you, right?" No, he's the only decent person in the family. Issandro has never shown interest in the family business. I think that's why he became a doctor because he wanted to make up for what his family does to other humans.

"Yes" he says, "I too am involved in some way."

"How so?" I ask curiously. I thought he had completely washed his hands of his families affairs.

"What's with this interest? What do you care about what I do?" He sounds upset, maybe he thinks I'm asking to be judgmental. I walk up and sit in the opposite lounge chair and lean forward.

"I don't have anyone anymore. No family, no friends. You and Caesar are the people I'm going to be living with for the rest of my life." Hopefully a long life. "I'm just trying to get to know you. You know everything there is to know about me."

He sighs, "I'm sorry, you're right."

"So what do you mean when you say you're still somewhat involved?"

"I provide medical care to the people that my father and brother traffic. I pass it off as me making sure they are getting their money's worth by having strong and healthy working bodies, but I truly care for these people and I want to offer them some comfort." He stares at me, and I can sense his sincerity.

"I understand" I say. "You couldn't completely escape your father, could you?"

He looks sad, "No I couldn't." I reach out and hold his hand.

"I think you came here to offer me some comfort."

"Yeah…" He pulls his hand away slowly.

"Anyways, who was the lovely servant who showed me to my room? I didn't catch her name."

"Her name is Estella, but everyone calls her Stella."

"Ah, good to know."

"I'll take my leave now. Don't stay locked up in here, Ok? Even if you're trying to evade my brother." He slips past the door before he sees my reaction.

I decided to roam after all.

The mansion is immense. There are plenty of rooms on the second level which is where my room is. Then there's a third level with more rooms and the master bedroom, which is where Caesar sleeps. On the first level there's Caesar office and work space as well as the living area, dining area, the kitchen, and the rooms for all the staff. It's all very beautiful and extravagant. Nothing like my home.

Outside are the gardens, yes, there are several of them, and a wooded area with a stream that's about a mile away from the main house. I didn't go that far out, but that's what one of the servants told me.

I'm making my way back inside and I run into the devil himself. He looks at me taking all of me in, but I don't see an expression on his face. Like he's not impressed at all. It's quite insulting.

He's joined by another man I don't know.

"Mitch, this is my new toy."

My jaw drops. Excuse me his new what!? I mean yes technically—I don't care! This man is bold!

Mitch stares me up and down and I can see the hunger in his eyes. He does nothing to mask it. "I like your shiny new toy" he says.

I say nothing, not sure how Caesar will react if I snap back. I can't embarrass him in front of his associates. I don't know what kind of man he is when he's angry and I don't want to find out. What I do want to find out is where Stella is because I am starving.

As if on cue Caesar starts walking away with Mitch into his office. I escape and walk over to the kitchen.

The space is bright and airy, with large windows that let in an abundance of natural light.

The counters are made of gleaming marble, providing a luxurious surface for a meal. The cabinets are meticulously crafted, with each door and drawer fitting perfectly into its designated space, creating a seamless and elegant look.

The appliances are state-of-the-art, with a gas range that sizzles and pops as you prepare your favorite dishes. The oven is large and roomy, perfect for baking batches of cookies or roasting a turkey for the holidays. The refrigerator is spacious and organized, with plenty of room.

The sink is deep and roomy, with a gleaming chrome faucet that adds a touch of elegance to the space. A dishwasher sits nearby, ready to take care of dirty dishes and keep the kitchen spotless.

The kitchen island is a work of art, with a stunning slab of granite as its surface. The island is surrounded by comfortable stools, creating a casual space.

The kitchen is also filled with a variety of utensils, gadgets, and cookware, all arranged in an orderly and functional manner. Everything you need to create delicious meals is within easy reach, making meal preparation a joy rather than a chore.

"Where's Stella? I'm hungry."

One of the servant girls quickly walks towards me, "I can fix you something to eat miss Elaine!"

"Fine, I just want a charcuterie board with lots of fruits. I'll eat it here."

"Why don't I bring it up to your room or the dining table?"

"No, I'll eat it here in the kitchen. And please just call me Elaine."


I walk over to my office with Mitch, but all I can think about is my shiny new toy and how delectable she'd look bent over, pliant and giving. She's truly a gorgeous piece of ass. Paola is going to wreck her. Oh, my sweet Pao.

I sit in my chair and talk business with Mitch. We start discussing plans for our next shipment. Everything has been working out perfectly these last couple of months. The human trafficking business is dirty, and it fucks your head up. Look at my father Sebastian for example, he is one fucked up son of a bitch and I'm following right in his footsteps.

Our next shipment of people is coming from the U.K., all women who'll be working our gentlemen's clubs.

"I need your brother there to make sure none of these bitches are coming to me pregnant." Mitch is one of my men that handle the girls that work in the gentlemen's clubs. He's been working for my family for years and he knows how to keep the females in line.

"He'll be there" I say. "My club in district 9 isn't doing so well in numbers. I want you to get rid of the bitches there and replace them with the new shipment of girls that's coming. And Mitch, I want you to stay there for a while, find out what the fuck is going on with the money. It's a prime area, but the money is stalling."

He nods his head, "anything you say boss." "When can I expect the new girls?"

"Less than a week."

My family runs the human trafficking business. Families pay us to traffic people, but my father and I own many clubs in different districts around the world where we put our girls to work. The extra money we make helps us pay off dirty cops and politicians to look the other way. As long as their pockets are full, our pockets overflow. So we keep them happy.

"I'll send you the details when it's time to move the cargo." Mitch stands up and bows and takes his leave.

Shit is so stressful. I wish Issandro would've joined in on the business. Having someone I can trust would help lessen the burden of having to run all aspects of the business. I don't know how my father did it. All I know is that I must be ruthless like he is. The only way to stay in power is for people to fear you. Especially in this line of work.

That's something I'm going to have to teach my new toy. I have to train her to fear me. She's going to have to learn that I am not her protector. This isn't a romance novel. But I am going to enjoy her in time. Not until I frustrate her though.

She's a sexy little thing, but I have had plenty of women. I've had every woman I've ever wanted. The tabloids paint me as some dick who can't control himself, but I very well can and my toy is going to be a witness to how much self-control I possess. As much as I want to bury myself in between her thighs I won't give her an inch.

"Elaine…" I whisper her name and smirk. "Ok back to business."


I was a couple hours deep at work when I got a call from my sweet Pao. "Hey baby. You've been quiet."

"I'm mad at you Caesar! You are so lucky I haven't shown my ass in there!" She's yelling into the phone.

"I know, but honestly I've just been working baby" I croon.

"Don't lie to me!" At this point she starts sobbing.

"I promise you, let me make it up to you. I'll take you out tonight for dinner. How's that? Don't cry, you know you're my girl."

"I'm sleeping over."


"I want to go out for dinner and I'm sleeping over Caesar!"

"Pao, if you're going to cause I scene—" she interrupts me.

"I will not be causing a scene, I just miss you and your cock, please baby" I can tell she's pouting.

"Alright, I'll pick you up in an hour."

She squeals, "love you baby!" I hang up the phone.

"I guess I'm done with work for now." I leave my office and go to my room and take a quick shower before changing and getting ready to pick up Paola.

Paola and I have been on and off for years. Why? Because no matter what I do to her she always comes back to me. I've trained her well. I could sleep with her mother, and she would still come back to my side. I love her in a twisted sense because she acts just how I train her to act. She's a beautiful woman and I love to have her around my arms. Other than my father and brother she's the only person that knows me and how twisted I am. I don't have to pretend around her, I've killed people in front of her and my girl has not flinched. She desperately wants me to marry her, but I know I can get what I want from her without the ring. So why the fuck would I marry her?

I head downstairs and run into Elaine.

"You going out?"

Fuck she looks phenomenal, "What I do and where I go is none of your concern." She breaks eye contact and tries to walk past me but I grip her arm tightly. "Look at me" I grit. Reluctantly she looks up at me. "You leave when I tell you to leave. You're under my roof. You belong to me, do you understand me Elaine?"

She nods.

"Say yes, I understand." When she doesn't, I grip her arm tighter, "Say it."

"Yes, I understand." I let her arm go and she stands there until I leave.

I can't wait to train her to breathe and need only me.


My driver pulls up to Paola's home. I text her I'm outside; three minutes later she jumps in the car next to me. "Aren't you cold? You've barely got anything on."

"Hoes don't get cold baby."

"Come here." I grab her by the back of her head and kiss her nice and slow. She parts her lips and I slip my tongue in her mouth. She lets out a moan.

"I'm not wearing any underwear."

"Show me" I breathe. She spreads her legs and I reach for her pussy. She's dripping in her own juices. I rub her clit and she deepens our kiss. Out of the corner of my eye I spot my driver and smirk. I retract my hand and my sweet Pao pouts in response.

"Let me take you to dinner like I promised." She reluctantly sits down beside me and although she's quiet now, I know she's highly upset. It's only a matter of time before the dam breaks and she's down my throat about Elaine.

I decided to take her out to our go to Italian spot. I don't really like Italian food, but Paola does and I need my girl to feel reassured that she's not being replaced. The hostess sits us on the roof where only we are seated. Perfect. No one else has to witness her outburst. I order my favorite wine. I can't be sober for what's coming next.

"What's her name?" She's smiling, but she's not happy.

"Elaine." I respond. "I thought tonight was about us Pao."

"Don't fucking do that, you know what tonight is about."

"Why are we even talking about this? You're my girl, you've always been my girl."

"We're talking about this because you spent 45 million dollars on the bitch and now you're acting like it's nothing. You're brushing it off because you don't want me to react."

"I don't want you to react." I take a swig of wine.

"I thought things between us were getting serious." She places her hand on top of mine.

I don't know where she's gotten the idea that we were ever serious or getting to being serious. All these years of being together and she hasn't figured out that I'm playing her. All looks no brains.

"You know I like to have my fun." This is where she looses it.

"Fuck you Caesar! Fuck you! I know what kind of fun you like to have. I'm not totally clueless. You fuck around and you leave. This time it's different and I'm not letting that bitch take my place!"

She's so fucking loud.

"Have some wine." I pour her a glass and slide it over to her. She squeezes the glass until it breaks. Pieces of glass slicing her skin; blood and wine pouring down her hand.

"Jesus!" I grab a napkin to wrap around her hand, but she smashes her plates on the floor.

"Listen to me!" She's shrieking now. The waiter is approaching our table, but I waive him off.

"I'm listening." I tell her.

"I don't want you to love her the way you love me!" She grabs fistfuls of her hair as tears streak down her face.

I am fighting not to laugh. Is she insane? Love Elaine the way I love her? Does she truly define our relationship as loving? I stare at her hand that's bleeding profusely. I can drag this out until she passes out or I can give her a little peace.

"I will never share with her what you and I share Pao." I'm not necessarily lying. I inch closer to her, slowly. I reach for her and grab her injured hand.

Doesn't it hurt?" I ask her.

"Now it's starting to."

"Come, let me wrap this up for you and I'll take you home."

"Your place, right? You promised."

"Yes, my place."

I wrap her hand with a handkerchief in the car as my driver takes us to my home. "I'll have Issandro take a look at it."

She nods and turns my face towards her and kisses me gently. "I love you." She says, I don't respond.


Issandro warned me Paola was coming back with Caesar. I hid in my room as soon as I saw the car pull up. I know it's kind of pathetic, me hiding from this woman, but I don't any drama over Caesar and I'm certainly not ready for a war between Paola and I.

He's handsome though, I'll give him that. His dark black hair compliments his gray eyes. Some faint lines around his eyes, but they make him all the more attractive. He has a sharp jawline and full lips, and a nicely groomed beard. Not a full-on beard. His skin is tanned olive. Every part of his body is pure muscle. Caesar looks rough, in a good way. Maybe due to his work, he has that bad boy look. He's tall, at least 6'3 I'd say and the best part is his deep husky voice. That is my biggest turn on.

His brother Issandro looks the same as Caesar except he has dark brown eyes and looks like a much younger version of his brother.

What game is Caesar trying to play with me? Spending our first night with Paola instead? I'm genuinely curious.

I step out of my room, no bodyguard, but I'm sure I'm still being watched. I head downstairs and into the kitchen. There's a door here that leads to one of the gardens. As you wander down the winding paths, you're greeted by a profusion of plants, flowers, and trees. The air is filled with the fragrance of roses, jasmine, and lavender, each scent vying for your attention.

The flowers are a riot of color, with hues ranging from delicate pastels to vibrant, bold tones. The petals are soft and velvety to the touch, each one a miniature work of art.

The trees provide a canopy of shade, with their broad leaves creating a cool and soothing space to relax and unwind. The rustling of the leaves in the breeze is like music to the ears, providing a gentle soundtrack to your time in the garden.

As you move deeper into the garden, you're struck by the sense of peace and tranquility that fills the space. Birds flit about, singing sweetly, and butterflies dance on the breeze. The sound of a nearby stream adds to the sense of serenity, creating a space that feels a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

There are hidden nooks and crannies to discover, each one offering a unique perspective on the garden. A hidden bench, tucked beneath a canopy of vines, offers a secluded spot to read or meditate. A small pond, filled with fish and water lilies, is a cool and refreshing oasis on a hot summer day.

I lay down on the grass and stare up at the night sky. This is the most freedom it feels like I'll ever have. I have a bad feeling about Caesar. I touch the part of my arm where he gripped me. I've heard he's just like his father when it comes to women. He abuses them, whether its emotional or physical. I don't understand how someone willingly chooses to be with him. How much time will it take for him to grow tired of me? I hope he gets bored easily.

Issandro on the other hand, he's kind. I could see myself with him.

I have to stop, that's a dangerous thought to have.

I cease my thoughts and slowly drift asleep, too tired to go back to bed.

A few hours in I'm woken up by some rustling in the kitchen. I get up and go back inside the house. Caesar is in the kitchen naked minus some very tight briefs exposing the outline of his cock… I can't help but stare.

He's drinking some Gatorade, I guess he's been fucking this whole time.

"How long have you been out there?"

"I fell asleep, I'm not sure."

"You don't like your room?"

"No, the room is fine."

"Then why are you sleeping outside like a dog? Can't stand the noises coming from my room?"

I can't look at him.

He walks up to me slowly and his lips brush my cheek. He whispers, "You wish you were the one making those sounds?"

My face is hot; he licks and bites my ear lobe all the while I'm holding my breath. I turn my face and our lips touch. I want to tell him how he couldn't drag a moan out of me. I want to shove my fist down his throat and make him scream cries of pain. I don't, and don't ask me why I did what I do next, but I take his bottom lip and suck on it then I bite on it gently.

He grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him and I deepen our kiss and slip my tongue between his lips. He starts sucking on it hard and grinding his erection against my stomach. He groans with need and while our tongues are clashing, I grab his erection with my hand and squeeze.

"Elaine…" he groans while his lips are still moving against mine. He props me on top of the kitchen island, and I spread my thighs for him.

"Feel me." I urge him. I grab his hand and lead it down my body.

He spreads my thighs further and stares at my bare wet pussy. He tilts his head back and rolls his bottom lip between his teeth.

"God save you, Elaine." He grits.

I want him. In this very moment I can think of nothing I want more than Caesar thrusting inside of me. But if I give in this easily, he'll get bored and I want to completely devastate this mans life. I want him to need me and only me.

I run my fingers through his hair and form a fist bringing his face mere inches from mine. "When you're done playing with that whore. I'll let you drag out all the sounds you want from me."

There's so much heat in his stare, I don't think he registers what I say. He starts hiking up my nightgown slip. Digging his fingers into my thighs. I have to be honest with myself; a part of me doesn't want him to stop. A very large part. So I let him continue.

"Let me eat it" he says hungrily. He is so incredibly sexy right now I can't say no. I have no idea what to expect. This is my first time letting someone go down on me. Yet I lead his head down and lean back.

"Drink" I whisper. Immediately I feel the heat of his tongue gliding across my entrance and clit. He moans against my pussy and I shudder in response. He starts sucking my clit. "Yes…" I moan. He dips a finger inside of me and I start riding it like I was riding his cock instead.

"Fuck yourself with my fingers." He dips his head back and keeps eating my pussy while he slowly works his finger inside of me.

"More, I want more Caesar" it doesn't take long before he plunges a second finger driving it in and out of me faster as my pussy tightens around him.

He withdraws his fingers and I almost whimper from the loss, but he quickly dips his tongue inside and I groan loudly from the sheer pleasure. In and out in and out as his thumb rubs my clit in circular motions.

I can feel me reaching my climax now.

"That's it, cum for daddy you little slut."

I grind harder against his mouth as my breathing quickens and my orgasm overtakes me. The sensation feels like I'm being shocked. I can feel my pussy contracting around his tongue as I'm coming down from my high.

He leans over me and sucks both his fingers that not too long ago were being driven in and out of me. "Open your mouth" he says as he pinches my cheeks together. He spits in my mouth, "swallow" it's an order not a suggestion. "Taste yourself." I swallow his spit tasting my own juices mixed with his own saliva. "Good girl" he says.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm incredibly turned on by this.

He holds my face, "Soon I'll taste every inch of you." He kisses the inside of my thigh and leaves me half dead on the kitchen island. I thought you were holding out bitch! I couldn't stop myself.

I need a couple minutes to recoup, but eventually I get up and trot up the stairs and into my room. I lay down on the bed and stare up wide awake from the complete shock of what just happened a few minutes ago.

I have to confess that I wish I was sharing his bed and not Paola. What is causing this response out of me. Did I not say I didn't want this man? And now suddenly I let him taste me! I let the thoughts swarm for a couple of minutes more before I get the best sleep of my life.

It's morning now and I'm awoken by Stella. "Good morning" I say groggily. It's too early. I barely got any sleep last night. I wonder why, bitch!

"Good morning" she replies. "I'm sorry to wake you, but it's time for breakfast. Everyone is downstairs waiting for you."



"I'm not really hungry" of course I'm lying. I'm not ready to face him. Not after what happened last night. After I told myself that I wouldn't give in. I ended up laying myself out for him to feast on me!

"Even if you're not hungry I suggest you come." It sounds like she's giving me a light warning. So, I step out of bed and quickly brush my teeth and change into something appropriate.

I'm going down the stairs when I spot Paola sitting at the breakfast table. It takes everything in me not to turn around and sneak back into my room. I turn to Stella and give her a look of dismay. A word of caution would have been nice!

I sit next to Issandro.

"Good morning" he says.

"Good morning" I respond. I glance over at Caesar and Paola; her hand is bandaged up.

Caesar chimes in, "Paola, this is Elaine." Her eyes cut over to me and she looks at me for a long second before she turns her head back to her breakfast.

Nice to meet you as well! I roll my eyes.

"How was your first night here, did you sleep well?" Issandro's way of making small talk, but that's something I definitely don't want to discuss in front of anyone.

The devil speaks now, "Yes Elaine, did you get much sleep?" You know damn well how my night went!

"I didn't get much sleep, but the little sleep I did get was good." I avoid Caesar's stare.

"Well I didn't get very much sleep either" Paola grins happily as ever. If only she knew she wouldn't be so smug right now. She looks over to Caesar and kisses him.

"Hmm, I can imagine how hard it must've been sleeping with that hand. I heard you groaning and moaning all night. Issandro, can't you give her something for the pain?" He all but chokes on his eggs. Caesar is wearing the biggest smile I've ever seen on him.

"I wasn't groaning over my hand you whore" she spits.

"Woah", Issandro says.

She doesn't stop, "That's all you're ever going to be to him. Someone he can fuck and toss whenever he feels like it. While I'll be the one who's standing by his side. I'm going to be his wife and you're going to answer to me bitch."

Caesar says nothing, Issandro is about to open his mouth, but I place my hand on his and stop him.

"You're a crazy delusional bitch. You think he spent 45 million dollars on me to make me his whore? Aren't you the one giving it away for free? Have some common sense. You're the one being fucked and toss whenever he wants to be entertained, that's only when he's too tired to scour for some other woman. You're his fall back. You think he's going to make you his wife when he can get whatever he wants from you now? If you had some dignity you wouldn't be clinging to him like a parasite."

Paola's looks like she's in complete shock. I guess everyone she harasses is too scared to tell her about herself. Not me, although I avoid conflict; if it comes knocking on my door I'm going to answer.

I go back to my breakfast and keep eating like nothing happened.

The way Poala is holding her fork looks like she's going to jump over this table and stab me with it. She can damn well try.

"Don't try me, you're at a disadvantage" I tilt my head towards her injured hand.

"That's enough", Caesar says.

Paola turns her head over to him, "Is that all you're going to say? You're going to let her speak to me that way!?" Does she think that by screaming like a child she's going to get her way?

Issandro grabs my hand, "I think we should excuse ourselves." "Let's go."

I follow him outside to a patio area. "It feels nice out here" I say. "Is she always like that."

"Yes, pretty much. Unless Caesar keeps her happy, which he doesn't do very often. I think he enjoys her outbursts."

I look up at the sky then at Issandro. He's a good-looking man. "Are his intentions to toy with me like that as well?"

"I can't tell you what his intentions are. I've asked him what he plans to do with you. He won't give me a straight answer."

I'm grateful for his company, he's the only person I feel like I don't have to guard myself around. I wrap an arm around his, "Could we take a walk?"

"Sure" he says.

We start walking through one of the many garden paths around the mansion. My arm is still intertwined with his. I can feel the heat from his body, and I would be lying if I said my body isn't reacting to this closeness. "Why are you nice to me?"

He chuckles, "I'm always nice."

"Compared to your father and your brother… you don't seem related to the family at all, in terms of character."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing." He looks down at me smiling. Ugh, he is truly handsome.

"It's a good thing" I say. "You seem normal despite your family."

We both laugh.

We reach a grove of trees and lay on the grass under the shade. "You seem kind to me as well" Issandro says.

"I'm not kind at all" I whisper.

"I think you are."

"Were you not there at breakfast a moment ago?"

"Yeah, well she deserved that."

"I don't think she deserved it. I was harsh. She loves him in some fucked up way and she reacts the way she does because he makes her feel insecure." "Your brother is wicked."

"That's a kind way of putting it."

"I'm terrified of him." Despite what happened last night.

I lay my head against his shoulder; he smells of oud and vetiver. "Whatever he has planned for me don't let him do it."

He looks at me then, his dark eyes holding my gaze. It feels like he's looking at me as if I were precious to him. "I won't let him hurt you."

Our mouths are mere inches from each other. Neither of us takes the leap.