
The Attacking System

Alex a boy whose dream was to be a footballer to care for his family, died. But then he realised he came back?

Jimmy_Young12 · Urban
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35 Chs

Training For The Next Challenge


The System Has Detected That The Host Is Alone....

So Calculating Rewards.....

1. A Random Player Skill Card....


Bend It Like Beckham

2. Level Up To Any Stats Of Your Choice....

"Level Up Game Intelligence"

Game Intelligence- B

3. 100 Points (Host can buy Skills and things ranging from Low Level Healing, Mid Level Healing, and High Level Healing in the system shop)

4. Shop



Name: Alex Bram

Age: 15

Talent Estimation: Grade C

Points: 100

Evaluation: A young Dutch boy aspiring to be the best among the best but his talent is better than average.


Physical Fitness: C+ (Strength, Speed and Stamina)

Game Intelligence: B

Mental Ability: B

Soccer Technique: C+


1. Jay Jay Okocha Reverse Step Over (Completed: 75/100)

2. The Reverse Elastico (68/100)

3. Bend It Like Beckham (0/100)

"I guess I would have to practice in the Simulator".

Next Day

The first light of dawn filtered through the training field as the Ajax U15 team assembled for their morning session. Coach Johan Berg was already on the field, setting up cones, hurdles, and other equipment for the intense training that awaited the young players. The team was in high spirits after their recent 3-0 victory against Vitesse U15, but they knew that the road ahead was long, and the upcoming match against Feyenoord U15 would be a significant challenge.

Alex Bram was among the first to arrive, eager to put in extra work. He had a ritual of arriving early to practice his footwork and agility. With his headphones on, he moved through a series of drills, focusing on his technique. The quiet of the early morning allowed him to concentrate without distractions. He also set up his free kick practice, aiming to improve his new skill, "Bend It Like Beckham." After a night in the Simulator, he raised the completion level to 17/100. He was determined to master the skill and make it a signature part of his game.

Steven Gerben arrived a few minutes later, jogging over to join Alex. "Good morning, early bird," he said with a grin. "What are you working on today?"

"Just some footwork and ball control," Alex replied, taking a break to catch his breath. "Plus, I need to improve my free kicks. Coach Berg said we need to be sharp against Feyenoord. They're a tough team, and we need to be at our best."

Steven nodded, setting his bag down and stretching out. "Yeah, I've heard they've got a strong defense. We'll need to be creative to break them down."

As more players arrived, the energy on the field began to build. The camaraderie among the team was evident as they exchanged jokes and encouraged each other during warm-ups. Richard Klein, the center forward, joined Alex and Steven, his usual enthusiasm lighting up the field.

"Hey, did you guys hear about the new striker Feyenoord signed?" Richard asked. "Apparently, he's got a killer left foot. We'll need to keep an eye on him."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Who is he?"

"I think his name is Milan van der Velde," Richard replied. "He's got a reputation for scoring from long range. Coach Berg mentioned him in the team meeting yesterday."

The players continued with their warm-ups as Coach Berg blew his whistle to signal the start of the training session. The coach had a stern but fair demeanor, and he knew how to motivate his team without resorting to harshness.

"All right, listen up!" Coach Berg called out. "Today, we're focusing on passing accuracy and quick transitions. Feyenoord has a strong midfield, and if we're not precise with our passes, they'll punish us on the counterattack. I want to see crisp passes and quick movement off the ball. Got it?"

The team responded with a resounding "Got it, Coach!" and the session began in earnest. Coach Berg divided the players into groups for various drills, with each group working on specific aspects of the game.

Alex found himself in a group focused on quick passes and combination play. Coach Berg emphasized the importance of teamwork and communication, instructing the players to call out their passes and move into space. The drills were intense, requiring constant movement and quick thinking.

"Keep the ball moving!" Coach Berg shouted as the players worked through the drill. "Don't let it stop! Always be ready to receive the ball and look for the open man!"

Alex excelled in this environment, his quick reflexes and agility allowing him to move seamlessly between passes. He worked closely with Paul Jose, the team's attacking midfielder, who had a keen eye for creating scoring opportunities.

Steven Gerben, in the adjacent group, was focused on finishing drills. The players practiced shooting from various angles and distances, honing their accuracy. Steven's knack for curling the ball into the top corner was on full display, drawing cheers from his teammates.

Richard Klein, the center forward, worked with the defenders on positioning and heading. The drills involved crossing the ball into the box, with Richard trying to outjump the defenders to get his head on the ball. His height and strength gave him an advantage, and he consistently found the back of the net.

After an hour of intense training, Coach Berg blew the whistle for a break. The players gathered around, grabbing water bottles and towels to cool off. The coach took the opportunity to address the team and give feedback on their performance.

"You're doing great so far," Coach Berg said, his voice carrying authority. "But we need to maintain this intensity throughout the session. Feyenoord won't give us any easy chances, so we need to be prepared to create our own opportunities. Alex, I like your movement off the ball. Keep that up. Steven, you're finishing well, but I want to see you track back more when we lose possession."

The coach's words were constructive, and the players took them to heart. The team had a strong bond, and they understood the importance of supporting each other to achieve their goals.

As the break ended, Coach Berg organized a full-field scrimmage to simulate match conditions. The players took their positions, with Alex on the left wing, Steven on the right, and Richard in the center. Paul Jose controlled the midfield, orchestrating the attack with his precise passes.

The scrimmage was fast-paced, with both sides showing great skill and determination. Alex's speed and creativity were on full display as he made darting runs down the left flank, causing problems for the defenders. He combined well with Paul Jose, who provided him with accurate through balls, allowing him to cut inside and create scoring opportunities.

Richard Klein was a constant threat in the box, using his height to win aerial duels and create chances for his teammates. Steven Gerben, on the right wing, showcased his ability to cut inside and take powerful shots on goal. The intensity of the scrimmage reflected the level of competition they would face against Feyenoord.

Coach Berg watched closely, occasionally stopping play to offer advice and corrections. He stressed the importance of defensive discipline and teamwork, reminding the players that they needed to work together to achieve success.

As the scrimmage continued, Alex found himself in a one-on-one situation with one of the defenders. He used his reverse step-overs to deceive the defender, creating space for a cross. His pass found Richard Klein, who headed the ball into the net with precision.

"Great cross, Alex!" Coach Berg shouted, applauding the play. "That's the kind of creativity we need against Feyenoord!"

The training session continued for another hour, with the players working on different aspects of their game. By the end of the session, they were exhausted but satisfied with the progress they had made. Coach Berg gathered the team for a final debrief, offering words of encouragement and reminding them to stay focused in the days leading up to the match.

"Excellent work today, everyone," Coach Berg said. "We have a big game coming up, and we need to be ready. Keep training hard, and don't let up. I'll see you all tomorrow for our next session."

The players dispersed, heading to the locker room to change and gather their belongings. Alex felt a sense of accomplishment as he walked off the field. The training had been intense, but he knew that it was necessary to prepare for the challenge that lay ahead.

As he left the training grounds, Alex thought about the upcoming match against Feyenoord U15. It would be a tough test, but he was confident in his team's abilities. With Coach Berg's guidance and the support of his teammates, he was ready to give his best on the field.

The next chapter of his football journey was about to begin, and Alex Bram was determined to make it a memorable one.

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