
The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

[Mature Content] After Ragnarok, the gods and demons died, the heroes perished and all the beasts who fought them toe to toe ceased to exist as well. The world evolved, after the death of all superiors (Gods), the inferiors (Mortals) started to learn the ways to gain those celestial powers, some even surpassed the gods. They were gifted with the spirits of deceased powerful beings. Spirit stolen at birth, the prince of once a doughty werewolf kingdom, Ezra Zephyr is plagued by the curse of god until the fate draws him to a mysterious domain. Where he meets a beast, who became Ezra's spirit. That beast was no ordinary beast at all, he was the evil monsterous wolf of Norse, who killed Odin and devoured the Sun. He was Fenrir, son of Loki and Angraboda. Fenrir trained Ezra Zephyr before becoming his spirit; from that moment the Ezra Zephyr changed his innocence with atrocity. Join Ezra Zephyr as he'll wreck havoc in the world with Fenrir as his spirit. Get ready for rollercoaster of Adventure, War, Dark Schemes, Light Comedy and Seggs. A world where both Cultivators and Sorcerors fight for supremacy, a new fantasy world where Qi and Mana co-exist. *** First 32 chapters consist of MC's training, don't judge before reading atleast 40 chaps. This is a novel where MC will trample the so called Gods and Heroes in myriad of mythologies without disisting his sexual urges that he inherited as werewolf. However, there won't be harem and MC will not stick to one girl. [ Hello dear readers add me on discord to be in touch with novel man's fan community. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/AcZ72pRbAZ]

The_Novel_Man · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Spear Wielder First

Ezra peered at the puppets and Fenrir spoke. "Which one do you want to train with first?"

The prince squinted his eyes and looked at a certain puppet. "This one"

"Ahh, the spear wielder. Any reason behind, boy?" The giant wolf inquired

"I heard the prince of the brownmane empire uses spear" The vengeful prince uttered, there was a spark in his eyes, a spark that contains the power to kindle a pyre.

The monstrous wolf squinted his eyes, Ezra's expressions captivated his attention. "Brownmane Empire! Since when did such an empire exist?" He said.

"You don't know? They were once our subjects but then they retaliate and took my level 6 spirit Red Scaled Wolf. Thanks to their betrayal, I was able to meet you." Ezra explained.

"How many empires are there now?" The wolf asked

"5 Empires and 11 Kingdoms." Ezra Zephyr answered right after.

"That many on this small continent? During Bjorn's era, there were only 3 empires. Elven, Dwarvish and Bloodfang empire, there was nothing as the kingdom." Fenrir punned.

"What do you mean small continent, the continent is big and prosperous. Only 2/5th of land belongs to kingdoms and empires. The rest of 3/5th is under the power of sects, there are treaties and laws.

Empires will not meddle between the affairs of sects and likewise, the sects will not interfere in the quarrels of empires." Ezra Zephyr sassed

"I know, it was your great-great-grandfather Bjorn Zephyr, who set those laws." Said the wolf.

Ezra's eyes widened with his mouth agape. "Really? It was our empire who set those rules, why did I never read that anywhere?"

"History can be changed with enough power," Fenrir said as he looked at Ezra, teaching him the limitlessness of power.

"Well said, Fenrir. I shouldn't be jumping in joy for something done by our family 50 generations ago. Well, enough with repartee." Ezra said as he stepped forward and slid his hands towards his waist, in order to take out his hook and short sword.

The puppet with the spear came forward as well. It was a strange puppet, it was made from an unknown material. It had a skin on it and had the features of a normal being. Even though, all of them had the same face but different build.

The puppet opened his eyes, his face gave a nasty wicked smile. As if he already knew what would be the outcome of this training.

"That son of bitch, how dare he mocks me" Ezra Zephyr darted towards him.

He jerked his arms and the wrapped chain was loosened, giving his weapons a wide range. Ezra started to spin the chain attached to the sword, akin to a tornado, the sword whirled.

Ezra became familiar with his chain-attached weapons, he could now use both close combat and ranged attacks.

Ezra threw the spinning sword at the spear wielder but to his shock, there was not a single wrinkle on his face.

The puppet didn't move an inch, as the sword approached he just simple raised his spear.


The spinning sword stopped.

"What! It didn't cut through, how?" The prince was confused, he killed many insects and small beasts with that technique in the prior year. He also managed to kill that scorpion and that bee which showed him what being in hell feels like.

"You underestimated them, that's your biggest mistake boy. You boasted about killing them the moment they arrive, you didn't even care to ask me about these strange puppets" Fenrir told Ezra

"Shut up, I'll figure it out on my own" the prince retorted.

Fenrir frowned "look at the audacity of this cocky dickhead bastard. Alright then, I'll just quietly watch you getting your arse kicked."

Ezra's attention was focused on the puppet, he didn't make any reckless movement.

When the puppet sensed that Ezra has no intention to attack, he hurtled toward him instead.

Unlike Ezra, his march was many times faster, within the blink of an eye, he closed the distance.

"What the fuck" Ezra was shocked, he couldn't do much and cussed.

Due to his surprise, his balance was off, the spear wielder jabbed his spear. Fast and precise, it came like an arrow and pierced the chest of the prince.


Feeling the sheer pain, Ezra fell to the ground and cried loudly.

"Hohoho" The giant wolf of Norse cackled.

"Fenrir, give me the pill. I'll die" Ezra said, his hopeful eyes gazing at the wolf.

"Foolish werewolf, you are not dead. Look at his spear"

Listening to that, Ezra looked at the spear of the puppet. It was not real but a wooden spear used for practice. Then Ezra looked at his chest, there was no hole or blood.

"I... I felt it. It pierced my chest, there is still pain." Ezra stuttered.

"That's his mastery in spear-wielding, that's the only thing that he has superior to you.

He doesn't have qi or mana, the amount of physical strength he has is similar to you. It's a training of techniques and mastery of weapons. Fight these puppets and hone the mastery of your weapons." Said the wolf.

Ezra tried to get up, but before he could. The puppet jumped and spun in midair, he sent another jab downwards. For Ezra, it felt like an arrow released from a longbow.


The spear landed on the forehead, the blood oozed from his head. But the wielder didn't hit the pointy blade in front of the spear. He hit Ezra with the back end of the spear.

"Gehihihi" the spear wielder giggled.

Ezra's eyes were red, he knew one thing for sure. The puppet was not normal, he had a nature and characteristics. He was not fighting Ezra, he was simply playing with him.

His blood boiled, and he unwrapped the chains with a simple swing of his arms. 10-meter long chain in each hand, he started waving them.

Making it difficult for puppets to step forward, one of the chains had a strong hook while the other had a blunt short sword.

He aimlessly spun the chains, and the spear-weilding puppet's smile vanished. Ezra caught that and pondered "Is it working?"

In the next second, the puppet threw his spear straight.


The spear hit the forehead of Ezra again, the oozing blood increased as Ezra fell to the ground unconscious

"GIHIHIHIHI" The wicked spearman giggled.

Fenrir looked at the puppet and murmured "I hate this guy to my core, if not only for Ezra's training..."