
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


The winter season had passed, and the temperature gradually warmed up as the sun rose a little earlier.

However, the mountain scenery was still covered in snow.

Yet, one could feel the approaching arrival of spring with each passing moment.

Three months had passed since the two became a family.

Their training days continued as usual.

Since the day Hachiman changed his name to Hachiman Fan, a change had occurred within him.

The amount of star energy he could utilize had increased, and his ability control had become significantly more stable.

According to Starfall, her inability to forgive herself had unconsciously suppressed her use of star energy and caused instability in her ability control.

Perhaps due to the influence of their new family, Hachiman had succeeded in manipulating his abilities to a certain extent.

Of course, it was far from the level of their intense battle with Starfall, but...

Now, three months had passed, and their training had undergone significant changes.

The current time was 7:55 in the morning.

Two figures stood near the cliffs near their home.

"Just a little more until the start. Are you ready, Hachiman?"

"Anytime is fine."

Hachiman replied to Starfall's question while stretching.

"The conditions remain the same as always. You will depart from here at 8:00, and I will chase after you five minutes later. If you can elude my interference and reach the village before 8:30, you win. If time runs out, I win."


After finishing their stretches, they prepared for the start. They released their star energy, allowing it to flow throughout their bodies.

"Well, your control of star energy has improved compared to before."

"Well, I've been training a lot. I can't help but get better."

Hachiman glanced at his hands and feet. The ring-shaped Stellar Armament remained attached, but his movements were smooth.

He had become proficient in controlling the fine star energy, allowing him to move like he normally would.

There was no other reason to keep wearing the armament besides using the weights for training.

As they chatted, the time approached.

Current time: 7:59:50 AM.

"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5..."


He took a deep breath.

"4... 3... 2... 1... Start!"

As the signal for the start sounded, they dashed into the air.

For the past three months, Hachiman had been training to improve his physical strength and control of star energy to reach the village. Initially, he struggled with star energy control, taking over three hours to reach the village.

However, as Hachiman became more familiar with the ring-shaped Stellar Armament, his records gradually improved, and now it took him less than an hour to reach the village.

After he became capable of precise control of star energy, the training accelerated even further. Under Starfall's guidance, Hachiman learned advanced Stellar Arts in less than a month and achieved remarkable results.

And now――――Hachiman was soaring through the sky towards the village.

He moved his feet and stepped on the empty space. At that moment, he focused his star energy on his feet to create footholds. However, he only concentrated at the moment he stepped into the void.

Once one became unconsciously capable of this, flying through the air became relatively easy.

Flying through the air was achievable for students of Kairyuu with time and practice, and many students could do it even without being disciples of Ban Yorinaga.

However, when it came to instantly changing directions in various ways and moving at super speed, the difficulty level increased significantly. To maintain high speeds, continuous creation of footholds was necessary, which required precise control of star energy.

The next requirement was physical ability. No matter how many footholds one created, without the physical ability to utilize them, it would be meaningless.

The combination of precise control of star energy to create continuous footholds and the physical ability to make use of them was what allowed one to freely traverse the sky at high speeds.

Hachiman had not yet reached that stage. Although he could fly through the air, he was still far from Starfall's level.

At present, his maximum speed was roughly equivalent to that of Haruno Yukinoshita, whom he had seen in the previous battle. However, Haruno's speed at that time was not her maximum, and there were still many challenges to overcome, such as the time required for acceleration after changing directions. It was still impossible for him to engage in high-speed combat in his current state.

While thinking about these things and moving forward...

"...They've come."

He sensed the approaching massive star energy from behind. The distance was approximately 200 meters. Instantly, he chose to intercept and activated his ability.

Dark spheres appeared behind Hachiman.

"Target locked. Go!"

The spheres transformed into spears and were launched.

They approached Starfall with incredible speed, but she effortlessly evaded them by instantly changing direction.

However, it wasn't over yet.

"Not so fast!"

The evaded spears abruptly stopped in place. Then, they reversed and began tracking Starfall again. Hachiman could sense her slight surprise.

This was also one of the results of his training. He had always been skilled at reading the opponent's star energy. Tracking the opponent with his ability while sensing their star energy was not particularly difficult.


"...It still doesn't work as a means of hindering."

As expected, the launched dark spears were intercepted one by one. But it was not a problem. Defeating the opponent was not the purpose of this match. If he could reach the destination within the time limit, that would be enough. Buying a little time would suffice.

Ten minutes had passed since the start, and there were still 20 minutes remaining. They were currently halfway up the second mountain. If everything went smoothly, they would reach the village in about five more minutes.

This is where it gets serious.


The star energy from behind intensified, and the target's speed accelerated. They quickly closed in on Hachiman.

But this was expected.

During this training, Starfall had been pursuing Hachiman at a considerably reduced speed. If she were serious, she would have caught him within a minute of the chase. However, Starfall wasn't so childish. At most, her speed doubled in the latter half of the journey.


Hachiman also accelerated, but the speed difference was evident. The distance between them gradually closed, and Starfall caught up from behind.

Hachiman tried to change direction to shake her off, but he couldn't escape. Just as Starfall's hand was about to touch him...

A dark magic circle restrained Starfall.

"...A placement type, huh? Impressive to set it up in mid-air."

Starfall muttered in her restrained state.

Hachiman didn't respond to her muttering but kept a vigilant eye on her.

Placement types were often used as traps. When the target enters the trap, the caster activates the magic circle, leading to restraint or attack. Many magicians and witches used placement types, but there were few who could set traps in mid-air while moving at high speed. In Hachiman's memory, only Haruno Yukinoshita could do that.

However, that wasn't the only point of interest.

"Caught as expected. I fell right into your trap."

The key to a placement type was how effectively it could lure and ensnare the opponent. No matter how many traps were set, they were meaningless if the opponent didn't fall for them.

A smile spread across Starfall's face.

"Hehehe! Impressive growth. However, don't think for a second that you can continue to restrain me like this."

Interrupting Starfall's words, Hachiman took out four talismans. They activated simultaneously.

"Hurry, follow the laws and decrees!"

Small magic circles appeared in the upper right, lower right, upper left, and lower left directions around Starfall. Chains emerged from them, entangling her hands and feet.

Against an ordinary opponent, this would be sufficient. However, Starfall was a disciple of Manyuu Tenra. Hachiman knew better than anyone that this alone wouldn't hinder her.

He extended his right hand towards Starfall and began to visualize. Something firm, unbreakable, and inviolable. Holding that image in his mind, he activated his ability.

"Darkness, close in!"


Dark spheres spread from Starfall as the darkness engulfed her, concealing her form. It continued to expand and formed a sphere with a diameter of about 5 meters.

He poured in more than half of his current star energy. Given Starfall's current state, it should take time to break free.

Hachiman turned his back to Starfall and hurried towards his destination.

One minute passed, and the village came into sight. With two more minutes, he would reach the goal.


He sensed a tremendous pressure from behind. He immediately took evasive action. In the next moment, a high-speed object passed in front of him. Their gazes met briefly. It was indeed Fan Starfall.

"So you've come."

"There was no way I wouldn't!"

Starfall instantly broke free from her restraints and moved to his position. She didn't appear to be going all out, but she seemed quite serious. Her appearance, with a fierce smile, reminded him of that night.

"Let me entertain you, Hachiman!"


However, there was no time to think. She approached and launched a wave-like attack, causing Hachiman to react slowly. If they were on the ground, he might have been able to respond, but this was in the air. He was unaccustomed to aerial combat and could only focus on defense.

Immediately after, Starfall disappeared from his sight.

"Over here!"


Simultaneously with the voice from above, an impact struck. Unable to react, Hachiman was sent crashing down from the sky to the ground.

"Hmm, did I go a little too far?"

Looking down at the ground from above, Starfall slowly descended. The snow smoke created when Hachiman collided with the ground spread before her eyes, obscuring her vision.

She landed on the ground and looked around. The snow smoke still hadn't cleared.

"I can't see..."

She raised her right hand and lightly waved it. Then, with a thunderous roar, a gust of wind blew, dispersing all the surrounding snow smoke and accumulated snow.

She shifted her gaze but...

"...He's not here. Well, it's fine."

There was no sign of Hachiman. He must have taken advantage of the snow smoke and escaped in that brief moment before Starfall landed on the ground.

Starfall closed her eyes and tried to sense her surroundings.


"I can't detect him. Impressive stealth to deceive me."

What Starfall rated most about Hachiman was his stealth. His stealth was already at a considerable level, making it difficult even for Starfall to detect him. It might be possible to discover him if he were nearby, but given the current situation, he was likely far away.

"Well, it's fine. The destination is already decided. I'll wait there."

With those words, Starfall leaped into the air and headed towards the village.

Watching her from a distance, Hachiman muttered to himself.

"...Well, well, what should I do?"


"...They've come."

Starfall, who had been waiting at the entrance of the village, spotted Hachiman after 8:25 AM.

There were about 5 minutes left. If Starfall didn't allow a breakthrough, she would win.

Starfall approached Hachiman and spoke to him.

"So you're coming head-on. Did you come up with any strategy?"

"I don't have anything special... Actually, I thought it was settled with what happened earlier."

Hachiman couldn't help but smile wryly. According to the plan, he was supposed to reach the goal during the previous restraint.

"It wasn't a bad plan. I ended up going all out unintentionally."

"I wish you had gone a little easier."

While saying that, Hachiman activated his ability. He created a dark sword in his hand.

"Well, there's no helping it if it doesn't work out. I'll figure something out."

"Oh, you have good courage."

Hachiman held the sword while Starfall prepared herself barehanded.

Both of them increased their star energy, locked eyes, and stared each other down.

If Hachiman were to challenge Starfall head-on in combat, he probably wouldn't be able to land a single scratch. Ideally, he wanted a direct breakthrough, but he couldn't find any openings.

If he had to do something...

"Here we go, Starfall."

"Bring it on, Hachiman."

Hachiman stomped the ground with his right foot with all his might.

Suddenly, several black strings emerged from Starfall's shadow and entwined around her legs.


Starfall exclaimed in astonishment, and for a brief moment, she glanced down at her feet.

That was enough.

In the next moment, Hachiman had closed in on Starfall at the fastest speed he had achieved today.

"Wouldn't it be considered cowardly?"

"There's no way I would say that!"

Hachiman swung the dark sword from above, attempting a diagonal strike. However, Hoshirou deflected the sword with his right arm while wearing a fierce grin.

"So you dared to interfere with my shadow!"

"That's correct."

The deflected sword traced an arc in the air and was once again swung down in a reverse diagonal strike.

"Shadows are also a part of darkness. If you imagine it that way, it's not that difficult."

"I see!"

This time, Hoshirou defended with his left arm, trying to stop the movement of the sword. The sword clashed with his arm and came to a halt, but just before that, it changed direction and transformed into a horizontal swing.

Hoshirou bent down to dodge it, but it didn't stop there. The sword relentlessly attacked him with consecutive strikes.

"Oh, this is quite impressive."

Hoshirou murmured in admiration. He had trained for three months, and while he had experienced Hachiman's swordsmanship many times before, he had never seen such a continuous attack.

"An attack focused on consecutive strikes, and the transitions are smooth."

"It's still an incomplete imitation, though."

Sword to-style Secret Technique: Renkaku (Connecting Cranes).

This secret technique, which is rarely used even by the head of the school, combines 49 folding patterns of paper cranes to create a continuous attack. It is said that if one masters it, they can unleash uninterrupted consecutive strikes and never let go of their opponent once they've caught them.

When Hoshirou's former mentor showed it to him and he experienced it firsthand, there was no way to escape no matter what means he used.

Hoshirou showed no signs of moving from his position. However, he blocked or evaded all of Hachiman's attacks, which came in multiple layers. His sword technique was probably being anticipated. Renkaku was still far from completion, remaining in an unfinished state. So all he could do was rely on the cards he had.

Hachiman thrust forward with all his strength. Even for someone in the higher ranks, it would have been difficult to defend against such a powerful thrust. However, just before it hit, Hoshirou's hand, moving at lightning speed, grabbed Hachiman's sword.

But the sword didn't budge an inch.


"I have a few pieces of advice for you."

Hoshirou crushed the dark sword in his hand, and the blade that disappeared along with it. He then created another sword, but in that momentary gap, his palm strike struck Hachiman's solar plexus, sending him flying.

"The speed of your ability deployment is still lacking. It takes about one second to create a sword. With just that, it becomes a fatal opening for those who have surpassed the walls."

The black string entwined around Hoshirou's leg was still not undone. If she were serious, she would have untied it immediately, so she intentionally left it as it was.

There was no choice but to go for the remaining option. But would it work?

"Well, is it over?"

In response to that question, three dark thorns sprouted from Hachiman's body and attacked Hoshirou.

However, Hoshirou didn't move. Moreover, he didn't even show any defensive gestures.

The dark thorns struck Hoshirou directly. However, the star power surrounding his body stopped the progress of the dark thorns.

Hachiman was astonished. It was unexpected that they could be stopped by just the star power alone, without any other means of defense.


"When there is a difference in star power between both parties, such things are possible. But before that, the compression rate of your ability is still lacking... How about giving it a name?"

"A name for the technique? Does it have any significance?"

"It does. It goes without saying that imagination is important in abilities. By giving a name to a technique, the imagination becomes stronger, and the ability becomes stronger as well. The Asterisk users also give names to their techniques."

The suggestion was probably correct.

However, it felt reluctant to come up with a name by himself, especially if he learned it from someone else.

"...It feels a bit chuunibyou-like, and I don't like that."

"You're in your second year of middle school, right?"

"Yeah, forget it if you don't get it."

Hoshirou was inexplicably comforted by Hachiman's tilting head.

However, in close combat, the opponent had the upper hand. If long-range attacks didn't work in the first place, there was no effective strategy.

It seemed that using the trump card was the only option.

He focused his consciousness and created a sword.


He regulated his breathing and relaxed his entire body.

He took a stance in front of Hoshirou.

Hoshirou still didn't move. Whether he was interested in Hachiman's actions or not, he maintained a waiting posture.

There were about 30 seconds left.

This was the final battle!

"Swordto-style Sword Drawing Technique - 'Oriha'"

As soon as Hachiman muttered those words, he appeared in front of Hoshirou.

His speed was truly godlike. No, it was even faster than that. The sheathed sword, which had been restrained, was unleashed from its scabbard to strike Hoshirou.

Hoshirou's body, on the other hand, didn't move. No, he couldn't even react.

And then Hoshirou's body was split in half. As his body was separated vertically, a large amount of blood sprayed out, dyeing the surroundings in fresh blood.

However, Hoshirou's expression was that of a smile. He seemed incredibly delighted.

And then his upper body was thrown onto the ground...


At the sound of Hoshirou's voice, his illusion disappeared from his mind.

But the imagery sent by Oriha bought him some time. Hachiman was currently running towards the village, about to arrive in a few seconds.

Hoshirou looked at his back and... moved in a completely different direction. He reached his destination in an instant and tripped his opponent. Even though there was nothing there, a sound of something falling could be heard. He straddled the fallen object and pressed his fist against it.

"It was close. But I win, elder brother."

"...I surrender."

Hachiman emerged from beneath Hoshirou. And with his surrender, the battle came to an end.

It was Hoshirou's victory.

"By the way, Hachiman. We have guests coming this afternoon. Training for today is canceled, and we'll welcome the guests in this village. Here, say 'ah~'."

Hoshirou handed Hachiman a pair of chopsticks, and Hachiman ate the food placed on top. The freshly grilled salmon was delicious, with the fat giving it a great taste.

"...Guests? Are they acquaintances of Hoshirou?"

"Well, something like that."

This time, Hachiman extended the chopsticks towards Hoshirou, who took it into his mouth and chewed. It was pickled cucumbers made in this village.

"Mmm, it's seasoned well, Village Chief."

"Yes. Thank you very much."

The village chief's mood improved with Hoshirou's praise. For them, being praised by Hoshirou was more joyful than anything.

"Hey, Hoshirou."

"What is it?"

"...Isn't it about time we stop this punishment game? Feeding each other while being watched is just too embarrassing."

Feeding each other was part of the punishment game devised by Hoshirou.

Feeding Hoshirou was fine. It wasn't that embarrassing to feed a young girl.

However, it was a different story when the village chief was watching. The village chief's smiling gaze only heightened the sense of embarrassment.

"What are you talking about? It's only natural for siblings to get along, right, Village Chief?"

"Yes, it's a good thing that they get along."


Sighing, Hachiman gave up. He had come to understand over these three months that Hoshirou was not the type to easily change her mind once she had made a decision.

Besides, he didn't particularly mind. Hoshirou wouldn't force him to do something he truly disliked.

This punishment game was just for her own enjoyment of his embarrassed expression.

"Alright, your hand has stopped."


Hoshirou opened her mouth and looked at Hachiman as he resumed moving his chopsticks.

After finishing their meal, the two of them went to a separate room and rested on the tatami mats.

Hoshirou sat in seiza position and placed Hachiman's head on her lap as a makeshift pillow. While stroking his head, she began to speak.

"...I've decided to return to the Celestial Dragon Realm."

"To the Celestial Dragon Realm?"

"Yes. I could have continued my training here, but the graduation ceremony at school is approaching. I can't just skip that... Besides, it seems like Toramine is in a bad state."

Hachiman didn't catch the last words.

"Then, should I come along?"

"No, you should stay here. I could take you with me, but I'll be busy for a while. It's better for you to continue training here."

"I see, then I'll practice on my own."

Hoshirou shook her head at Hachiman's words.

"No, the guests who are coming soon will be your training partners."

In front of Hachiman were two people. They were both familiar to him. One was someone he had recently met, and the other was someone he hadn't seen since childhood.

The first person was Haruno Yukinoshita. From her lowered eyes, it was impossible to read her expression.

And the other person was...

"Long time no see, sensei."

It was Iroha Isshiki, Hachiman's swordsmanship instructor.

"Well, it's been a while, Hachiman."

Iroha Isshiki, an active swordsman of the Toudou-ryuu branch, even at over eighty years of age.

Despite not being a Star Pulse Generation, his strength had earned him the title of Sword Saint.

With his pure white hair and long chin beard, he looked just as he did in the past.

"Why is sensei here?"

That was a natural question for Hachiman.

While Haruno Yukinoshita's presence was unexpected, having his former instructor visit was even more surprising.

"I came here this time because I received an invitation."

"An invitation?"

"Yes, I invited him."

It was Hoshirou who answered.

"I appreciate it, Iroha Isshiki. Thank you for accepting my invitation."

"No, there's no need to worry, Ban'yuuran. This invitation was a golden opportunity for me as well."

"I see. However..."

Hoshirou gazed at Isshiki with a fierce smile on her face.

"You're strong. When I look at you, it reminds me of the Shinsengumi in the old days."

"Hahaha, it's an honor to be compared to the Shinsengumi. But I'm just an old man. I'm not that great."

"Don't be modest. There's no way you're just an old man."

Both of them burst into laughter.

After laughing for a while, Hoshirou turned to Hachiman.

"So, Hachiman. I invited your teacher, so you'll be his training partner for a while. I'm not so knowledgeable about Toudou-ryuu, after all."

"I see. But..."

A bitter expression appeared on Hachiman's face.

"...I left the dojo on my own accord. I'm just a swordsman who quit. Is it okay, sensei?"

Isshiki approached Hachiman and, just like when he was a child, patted his head before answering.

"It's fine. I know that you decided to quit after much contemplation. If you want to take up the sword again, it's only natural for your teacher to guide you."


Hachiman's eyes welled up with tears involuntarily.

"It's said that I'm allowed to be strict with Ban'yuuran, but are you prepared?"

"Yes. Please, I'm counting on you."

"Very well, that's a good answer."

Hachiman nodded in response.

Hoshirou, who had been watching with a smile, looked at Haruno and made a suggestion.

"I'll excuse myself for a while. Iroha Isshiki, would you like to join me? We have good tea, so let's have some together."

Upon hearing those words, Isshiki looked at both Hachiman and Haruno before nodding.

"Oh, that sounds great! I would be delighted to join you."

Saying that, the two of them stood up and left the room.

Haruno, who had remained silent all this time, called out to Hoshirou.

"...Thank you, Hoshirou."

"Don't worry about it."

Hoshirou and Isshiki left the room.

And the ones left in the room were Hachiman and Haruno.

―――――Goodbye, Haruno-san, Lumirumi.

Their reunion was the first since that battle. After their previous farewell, it was a somewhat awkward situation for Hachiman.

"...Um... Well, long time no see, Yukinoshita-san."


He greeted her, but there was no response.

"I apologize for causing you trouble earlier... Thanks to Hoshirou, I managed to get through it."


He continued speaking, but still no response. Haruno remained silent, keeping her head lowered.

"...Are you still angry?"

"...I'm not angry."

Hachiman asked, thinking that her silence stemmed from anger, but Haruno denied it.

As she gave her response, Haruno approached Hachiman and...

She hugged him tightly from the front.


"...I was worried."

Haruno murmured, her voice trembling and sounding weak.

"I was worried... I fought with you, and you disappeared... I thought I would never see you again..."


The strength in her arms that hugged him tightened.

"I'm glad you're safe."

It was at that moment that Hachiman noticed. The tears overflowing from Haruno's eyes. Her trembling voice indicated that what she was saying was her true feelings.

They remained in that position for a few minutes. However, Haruno didn't let go of Hachiman and showed no intention of moving.

At this point, a problem arose.



"Could you let go?"


He was immediately rejected, and she hugged him even tighter.

"...Do you dislike me?"

"I... don't dislike you. But there's a problem with this situation."

"...Oh, I see... Just bear with it and think of it as a bonus."

Hachiman understood what he wanted to say, but Haruno continued hugging him without minding.

Haruno was an older beauty, and on top of that, her figure was outstanding. It was impossible for Hachiman to calm down while being embraced by such a woman. The pleasant fragrance emanating from Haruno herself, and the soft sensation of her chest pressed against him.

To be frank, it was too stimulating for a boy of his age.

However, the fact remained that he couldn't bring himself to push away Haruno, who had shown concern for him. He couldn't possibly dislike her, as she had risked her life to save him. It wasn't because the sensation of her chest felt pleasant... it couldn't be.

With such thoughts in his mind, Hachiman struggled with his own desires and conflicts, while Haruno continued to hold him tightly until she was satisfied.

"Umm... I'm satisfied now."

"Please, have some mercy..."

In the end, Haruno had hugged Hachiman for about ten minutes. Haruno had a refreshed expression, but Hachiman, on the other hand, showed signs of exhaustion.

"...Yukinoshita-san, have you changed a little?"

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I feel like your expression has become softer compared to before."

"I've heard that from the students at school too."

Saying that, Haruno smiled.

Her smile was bright and undeniably more charming than before.

Her previous actions were the same.

Yukinoshita Haruno was not the type of person to show tears in front of others. Even when she was feeling down, he thought she would never act in a way that exposed her weaknesses.

"Is it because the family issue has been resolved? Are you finally free and feeling relieved?"

"...Is that so? It was faster than I thought."

According to what she had said before, it would have taken about another year to resolve. It had only been three months since then, so it had ended much sooner than expected.

"I punched my mom and ran away~ It's my first victory, my first victory."

"What are you doing?"

It seemed that physical action was her way of resolving things.

Despite saying that she would resolve things peacefully, why did it turn out like this?

"Well, enough about me. Hikigaya-kun... I mean, what should I call you? Hikigaya-kun or Hachiman-kun?"

"Either is fine. Call me whatever you like."

"Is that so? Then I'll go with Hachiman-kun. You can call me Haruno. By the way, why did you revert to calling me Haruno after calling me Yukinoshita the other day?"

"Well, that was just in the heat of the moment, or rather, caught up in the atmosphere. I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to address a woman by her first name..."

Hachiman tried to gloss over it quickly, but Haruno looked at him with upturned eyes and said a single word.


"...I'll call you Haruno-san."

It had an incredible destructive power.

Haruno remained close, peering into Hachiman's eyes. The distance between them was about 10 centimeters.

"W-What is it?"

Hachiman saw Haruno's face up close. Her well-defined features and attractive smile. His face involuntarily turned red.

"Uhh... Well, both of your eyes suit you. The present you and the past you."

Hachiman's face turned bright red.

Hachiman and Haruno finished their conversation and left the room to look for the two who had left. However, they weren't inside the house but outside, chatting near the entrance to the village.

As they approached, Hoshirou noticed them and called out.

"Oh, both of you. Looks like our conversation is over."

"Yeah. It seems like you're having a good time too. What were you talking about?"

Haruno's words made Hoshirou chuckle.

"Hmm, I heard Hachiman's childhood story. It was quite interesting."

"Oh, really? Sounds intriguing. Tell me too!"

"Sure, I'll tell you later... But it's about time."

Saying that, Hoshirou turned his gaze towards Hachiman.


"What is it?"

Hoshirou beckoned to him. Seeing that, Hachiman approached Hoshirou, who then took Hachiman's hand and pulled him with force.

Hachiman stumbled forward.

And then, Hoshirou embraced Hachiman by the neck.


"...It's a temporary farewell. I'll be waiting in Asterisk."

Those words held a strong expectation of becoming stronger. Hachiman also wrapped his arms around Hoshirou and hugged him back.

"...Yeah, I'll do my best to get there as soon as possible."

They embraced each other for a while. Eventually, despite feeling reluctant, they separated. Hoshirou walked towards Haruno, who was watching from a distance.

Hachiman walked towards Seito, facing Hoshirou.

"See you later, Hoshirou."

"Indeed, don't forget your daily training... Kazamatsuri Seito. I'm counting on you to take care of Hachiman."

"It's an honor, Banyuuran."

Seito nodded vigorously.

"Well, even though we've finally met, it's time to part ways. Can't be helped... But when you come to Kairyu, be prepared to spend plenty of time with me."

"...Please go easy on me."

Hachiman and Haruno also exchanged their farewells.

"Well then, let's go, Haruno."


Those were their final words.

As the surrounding star power began to stir, the next moment, their figures disappeared.

"...No talismans, no seals... The road ahead is long."

Hachiman muttered as he witnessed their actions.

He couldn't help but feel the difference between himself and Hoshirou.

"Well, I have no choice but to do my best."

Still, he wouldn't neglect his efforts.

He had decided to become stronger in order to meet the expectations of his new sister.

"...Sensei, I'm counting on you from now on."

"Indeed, once you're ready, let's start right away."

Saying that, Seito returned to the village.

As the sun rose and he looked at the clear sky, Hachiman thought to himself.

"...I'll definitely become stronger."

To become strong and eventually defeat Banyuuran.

That was the wish of his new sister and the goal he set for himself.

That goal was infinitely distant, far beyond the end of a long road.

Normally, one would give up at this point, and in the first place, becoming strong was something he hadn't even considered not long ago.


――――You have talent. More than anyone I've ever seen.

Hoshirou had said it. That he had talent.

It was as natural as the sun rising in the morning.

If that was the case, then he would believe in it and continue to move forward.

With a firm resolve to become stronger, Hachiman followed after Seito.

"Now, we've arrived."

"Oh, wait. This isn't the Huang Chen Hall?"

Hoshirou and Haruno appeared at one of the passageways connecting the buildings in Kairyu.

Kairyu was characterized by all its buildings being interconnected by passageways.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've been to the school. It's nice to walk around for a bit."

"I see. So, our destination is... not the Huang Chen Hall?"

"No, it's the Student Council room. Let's go see how Toramori is doing."

"Oh, right. Toramori seems to be in a pretty unstable mental state, so that's a good idea."

"...Is that all? Although it's generally not allowed for outsiders to enter the school, if it's you, Hoshirou, you can do anything."

Haruno was concerned about leaving Hachiman behind in the village.

If the reason was just for training in the Tougou-ryu, she could have invited Seito to Kairyu. Normally, it would be a no-go for outsiders to enter the school, but with the permission of the Student Council President, Hoshirou, anything was possible.

"...If it's you, you'll notice."

It seemed there was another reason after all.

Hoshirou started speaking as if there was no other choice.

"It's to confirm his mental state."

"Confirm his mental state?"

"Yeah, it's been three months, and Hachiman seems to have become emotionally stable. But I'm curious to see how he'll fare without me."

"Are you sure about that? What if something like before happens again?"

"That will be fine."

Hoshirou brushed off Haruno's concerns with a single statement.

"Before that happens, Seito will subdue Hachiman. With that, there won't be any problem."

"...Is it really necessary? How powerful is the Sword Saint?"

"I couldn't fully grasp his abilities either. To think there was such a talented person among the non-Seimei generation. The human world is truly interesting."

Hoshirou chuckled.

It seemed that Hoshirou wasn't worried about anything.

"Don't worry. Hachiman won't go berserk... At least not until he directly encounters someone from his past."

"I see. Then I guess it's alright."

After that, they walked in silence.

Only the sound of their footsteps echoed through the passageway devoid of people. In that moment, Haruno spoke to Hoshirou.

"Hey, Hoshirou. Why didn't you bring Hachiman with us?"

"I already told you before. The Tougou-ryu is outside of my expertise."

"...Is that really the only reason? It's true that it's not allowed for outsiders to enter the school, but with you, Hoshirou, it seems like anything is possible."

Haruno was concerned about leaving Hachiman behind. If the only reason was his training in the Tougou-ryu, she could have invited Seito to Kairyu. Normally, it was prohibited for outsiders to enter the school, but with the permission of the Student Council President, Hoshirou, anything was possible.

"...If it were you, you'd notice."

It seemed there were other reasons after all.

Hoshirou began to speak as if there was no other choice.

"It's to confirm his mental state."

"Confirm his mental state?"

"Yeah. It's been three months, and Hachiman seems to have become emotionally stable. But I'm curious to see how he'll fare without me."

"Are you sure about that? What if something like before happens again?"

"That won't happen."

Hoshirou dismissed Haruno's worries with a single statement.

"Before that happens, Seito will subdue Hachiman. If he uses that move, it'll be a piece of cake."

"...Is it really that simple? The Sword Saint's abilities?"

"I couldn't fully gauge it myself. There's someone as powerful as him among the non-Seimei generation. The human world is truly interesting."

Hoshirou laughed with a wicked smile.

It seemed that Hoshirou had no worries at all.

"Don't worry. Besides, there's hardly any chance for Hachiman to go berserk... At least until he directly encounters someone from his past."

"I see. Then I guess it's fine."

After that, they walked in silence.

They crossed the passageways, passed several buildings, and eventually arrived at their destination.

Hoshirou, with his hand on the door in front of them, suddenly remembered something and turned to Haruno.

"Oh, by the way, there was another purpose."

"The reason for leaving Hachiman behind?"

"Yeah. It's also because it seemed fun!"

Saying that, Hoshirou opened the door.

"We're back!"

The people inside looked towards them.

Hoshirou's first disciple, Takeo, the Taoist who oversaw the water faction, Cecily Wong, the fist fighter who oversaw the wood faction, Zhao Humeng, Fuyuka Umezono, who was friends with Cecily and Haruno, the twins Lei Chenyun and Lei Chenhua, and the operative of the special agency Izaya, Alama Seyan.

The prestigious members of Kairyu were looking at them with various expressions.

Some were surprised, some looked happy, and some had a face on the verge of tears.

"...So that's how it is."

Haruno muttered.

Hoshirou was expecting great things from Hachiman. Expecting him to become stronger even without his master's presence. And to see how far he could grow in Hoshirou's absence.

Then, let's also have expectations.

"I also want to repay my debts."

Being constantly on the receiving end didn't suit her.

But the strength she saw in Hachiman earlier, or rather, the strength he had become, was still beyond her own.

To defeat Hachiman, who had become even stronger than before, with her own strength.

That was necessary for Haruno, who aimed to overthrow Banyuuran.

Haruno also firmly resolved herself and stepped forward to face her comrades at the school, ready to be their opponent.