
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Everyday life collapses

"...Here we go again."

As far as the eye could see, it was a world enveloped in darkness. In the midst of it all was Hachiman Hikigaya.

Drifting slowly and gently, as if adrift in space, swaying along.

It had been several days since he was invited by Haruno Yukinoshita to Asterisk.

On the day of their last meeting, when he fell asleep, it began.

―――――――The same phenomenon as that day.

A large door visible a little further away. And a multitude of chains entwined around the door. This was the same as when he was a child.

But upon closer inspection, there were several differences.

First, the size of the door had changed significantly. It had grown much larger compared to his childhood, appearing about three times as large. On the other hand, the chains seemed thinner and slightly diminished in quantity.

And the biggest difference was the color of both. The door had turned completely black, and more than half of the chains were also dyed black.

If his memory from that day was correct, there should have been no black mixed in their colors.

"...It's increasing again."

Several days had passed since this phenomenon started. Hachiman, who had been observing the situation, noticed a change.

The black ratio in the chains' color was increasing. Gradually but surely, the proportion of black was growing.

He didn't know what would happen if this erosion continued. If the door were to open, perhaps the power of the stars would return.

But when he looked at that black-dyed door and chains, he had a very unpleasant premonition.

"...Is that what I want? For the power of the stars to return?"

On that day, he had forsaken the power of the stars for the sake of his sister. However, Haruno Yukinoshita's invitation had shaken his resolve.

Shouldn't he live for himself without thinking about his sister? Shouldn't he abandon the current school full of scoundrels and go to Asterisk?

He had been thinking and agonizing since that day, but he couldn't reach a conclusion.

As his anguish deepened, the black erosion continued to advance.

And as Hachiman stared at the door dyed black, he felt something.

The remaining time was probably limited.

When he opened his eyes and raised his head, he saw the familiar classroom. It seemed like he had been sleeping on his desk.

Judging by the position of the sun outside the window, it hadn't been long since class ended.

"...You're awake?"

A voice came from next to him, and he turned his gaze in that direction. There he saw his classmate, Kawasaki Saki.

She was sitting in the adjacent seat, looking at him. It seemed like she was the only student remaining in the classroom.

"...Kawasaki? Why are you here?"

"Why? Well, that's a rude way to ask. Isn't it bad to be in someone else's class?"

Hachiman replied bluntly to her question. He denied her response.

"It's not that. You're in the home economics club, so you usually leave right after class. Why are you still here at this hour?"

"...There's something I wanted to ask you. Also, I was asked to pass on a message for some reason."

She spoke and asked Hachiman.

"...Are you okay? You seem pretty tired."

Saki Kawasaki was worried about Hachiman Hikigaya. She had heard the rumors about what he did during the cultural festival and the school trip, but she didn't let that bother her. Knowing his twisted personality, she believed that if he did something, he must have had a reason for it. However, his behavior over the past few days had been significantly different from the previous week, and that worried her, so she had waited specifically for him.

"...No issues. It's just another ordinary day."

"...I see."

He felt that answer was a lie.

Compared to last week, his pale complexion and weak tone lacked conviction.

But since he himself claimed to be fine, she hesitated to pursue it further.

"So, what's the message? Who is it from?"

"...It's from Yukinoshita."

"Yukinoshita? Why?"

"I don't know. I was just asked to relay it."

It was strange that she would leave a message for him through someone else when they were in the same class.

They could have just talked directly. In any case, Hachiman decided to ask about it.

"...So, what did she say?"

"She asked if you're coming to the Service Club today. Aren't you going to club activities?"

"...Well, there are various circumstances."

He evaded the question. It was true that he hadn't attended club activities since the school trip.

Yukino Yukinoshita was also concerned about that and had intended to ask Hachiman about it. However, since she couldn't bring herself to do so, she resorted to passing on a message instead.

"Well, it doesn't concern me... It might be better if you don't push yourself."

Despite her appearance and blunt manner, Saki Kawasaki was a kind-hearted girl.

Even from her seemingly curt words, one could sense her concern for others.

"Well then, I'm going home."

With her business concluded, Saki stood up and headed towards the hallway.


Hachiman called out to Saki as she was about to leave. When she turned back, he said to her.


"...It's no big deal."

Unconsciously, he found himself back in his room. He had no recollection of how he returned from school to his room.

He lay on his bed face-up, still in his school uniform, gazing up at the ceiling.


Was that really reality? Was it not just a dream?

Such thoughts flickered through his mind, but his reason denied them.

He had no choice but to accept that it was an undeniable event that had actually occurred.

Suddenly, he noticed the wooden sword by his desk as he glanced around the room. And he felt an inexplicable urge to move his body.

If he stayed still here, he felt like his mind would go insane.

Before he knew it, he had picked up the wooden sword and was walking outside.

Without much thought, he walked aimlessly following his whims. Soon, he spotted a nearby park.

"...Shall we go there after a long time?"

It was usually filled with young children and their mothers, but today there was no one in sight.

It was convenient, so he continued deeper into the park and soon arrived at his intended destination.

A small square nestled among the overgrown trees deep in the park.

I have been visiting this place frequently since I was a child, as hardly anyone comes here.

I have trained here all day long. I have also sought refuge here when something unpleasant happened.

And sometimes, on days with nothing to do, I would visit and take a leisurely nap.

For Hachiman, it is a place of memories in many ways.

He composes himself and holds his wooden sword.


And as if swinging away something, he begins his practice swings.

Meanwhile, in the Volunteer Club.

Yukino Yukinoshita is reading a book, while Yui Yuigahama is fiddling with her mobile device. Occasionally, they engage in conversation with each other.

In the midst of it, a sudden announcement comes over the school's broadcast.

"To all students, we would like to inform you that club activities for today are canceled. Students remaining on campus are to return home immediately. I repeat..."

"What could it be, Yuki-pon?"

"...Maybe something happened."

As the two ponder the broadcast, they hear footsteps approaching the classroom.

In a hurry, someone comes closer, reaching the front of the door without knocking and opens it.

"Oh, you're still here."

"Hiratsuka-sensei. You should knock..."

"Sorry, there's no time for that."

The person entering is Shizuka Hiratsuka, the advisor of the Volunteer Club.

She seems considerably flustered, unlike her usual self.

"What happened?"

"There seems to be a robbery at a bank in the city, and they're holding hostages. The culprits are likely from the infamous robbery group that has been in the news recently. The police contacted us just now. As a result of an emergency staff meeting, it has been decided that students remaining on campus should return home immediately. The surrounding area is sealed off by the police, and it is extremely dangerous, so they advise not to approach."

It was quite a serious situation. Yukino, who has some idea, asks Hiratsuka.

"The robbery... Is it by the Stardust Generation?"

"Yeah, that's right. They have been active mainly in the Kanto region recently, but I can't believe they've come all the way to Chiba. They're such a nuisance."

"I see... I'm starting to get scared, Yuki-pon."

"Don't worry, Yui-chan. Even if the robbers appear, I'll protect you."

As she says that, Yukino touches the activation device for her Luminary Weapons from above her pocket.

Carrying the Luminary Weapons for self-defense, she intends to use them without hesitation if the need arises.

"...I wouldn't recommend that."

"...What do you mean? Even against ordinary robbers, I think I'm more than capable of handling them alone."

"It's different with these robbers. While you could handle an average opponent, there's a possibility that some of the original Twelve (Page One) are among them."


Yukino shows a surprised expression at Hiratsuka's words. Yui, seeing that, asks a question.

"...Yuki-pon, what's Page One?"

"In Asterisk, each academy has a ranking list called the Named Chart (Named Calc) to clearly define the capable individuals of each school. It consists of 72 individuals known as the Named Chart, and among them, the top 12 ranked are called the Original Twelve (Page One)."

"You seem to know a lot. But as you may understand, the Original Twelve are basically a bunch of monsters. Yukinoshita, even if you have confidence in your skills, it's better not to pick a fight with them."

"I understand. Indeed, it seems difficult to win against the Original Twelve."

Yukino nods in agreement with Hiratsuka's advice.

Although Yukino believes she is a superior member of the Stardust Generation, she knows that she cannot easily defeat the Original Twelve.

The reason is that her own sister is one of the Original Twelve, so she knows their strength.

"For now, I've conveyed the message. I still need to search for the remaining students on campus. You two should head home immediately."

After telling them that, Hiratsuka leaves the classroom.

"Shall we go home, Yuigahama-san?"

"Yeah, that's right."

They decide to interrupt their club activities and head home. They leave the classroom and walk towards the exit.

As they pass through the school gate, they see many cars parked around. Students leaving through the gate approach the cars and get in. It seems that their parents have come to pick them up.

While observing the scene, Yukino feels like she catches sight of an unusually large car in the corner of her vision.

Before she can confirm and direct her gaze there...


The butler of the Yukinoshita family, Totsuka, calls out to her.

"Totsuka? Why are you here?"

"The Madam has called for you. She requests that you return to your parents' house today."

"Why? I don't have any particular reason to go back."

"...Due to the incident with the robbery, the Madam is worried about you, Ohjousama. Please consider returning home."

"...I see. Even though I don't have any particular reason..."

"...Sorry for the inconvenience, but I would appreciate it if you could go back."

With a nod of understanding, Yukino heaves a light sigh and asks Totsuka to take Yui home first.

"Understood. Please, Yukino-sama and Yui-sama, get in the car."

After receiving Yukino's consent, Totsuka opens the rear door of the car. Yui enters first, followed by Yukino.

As the two get into the car and the door closes...

"...Are there any little girls being held hostage?"

Yukino feels like she hears such a voice.

"Sorry, Yui-chan, for the trouble of getting a ride."

"It's okay, Yukinon. Since we're already on our way."

The car carrying them starts to move. It's usually a time when there are many cars on the road, but there are fewer cars than usual in the surroundings.

While the area near the Sobu Middle School was filled with cars picking up students, after a while, there were hardly any cars on the road, and there were fewer people walking around. This is likely due to fewer people going out because of the bank robbery incident.

"...Is it true that the bank robbers are from the Stardust Generation?"

"Most likely. Sensei also mentioned it, and there's no reason for her to lie."

"...I see. Lately, there have been many news reports about incidents involving the Stardust Generation... I don't like that kind of thing."

Yui is also a member of the Stardust Generation. When she hears that someone from her own group is involved in a heinous crime, she naturally becomes concerned.

"There's nothing to worry about. The number of incidents caused by the Stardust Generation is significantly lower compared to the Non-Stardust Generation. The media just excessively criticizes the Stardust Generation out of jealousy. They envy us for having powers that surpass ordinary people. So, there's no point in constantly worrying about those things."

However, Yukino remains steadfast in her belief.

"Yui-chan, we are chosen beings. Every time an incident involving the Stardust Generation occurs, the media excessively reports and relentlessly criticizes us. Do you know why? It's because the Non-Stardust Generation is jealous of us, who possess extraordinary powers. So, there's no use in being overly concerned about them."

"I guess... you're right."

"Yeah, that's right. There's no point in worrying too much."

Yukino asserts confidently. Yui, encouraged by her dignified demeanor, regains her spirit.

They continue their casual conversation, and as the car approaches Yui's house...

"...Totsuka, stop!"

Suddenly, Yukino instructs Totsuka to stop the car. Without panicking at the sudden command, Totsuka brings the car to a halt.

Then, as the car stops, Yukino gets out and calls out.



Standing where she called out is Hachiman's younger sister, Komachi Hikigaya.

Yukino thought she heard a voice.

"I'm sorry, Yui. I asked for a ride specifically."

"It's fine, Yuihama-san. Since it's on the way."

The car starts again, and they continue on their way. It's usually a time when there are many cars on the road, but there are fewer cars than usual in the surroundings.

As they walk through the moonlit park illuminated by the park's outdoor lights, the exit comes into view, and at the same time, they see a figure of a person.

"...Is that Komachi?"

Yukino wonders and quickly runs toward her, calling out to her.



But there is no response to her question.

"Komachi... what's wrong?"


Even when she calls out again, there is no response. She keeps her head down and doesn't show any sign of movement.

Noticing that something is wrong, Hachiman reaches out his hand to touch Komachi...

But cruelly, she swats his hand away.


Hachiman stares at his hand that was swatted away, dumbfounded. In response to his words, Komachi Hikigaya slowly raises her face...

"...You have such a privileged life, don't you, Gomi-chan?"

She stares at Hachiman with eyes filled with hatred.

"I heard it from Yukino-san and Yui-san. What you did, Gomi-chan. It's despicable to betray the two who befriended you and treated you well!!"

Komachi is angry. Her brother with twisted and rotten eyes. Because of that, he had never had any friends. It was the first time he had found companionship. It was a complex feeling, but it was something to be happy about.

—But this brother betrayed the feelings of those two.

The wooden sword in her brother's hand catches her eye.

At that moment, her eyes, filled with hatred, become even more ominous.

"...That wooden sword... So, it's true, right?"

Komachi reaches into her pocket and tries to take something out.

And then, holding the desired object in her hand...

"What is this!!!"

She slams it onto the ground.

There, in front of her, is the letter of recommendation entrusted to her by Haruno Yukinoshita.

"Why does my big brother receive a letter of recommendation?"


"I've worked hard. I listened to what Mom and Dad said, and I tried my best... I worked so hard!"

"Komachi, please listen to me!"

"I never had any freedom since I was little. Even if I made friends at school, I couldn't play with them after school, and we ended up drifting apart. After school, it was always just studying and training, alone all the time!"

Although she had complaints, she endured them. She wanted to see her parents' happy faces, so she did her best as a child.

During the recent training camp, she couldn't achieve good results and couldn't meet her parents' expectations.

In her despair, Yukino and Yui appeared before her. Angry after hearing about her brother's recent actions, she went to his room to confront him, found the letter of recommendation, and her heart was plunged into despair.

"Was everything I did meaningless!?"

As she screams, star power begins to emanate from her body. It seems she can't control her emotions.

The overflowing star power creates a gust of wind and scatters sand in the surroundings.

Holding the shining weapon, the Choriste Light Weapon, she aims it at her brother.

"That's why..."


Not having freedom only for herself.


The selfish actions of her selfish brother, who is free on his own.

And above all...

The fact that she can only take out her frustration in such a petty way, that's what she can't forgive the most!

"...I'll make sure whether my big brother deserves to be recommended!!"

With that declaration, Komachi Hikigaya attacks Hachiman Hikigaya.

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