
Chapter 33

Steam rising from the hot water in the bathtub is beginning to raise the heat of the bathroom, the aphrodisiac was coming into effect causing hormones to run wild.

"Alvin, I want you." At that point, Emily was under the influence of the strong potent scent coming from the candles causing her to act in a way where she normally would not. Whereas now Alvin is trying his best to control his primal urges and to bend her over and take her there and then.

"Emy, stop it, don't tempt me." A low and sexy growl emanating from him, it sounded as though he is beginning to lose control and even his voice was starting to crack. His eyes were shifting between black and blue and if not for the fact that he knows Emily isn't in the right state of mind he would have just let loose of the chains he put around himself. He now has Emily restricted in a tight grip so that she wouldn't get the chance to rub herself on him which will definitely cause him to lose his ability to think straight and do something he will most likely regret.

She pouted and whimpered while giving him puppy dog eyes which causes him to feel extremely torn apart, he wants her so badly yet he doesn't want to hurt her, what more could he possibly do. . .

"P-please, don't you want me, Al? It hurts. . ." Her eyes were pleading him yet he could tell that there was more behind her eyes, it was as if she was trying hard to regain control of her own body yet failing miserably. At that instant, he made a tough decision and it was the decision that made Emily finally understand how she feels towards Alvin. He made sure that Emily was restricted in place and stretched his head over to the candle and blew it out even though the scent of aphrodisiac was still spread throughout the bathroom at least there won't be more of it, he grabbed a towel from the neat stack in the suspended basket hanging off ceiling at the side of bathtub and wrapped Emily with it making her look exactly like a sushi wrap. She was still slightly struggling and her eyes flashed with desperation but soon she realizes that her attempts were of no use and gave up.

"Sorry Emy, I don't want you to regret this. Just bear with me for a while alright." Sincerity and concern were evident in his voice as he spoke.

After wrapping her up into a sushi roll he princess carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Even though Emily's body wanted to be taken but her heart was grateful towards Alvin's actions, deep down she felt the warm and sweet feeling from Alvin again, this was when she truly understand that she has somehow fallen for this idiot.

After setting her down he wrapped the blanket around her to make sure she wouldn't catch a cold and ran to the bathroom to take another towel then making her way back towards Emily and started drying her hair. There was no conversation between the two only absolute silence and the sound of Emily's hair being dried by the towel but other than that it was like a beautiful scene playing out between the main lead and female lead from a K-drama series. The moment lasted for a whole 5-10 minutes, once her hair is dried Emily was wrapped in Alvin's embrace but there was totally no inappropriate touching going on it was just pure hugging.

Exhausted from everything that happened and all the crazed hormones caught up to Emily and Alvin causing them both to slowly fall into a deep slumber in the middle of the day, soon Emily was asleep in Alvin's arms while Alvin was laying back against the pillows behind him and fell asleep as well as if all the days of overworking caught up to him.

Ricky's P.O.V

Gosh, why can't this girl just seem to leave me alone!? Which part of I've already got a mate doesn't she understand?! Now I am starting to boil over the fact that Alvin sent me to lead the pack healers in healing the Shadow Claw pack. I have been constantly targetted by their pack alpha's daughter's shameless flirting, just kill me already! "Please Rick, can I go as your plus one to the upcoming party?" The squeaky high pitch voice rang out and pleaded me for the 10th time after rejecting her.

"No Miliana, and it is Ricky to you. I've already told you I have a mate so please respect my mate and me or at least yourself." Getting up from my working desk I got out of my office in the pack hospital and went to find Carly, I need a recharge badly or I might start ripping Miliana's shameless face apart.

Miliana's P.O.V

Ugh, why is it that he is playing so hard to get! I mean, how is it that I can't be compared to Carly. I am my father's only daughter and if he gets together with me he gets to be the next alpha. Since he has already put it that way I shall go find Alvin then. I've never once heard about him having a mate or any sort, I am sure he is more willing to bring me to whatever party they are holding. It isn't fair that those ugly bitches in my pack found their mates before me, once I am officially the Alpha female of the pack I will surely make them suffer.

"Mili, are you there?" Hearing my dad's voice I looked around and spotted him just a distance behind me.

"Yes, daddy?" I spoke in the sweetest voice I could.

"There you are. I have been trying to find you for the past few minutes, I have someone to introduce to you come with me." I blinked a few times and followed him, I've never once heard that daddy has anyone he is very close to in the River Moon pack even the alpha of the pack is only considered a friend. We walked out of the hospital and continued walking to a small house in the pack premises, it is about 1km away from the pack house. The house had a small garden in front and there were fences surrounding the whole house and the garden. Making our way over my dad went to press a bell and a moment later a lady in her 40s opened the door.

"Derek! It has been a long time since we've met. I'm so sorry Logan isn't in." The shock and joy from seeing my dad was clearly displayed on the lady's face.

"Oh that's alright, it has truly been a long time Janet, mind if we come in?"

"Oh silly me, come in come in." She welcomed us into her home and was very hospitable. She prepared 2 cups of oolong tea and placed it on the table in front of us as we were sat down in the living area.

"Logan is off on some pack business with the alpha and the luna and wouldn't be back for a while, I am so sorry about what happened to your pack, I hope things will get better." The lady whose name is Janet said while now sitting across us.

"It is alright, thank you for your hospitality anyways this is my daughter Miliana." My dad introduced me and I reached my hand out and shake her hand while giving her a slight smile.

"It is nice meeting you Miliana, I have a son about your age! He must be off playing around with Ricky and Alvin again." She seemed to be ranting but the look on her face did not seem like that at all it, it was as though she loved her son so much that no matter what he does it will always seem right to her.

"Your son knows Ricky and Alvin? That is nice! I wish to meet him someday. By the way sorry to intrude why don't you stay in the pack house like the rest?" If he knows Alvin and Ricky it is most likely that he must be of a certain caliber as well, hopefully, they introduce him to me, I couldn't help but grin inwardly.

"Oh honey, that. . . " the look in Janet's eyes was a look of complication and fear as if she was afraid someone will find out something.

"Mili, let's not pry into other family's issues alright? Anyways I just wanted to bring you over to meet Janet and her husband but since Logan isn't in we can always meet him some other time, we've met in high school but Janet found out Logan is her mate so she moved in with his pack. Anyways nice catching up, I've got some pack stuff I have to handle so let's meet up soon with Logan around. " As my dad explained his face seemed to be drained of color but soon it changed and he excused us. Janet didn't stop us and thanked us for being such wonderful guest and sent us off, weird. . .

"Daddy, I am going to go get a partner for the upcoming party okay? See you later! Ciao~" I couldn't be bothered to stay any longer and rushed off towards the pack direction leaving my daddy behind, I'm sure he has something on his mind he got to sort it out by himself from the looks of it earlier on. Alvin, here I come.