
The Assassin Gamer

Noctis Hashima is a former high earning marketer who gets sucked into a game dimension after his brother's death. His father called on him to be his brother's replacement and avenge his brother's death. Will he be able to use his skills as a pro gamer to beat the game, or will he repeat the same mistakes his brother did?

Heavenium · Games
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39 Chs

Chapter 4: An Intentional Relationship

Noctis could sense the inquisitive eyes of the onlookers behind his back.

He can obviously picture their envious looks, and hear hushed murmurs all over the Lobby.

He understood their viewpoint, as they don't often get to rescue a player in a dire situation, and a beautiful girl at that.

Takara Erich remained seated on the ground not far from where Noctis just dueled her former Guild Master and won.

She is too stunned to react at the sudden turn of events she just witnessed right in front of her.

Noctis approached her, extended her a hand, then helped her get up.

Then he noticed that she trembled while standing.

So, he helped her get into a chair and sit down.

He also ordered a fresh hot porridge to replace the one that Joe spit on.

Noctis sat on a chair next to her and put an arm protectively over her while she hungrily ate the meal I bought.

He waited for her to finish her meal while gazing at her.

He couldn't help but look at her cute, good-looking face, with her flawless skin, sexy body, and sleek black hair down to her shoulders.

She looks like a chubby yet athletic young girl. With the spell book she carries around, she is obviously a mage.

"Who are you? How do you know me? Why are you helping me?"

She managed to say shyly. She couldn't bring herself to look Noctis in the eyes.

"You can call me Zero. I didn't like the way your former Guild Master and your ex-Guildmates are treating you. So, I thought I'd at least help you get out of your predicament."


"But what about how you'll fare later on in the game, now that you're guild-less and all?"

"Yes, that's what I'm concerned about."

"There's no need to be concerned about it. I got you covered. Come. We need to be somewhere with fewer prying eyes."

Though Noctis could still hear murmurs here and there, and occasional glances in their direction, he was glad the crowd has dispersed.

At the next table, he could hear them murmuring to each other in hushed tones.

" Isn't that the newbie guy who passed the tests with flying colors, and even ranked at the top of the tests? I heard rumors that he has a very powerful backer."

He just ignored what he heard and focused on what needed to be done.

He stood up, held Takara's hand, then they looked around to find the VIP corner of the Lobby.

" You're a mage, right? What spells can you cast? "

" How did you manage to get all of my information?" Takara said, surprised.

"Yes. I'm a mage. Specifically, a multi-elemental battle mage. But I can't fully utilize my powers because of lack of support."

She said with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry. I got your back, Takara. But I'm not forming a guild. You've seen how I fight. Solo. And don't expect me to spoon-feed you. The least I can do for you is help you until you get strong."

"Thank you. I'm starting to like you more and more."

She said sweetly.

Then they managed to find the VIP corner.

Noctis scanned to see if there is anyone who might eavesdrop on us.

They are too busy minding their own business to even care about them. There are fewer people in the VIP section.

It seems that players need to have a nobility badge to use the VIP section.

They went straight to the Dark Market and filled up their inventories with what they needed.

Good thing Noctis has an unlimited amount of money, as all the items starting from summoning scrolls down to potions are legendary to God-class.

And they are the most expensive things in the game, as only Game Administrators are capable of making them.

After they finished buying what they needed, he can't help but notice her mediocre stats.

This won't be beneficial in the long run.

"Did you know that using high-quality items like potions, and the highest-quality spells can drastically improve your stats? There are some bugs in this game that we can use to our advantage."

Noctis whispered into her ears.

"Why the need to be so secretive?"

She slapped him on the shoulder and whispered back.

"Because not all the players know about this. Hush now."

He gently held her hand and touched her face.

"I know you have a lot of questions about my identity, and why I hide my face behind a mask. Perhaps you will get a chance to know who I am, see my face, and why I helped you in the future. I promise. But not for now. I need to get stronger."

"Does it mean that I need to get stronger, and do it solo if I have to?"

Takara asked, with her looking straight at Noctis.

"Yes. You need to get stronger. Use whatever means you can. Let's keep in touch."

Since making friends and chatting in RPG Fantasia is possible even with great distances, Noctis made the first move and added her in-game.

He even chatted to her in advance.

He took out a money pouch filled with a lot of money and even had an extra Nobility Badge with him.

"Here. Take this money pouch. It never runs out of money. Also, take these extras of my Nobility Badge. I don't just give Nobility Badges to anyone, so don't fail me. Those will come in handy. Use it wisely."

Then they hugged before she let go and went off, probably to challenge the next floor, and train solo.

Noctis liked that girl at first sight, but he knew that he has to stay wary. He'd seen what happened to his brother, because of one fatal mistake.

And he didn't want to do the same.

Noctis can only hope she won't turn traitor later on.

If worse comes to worst, we'll, he'll have to eliminate her from the game.

A player must be careful in choosing allies and tie loose ends when he encounters enemies.
