
The Assassin Before Time

An immortal assassin was reborn during the time of dinosaurs; on the continent of Pangea. Only to discover that the world before time was nothing like what was said in the modern era. He will face monsters that have power rivaling the so-called gods of the modern era. Harlock lives in a world where anything and everything can exist, from the starship fleets of Star Wars to the benders from Avatar. If you have something, you would like me to try and include, Drop a comment. There will be mistakes; drop a comment, and it will be corrected when I get to it. The release rate will not be steady.

Harlock_Fjord · Movies
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15 Chs

C13 Into the coup

Sol 37

As the gates rattled Harlock, stood there looking into the arena. The man that stood there fully decked out in golden armor had a dominating aura around him as he stared at Harlock.

The crowd let loose their howls. Harlock's heavy steps sounded throughout the arena as he walked in.

The two massive presences clashed as the two warriors stared at each other.

The crowd silenced as they felt what was happening.

[Lord Adrian] Hello

Harlock replied with a nod.

[Annoncer] Today, the judge of this event will be Aries, the Captain of the guard. He will decide if the match is won by unfair means, mainly consisting of outside help. If this situation is to happen, the two warriors seconds will take their place if they had already died. The two-second will be announced in a moment. The last thing I have to say is what the winner will receive. The previously agreed-upon terms were that they would both get everything in their possession except for title and land loaned. Now, will you please announce your seconds?

The announcer looked at Adrian. Stepping forward, he said

[Lord Adrian] My second will be my best knight, Leo

The announcer then looked at Harlock.

[Harlock] My second will be Andrew, the son of Lord Adrian.

The crowd went berserk. Everyone was shouting at the same time. The announcer had a look of horror on his face. He kept looking at Adrian, obviously looking for guidance.

[Rando] This has to be against the rules, right? I mean, he would have to fight his own son.

Suddenly a booming laugh was heard. Everyone was looking at the man in golden armor, laughing.

[Lord Adrian] You are a very clever man. If I were to cheat and got caught, the consequences would be to kill my son or have him kill me. I will approve it, though, because I have no intention of cheating. It would break my code, so worry not. He can be your two.

Off two the side on the terrace overlooking the arena, Andrew had veins popping from his forehead.

[Andrew] How dare he do this to me. Father better kill him.

[Leo] He is a clever man. There will be no help for your father what so ever, or one of you would die." said Leo, who was next to Andrew.

Aries stepped forward and spook."

[Aries] The twos are confirmed we will no begin the match. I will countdown from 3, and on begin, you will start. Please retreat to the entrances of the cages.

He got two nods from Adrian and Harlock. Both walked back.

[Aries] 3...2...1... Begin," Shouted Aries.

They were off. Both pulled their swords from their sheaths. Harlock and Adrian both ran forward at extreme speeds.

Meeting at the center of the arena. Exchanging a flurry of blows that to the average watcher was difficult to see.

On one blow, Harlock managed to get enough force to throw Adrian's arm back. With a big wind up, Harlock swung his sword at speeds that were a blur.

Adrian brought his sword down and, with one hand on the flat of the blade, blocked the blow. Adrian was thrown back and into the air.

Coming down, he landed on his feet, sliding back with his hands in the same position as before on the sword and his hair flurrying in the wind.

Standing upright, Harlock looked at him.

[Harlock] There is something I don't understand. If you can keep up with me, why didn't you kill the beast at the wall?

[Adrian] As I am sure you know, there is no way for a soldier to get stronger than to fight. If it had gotten past the wall, I would have dealt with it. But it didn't.

[Harlock] One more, why are you a lord?

[Adrian] Ahh, good question. I didn't grow up as a lord like most nobles; I was a commoner that got drafted into the army because my family couldn't pay its debts. Then I got to be a better warrior slowly as I kept fighting. That's how I got to the level I am today. My guards do the same as well, and I don't just leave them on their own. I give pointers to most of them.

[Adrian] Now, this is the kind of fight I have been waiting for. If I am facing you, I don't have to hold back. Burn my Name into your memory before I kill you.

[Harlock] And you remember mine before I kill you.

[Andrew] How do you think it's gonna end with those two?

[Leo] Whatever the outcome, it won't be pretty.

[Harlock] To show my respect to you for getting serious, and not holding back, I will do you the courtesy of the same. But don't think that your death will be an easy one.

[Adrian] How ruthless.

An aura of despair came fly off Harlock. All of the watchers on the side felt intense despair and respect for Harlock.

Adrian took his stance and shot forward with his sword point at Harlock. As he approached, Harlock flicked his sword in an upward ark, deflecting the strike up to the right.

As one of Adrian's hands held on to the sword.

His other came back. About to throw a punch. Harlock's upper body started to go backward and to the right. The punch flew just over the top of him, almost scraping his face. As his body went down, his right foot came up, going straight for his rib cage—the armored foot connected with the chest armor, creating a massive bang.

Adrian went rolling to the left, and Harlock finished the rotation of the kick. Both feet coming back to the ground and his sword up.

Over to the left, Adrian was getting up with a massive dent in the side of his armor.

[Adrian] You truly are a great warrior. To be able to do that to me at that speed. Incredible.

Adrian came on the attack. Swinging his sword hard. With each attack came a deflect sending it off to the side.

Harlock was on the defense, backpedaling, looking for an opening large enough to get in a quick stab. Adrian was slowing down, and Harlock stabbed, slicing right through Adrian's shoulder armor and drawing blood.

This continued, and every now and again, Harlock would find an opening and get a quick stab, slowly drawing blood all over Adrian's body.

Adrian was tiring, slowly going slower and slower. The slower he went, the more cuts he got.

Soon he left a deadly opening right underneath his arm where his armor was already damaged.

Harlock took the opportunity and slashed at the opening hard.

When he connected, you could hear the grating of iron and the cry of pain as multiple ribs were punctured.

Adrian staggered back. Harlock wrenched the sword out of the man. He pulled it back and stabbed it at the center of his chest, running him through. As he came through, Adrian fell back; as he fell, the sword pulled out of him.

[Aries] I hereby name the winner of this match, Harlock. He shall now take all the items of Lord Adrian.

[Andrew] "No!" Shouted Andrew" He does not deserve it. He killed my father, and now, I am lord Andrew.

[Aries] He won fair and square. Will you not honor the deal?" To the side, he said to Harlock. " Go get everything from the table on his side. I will distract you and meet you at the front of the arena."

Harlock took off in the direction. Aries had pointed.

Running through the gate, he found a large table of stuff.

'Hey system, put all the stuff in my inventory.'

{Gathering everything you have earned through the deal, would you like to see your loot now



Everything that supposedly belonged to him was no in the inventory. Running through the halls and going out the way he had came circled around the arena. In front of the arena, there were men fighting guards and the guards fighting back.

Harlock quickly found Aries and shot his dagger at the man he was fighting.

When the dagger hit, the man toppled over, and Aries ran over.

[Aries] Let's go; the guards will follow.

[Harlock] What is happening?

[Aries] Andrew is having a coup. It is well planned, and the other nobles are helping. Let's go. The horses are waiting.

Harlock and Aries ran. Towards the gate.

The still alive guards are following. As they approached the gate, there was a whole herd of saddled horses waiting and a couple of guards standing around them.

[Aries] Take your pick

Harlock ran over and got a huge midnight black horse. The guards were all catching up and hopping on the horses. Aries sat at the front yell at the men to hurry up. As the last few arrived and hopped on, Aries yelled.

[Aries] Forward everyone!!

I am gonna be real with you guys. I have no excuse for why it is taking so long for chapters all I can say is I will try hard to get more out faster

Harlock_Fjordcreators' thoughts