
The Assassin's Reincarnation

What will you do if you died and find yourself in a place nowhere similar to the world you know? This case happened to Laura Asteria, a former assassin in her past world. When she concluded that she was not in her world, she promised her self to just abandon her past and live a new but after meeting her furry friend it seems that she would need to think of another plan. Her journey that is full of comedy, magic, and many fucked up things will now begin!

NicoleFaithDV · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

[Laura's POV]

I woke up feeling dizzy and looked at my

surroundings. My eyes widened with shock and curiosity with all the green and the sounds chirping around me. How did I arrive here? Well let's do a flashback, shall we?


"I'm home"

I said entering my empty and lifeless home, I walked towards my bedroom with my worn-out body.

"*sigh* I need a pet to have some company in the house...I want some fluff!"

I said while daydreaming about dogs and cats jumping toward my arms while I catch them and rubbed my face in their fluff.

"It will be a great idea if it's not because those old geezers take advantage of me using the contract making me go to 3 to 4 weeks' worth of missions! and I also can't hire someone to always go to my house and take care of my pet cause it's hard to trust someone that easily"

I sighed. The mission today was three ranked S missions that were supposed to be finished on this day only, the missions are quite easy at first but because of the few errors of the target profile, it took me a long time.

Their locations are also a pain in the ass cause I have to ride 9-hour flights just to get to the target country! Why cant they just let the other rankers do the other two, and whenever they make us do their demands why can't they check the target's profile before assigning them to us! It's annoying especially when after we report the error they will just brush us off like it's no big deal! If they are just gonna brush does off with no sorry can they at least increase our paychecks?!

"Tomorrow is my day off so ill just sleep my ass off and go to a cat cafe tomorrow"

I cheered myself up and smiled tiredly. I opened the door to my bedroom with my sleepy eyes when suddenly my eyes widen, I felt a sharp pain that pierced my stomach making me cough blood.

I tried to stand upright but my tired legs gave way. When I looked up I saw him looking down at me.

"*cough*...yo...long time no...see"

I said barely completing my words because of the pain.

"Long time no see huh? how many years is it?"

"Yeah...you still *cough* *cough* look soo...damn ugly"

"Your still the same after what happened that day, you are a piece of shit"

That day huh? There is no way I will forget that day even until I die. My heartache just remembering it.

"Is this your revenge?...man still unclassy as always *cough*...if your gonna kill me at least do it when I'm not feeling shit...maybe I will go easy on you in the fight and let you kill me too-"


He grabbed and pulled my hair up making me stand up and looked at his face.

"Do you think this is a joke?!"

"Argh! Haa...don't talk like that will you?...you...look so much like a villain right now you know? hehe-Ah!"

He suddenly threw me hard on the nearby wall worsening my wound in the process, I suddenly noticed that I'm now paralyzed.

"Heh...how much...did you spend for this poison?... I never noticed it at first but this is the new paralyzing poison that has no smell and a strong poison can kill anyone and anything that even I *cough*...a person who tried all those poison shits in this world and is now immune to them...was now affected"

"Your still a smartass arent you? Well, your gonna die a few seconds now I guess since you're body is now paralyzed say your last words...and die as the bastard who sits at 1st the sit of rankers circle and the one who has the title of '&*^$#^&$%*#'. Oh! you also better thank for me being here to listen to your shitty last words"

I rolled my eyes.

"Dude it's not like I want you to be here in my last moments and also aren't you the one who took me to my death bed? Did you forget it or something? Like the way, you forgot your wet underwear hanging on the bush that time"

I chuckled and his face turned red either of embarrassment or anger.

"It's because of you guys saying there's a crocodile on the river while I'm taking a bath even though there's not!"

I let out a giggle, flashbacks of the past make me smile even though I'm about to depart and was now about to meet 'that' person.

"Just...just shut up and die"

He walked towards the window and prepared to jump outside when he looked back at me.

"You know...that I hate you...right? So much so"

I looked at him with a gentle smile.

"I know...You know, since that day until now I know it's my fault...I know it's too late but...I'm sorry"

I looked straight into his eyes and saw that his cold eyes slowly softens, I continued.

"It's okay...I'm glad you know? to be killed by your hands...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry"

My eyes slowly grew blurred and saw the blurred figure of him walking back towards me and squatting down holding up my chin to look at him directly. I'm slowly losing consciousness.

"Sweet dreams forever, Laura Asteria"

(End of flashback)

I sat up after and smiled sadly.

"I hope that brat doesn't blame himself for it"

I sighed and slapped my cheeks to wake myself up.

"I need to wake myself up cause this is all real and I need to think of what is the possible cause of me being here"

I stood up and saw the bloodstain on my black shirt but no wound and I'm still wearing my black leggings and knee-high black boots.

"There's no way this is heaven cause if it is then I might think I was a reincarnation of the female Tarzan"


A sudden roar not far from where I am scared me to death, well if that's even possible for me cause I already died or am still dead.

I was about to run in the opposite direction when I noticed that the cry it made is a cry of pain. My curiosity got the better of me making me follow the direction of where the cry came from.

When I arrived I hid behind a large tree and pocked my head slowly and my eyes widen at what I saw.

"Is what I'm seeing right now...real?"

To be continued...