
Chapter 1(New school life)

"Ella,are you sure you don't want me to take you inside?"Mr. Addison sounded worried as he turned to look at his daughter at the back seat.

Emmanuella Jones Addison is a girl of 19 years. The daughter of a multi billionaire in America who is also the minister of education. Hazel blue eyes with blonde hair. Very joval and got everything she asked for from her dad. Even though her brother was there, no one could take her place as her daddy's princess.

"don't worry daddy,I'd be perfectly fine. I'm not sure it would be hard to find my way round, right?"she blurted out. Not wanting her dad to worry for long she held the car knob about to open when her dad spoke.

"Hope you still remember about rule number one?"Mr Addison asked.

"Yes,yes, yes. Never reveal to anyone that I'm Mr. Frederick Addison's daughter"she replied quite fed up with saying those words over and over again.

"Miguel, Ella's older brother was known by the world as Mr. Addison's son but for Ella,with reasons known to only her father,he never wanted the world to know he had a daughter except his wife, son and his most trusted bodyguard who would kill for him and of course Ella's best friends,Ryan and Riya. Even though Ella lives a simple life away from home she still never lack anything.

"you know it's for your own safety, Ella"Her dad reminded her but she remain as if she hadn't heard him so he went in anyways.

"Ronald, will come and pick you as always,so you can go and make sure to stay out of trouble,ok?

"Bye daddy"she kissed his cheeks and got out from the car.

She stood infront of her dream university and smiled. she took out her mirror and looked at her face to make sure her hair and everything was intact.she didn't want to look bad besides she was the country's little angel.

she took her phone and was about to take a selfie when two people joined in.

Riya hit the snap button and took the picture. Ryan was about to hit Ella when she kicked him in the stomach.

"Ouch,that hurts"he groaned.

"Yeah it's suppose to. I thought you guys were going to Cambridge so how come you two are here. I need my freedom."Ella cried without tears

Riya kept her hand around her shoulder.

"See, even we don't want to be here"she begun in a joking tone. Ella turned to her and glared at her but Riya just stick her tongue out at her and continued

"But a little bird's father complained to us that his baby is childish, careless and likes getting in trouble and also not minding her own business so we should do what we've been doing since childhood. To take care of you"Riya ended feeling so proud of herself

Looking at Ella's expression, Ryan couldn't help but laugh.

It was actually true, even though Ella was good in defending herself, she never ceased to act childish so since childhood, Ryan and Riya have been like her pretty little bodyguards who made sure she never got into trouble.

She started walking inside the school where she believed her new life would start"alone"but now it had to be with these twins who were trailing behind her yelling her name. As much she hated,she also loved it.

After going to the principal's office to sign in,they were brought to their hall and as usual, these three buddies were sitting together

Riya kept staring at Ella and with that look,Ella knew she wanted to say something.

"What?"she glared at her.

"Errmmmm, so is Miguel finally gotten back from Germany?"she asked.

"Riya!!!"Ryan yelled and hit the back of her head and she winched in pain as she leaped up

"Hey,so now I can't ask about my love again?"she asked sternly.

"Love, Ha?, when did you guys start dating that I know nothing about. Riya , how can you still be in love with Miguel. You know that dude will never see you as anything aside Ella's friend"Ryan blurted out.

"Don't spoil my moment,dickhead.it's painful to see a very handsome flower and not be able to make it yours" Riya said as she stretched her left hand in the air and kept the right hand on her chest in a dramatic way.

Ryan just looked at her and shook his head, even though she was the eldest,she still act like a kid.

"So is he back?"Riya asked when she came back to her senses

"Yes, baby girl. He's back and for the first time in history,he remembers your name"Ella sounded like an excited kid.

"so you mean there's still hope for me?"Riya asked with widen eyes

"of course" Ella answered and they held hands laughing like ten year old kids who found a new interesting toy.

"Girls"Ryan shook his head for the last time and got up to leave as funs approached all three. After all there were all popular, America's Best Model, Best Actor and Best Author were all here but the two girls were too excited to even realize it.

Since childhood,the only guy Riya has ever showed interest in was Miguel.Riya was a pervert all right but she was never interested in any of her boyfriends,to her she dates them for fun but since she was 8,the only guy who caught her attention was Miguel. She loved him but was also afraid of him. All these nine years of knowing him the number of times they have spoken couldn't even fill a page in a book. She was always caught staring that she couldn't find her voice to talk. But to her,each time she looked at Miguel it seemed as if she never exist , whilst other guys notice her it seemed like Miguel didn't.

But she was okay with admiring him from afar, that way she wouldn't be heartbroken.

And now in her new school she hoped she could cope well