
chapter 4


It's been a month under Alexander's supervision and  let's just say my team is like that of roborts everyone is so rigid now days during training, afraid of making any mistakes. We got a mission  a week ago and after hours of working  on a full proof plan and back up plans, everything  is in place.

"Where is Jessy. We need to start preparing for tonight  it's a 4pm." Xanders grumbles angrily  looking at his watch. Jessy is supposed  to be his escort to a grand party at our target's mansion. Our target is some old offical whose stilling weapons from the government  and selling them to the Russian  mafia.

Alexander  is pacing around looking  at his watch.

"Captain." I say. He turns to look at me and I continue "Jessy wasn't  feeling well this morning  that must be why she isn't  here right  now."

"Why didn't  anyone inform me earlier!" He shouts making me shiver.

"You will fill in for her. Follow me" he says and start walking before I can protest. I follow after him to  a villa few yards from the camp, which isn't  an easy walk. So this is where the FS live away from the camp. The villa is big and morden with Grey and white colour scheme

Alexander walks in and I follow behind him. I pause and marvel at how big and  classy  the inside looks. I scheme around the room and see Rosette  sitting on a soffer with a laptop in her hand with Ian  leaning  behind the soffer, Rune gets up from what seems like a nap on a couch and Rex is eating something while scrolling through his phone. All of them dressed casually. They all turn to look at me at the same time.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or did Xander  just walk in here with a girl." Rex is the first to speak. I can tell it's Rex because the other twin  is wearing  glasses.

"Rosette get her dressed." Alexander commands walking away without looking back as he disappears through one of the doors.

"Hi noèlle. " Rune says waving his hand I decide  to wave back.

"You two know each other"  Ian asks.

"She's Summer's roommate. " he says smiling. So they know about Rune and Summer's relationship.

Rosette  stands to walk to me and she stands infront of me. She looks at me from  head to toe and I  notice her eyes a  blue. She then circles  around  me and stands in front of me once more. Her actions make me look nervous  and I shift in my place.

" I know exactly  what will suit you, follow me" I follow  her and I feel the eyes of the men in the room on me and one of the wispers, "she's hot."  I don't  hear the rest of it as we enter into a room that looks nothing  like the other  part of he villa am from. Her room emites everything famine with butterfly decorations, not what I quite expect from an elite assassin. I stand in the middle  of  the  room as she  walks into  what I assume is her wardrobe, a few seconds later she comes back with a fancy bag, thrusts  it in my hand and pushes me in her bathroom,  "put on the dress and heels then come out so that I do your hair and make up." She says closing the door.

I take out the contents of the bag and am shoked to see an expensive looking green sparkly dress  and nice looking heels.  The dress still has the tag and my yes almost pop from their sockets looking  at the price. Rosette shouting for me to hurry up snapps me out of my Trans and decide to quickly  dress up.

(Dress and heels Noèlle is wearing)

I walk out of the bathroom when am done and Rosette turns to look at me.

"I knew this dress would look great on you" she says guiding me to sit on a chair by Her dressing  mirror. she notices how am looking at myself in the mirror and our eyes meet through  it, "what's wrong. Don't  you like the dress? She asks looking a bit disappointed.

"Its not that" I Pause "dress is indeed beautiful.....it's just doesn't  feel like me."  I answer looking down at my hands

"Noèlle" she calls, I lift my head to look at her through  the mirror.

"I know how you feel but sometimes  we all have t step out of our comfort zone to get what we want, trust me it's worth  it in the end" she says  making me smile. I wish I had a sister like her.

The next hour passes as Rosette does my hair and make up. She curls my hair making it look bit shorter. When she's  done I can bearly recognise myself.

"Almost forgot" she says dashing into her wardrobe, second later she comes back with a small purse matching my dress."voila, perfects"

When we come out of the room we find Rune, Ian and Rex surrounding  Alexander who I can see pays no attention to what they are saying. I hear  a faint part of their conversation, "please control yourself and don't  go caveman on...." Rune was speaking but Rosette clears her throat grabbing their attention Rex drops his phone, Rune and Ian chock on air, and Alexander's  whisky eyes darken making me take a step backwards but am the only one who seemed to notice as Rosette walks me to stand infront of him and our eyes lock, whisky against hezel. He looks both handsome and dangerous in his all black suit, he looks almost forbidden with his tattoos showing  through  his black dress shirt as the first two buttons are open. It's  going to be someone's funeral  after all.

"You two look like real life beauty and the beast, only this time the beast is still human" Rune  says almost to himself but am sure everyone heard.

"Are you going to continue  staring at each other or get going. " Rex says.  I look away from Xander's intense eyes as I blush furiously at his comment.

"Shall we?" Xander asks holding out his hand, I hesitate a bit but finally place mine which looks smaller in his. He leads me outside where we find the rest of the team waiting  for us. When they look at me they gasp. Tyler one of the team members is the driver for this mission. Jackson and anather team member Oliver are going to be waiters at the mansion and coming in a techvan with max who is dealing with hacking the security  network and get rid of any evidence.

Xander opens the door black limousine and gestures  for me to enter. Which I do and he gets  in after me. The cars start so does our first mission.