
Chapter 3


When he said we will need rest for today I thought it was just a figure of speech people usually  use but he actually  meant  it. Right  now its 7am and we have been up since 5am running around the entire camp. If training under the twins  supervision Is this bad how about the rest.

The twins are actually really kind and make jokes alot but this is hard.

"Come on gtandmas! Run, you need to be in shapes for your missions! " the one with the glasses Ian  shouts. Clapping  his hands as we all finish and stand to face them.

"The fifth training  room entrance  has a list of teams and which shadow will be your captains. U have until 11am to prepare yourselves, you captains will be waiting  for you at your assigned  training  rooms. U are a dismissed now." Rex says.

We all rush to the fifth training  room to  see which team we are on I look for my name and find it under Alexander's team. Jackson is next to me and his eyes almost bulge out seeing his name on the same team as me.

"Why? I heard That guy has harsh training." he says then pats me on my shoulder,"you should be more scared than me noèlle with how physically weak you are you won't last long." he snorts. "Thanks for the assurance it's not needed though." I fire back ad walk away, why does everyone  point out my flows. I storm to my room even more irritated. I find summer putting on her uniform  for training ,  when she notices my irritation she asks "Alexander's group right." I nod my head

"Don't  worry his not that bad" she assures. "Now, let's head for breakfast am starving." She says dramatically touching  her stomach.

"You go first, let me  clean up first." I say. She says okay and heads out. I take a quick  shower and dress up as quickly  as I can and pull my hair into my signature bun.When closing  one of my drawers something  drops. I pick it up look at it. My hearts starts beating  fast when I look at it. It's the card one of my Dad's murders left behind.  The card has a pyramid  on it in gold, I've  tried searching  for the meaning but it all leads to a dead end. They burnt down the small house my dad and I lived in, he managed to save me but in the end they... I quickly  push those thoughts  away, I don't  want any distraction. Nows not the time.

I head for breakfast only grading some pancakes and coffee. I damp my plate downwhe I reach the table summer and everyone's on getting their attention.

"Someone's grumpy" Lindsay says munching on her beacon.

"Am guessing  you're on Alexander's team."Teddy says

"Is it that obvious" I grumble

"Yes. My roommate looks the same as you" he says turning hi head towards a guy looking as if he just experienced  world War 3. "See."

I sigh and ask "whose teams are guys on anyway."

"Am on Ian's team." Lindsay says.

"Rune's team." Summer  says blushing. Of course she is.

"Same baot as you Noèlle" Jackson  says.

"Am on Rosette's team, I hope she's hotter up close." Teddy says.

After some time of chatting  we separate to  our  assigned  teams. Jackson and I head over together. When we arrive almost everyone  is their except Mr scarery. He arrives after a few minutes with a notepad in his hand and everyone  immediately  shuts up. How does he do that.

He puts his note pad the front table. And move to look at everyone.

"Before I give you team stations I need to see if you belong on the field or behind the scenes. So whose first." He says.

"F..first to do what sir" some guy asks.

"Its Captain. First to fight me" he says looking bored already. Everyone  takes a step back and looks down.

"Fine, l'll choose. You!" He says pointing at Jackson I look at him and his all tensed up.  Jackson  is one of the strongest guys among  all fifty of us chosen with his burly figure he was the dream guy of many girls at Knight Training Hall. But standing before  Alexander makes him look almost smaller.

This fight doesn't  look like a fight but a dancing  Lesson because  Jackson  is hitting and Xander  dodges all his hits like nothing. Jackson is getting  annoyed  as his opponent  is not fighting back. Am surprised  his lasted this long but with one swift move which we all don't  see coming as it come from nowhere. Jackson  is thrown to the floor landing  on his back. How is he that strong. I stare at him almost falling to sit up. 'Huh' I laugh in my head. Whose physically weak now. Everyone turns to look at me including  Xander, realisation then hits me, I laughed out loud not in my head.

"You're next"Xander says gesturing for me to come forward.

I swallow thickly and ask pointing at my self, "Me?"

"See any one standing next to you?" He answers questioning me back. I look around  me and everyone has separated them selves from me. Of course they have.

Jackson and I exchange spots and let's just say me standing before him makes me look like nothing. I stand in the best battle stance I know and knowing he won't  attack  first I charge forward.  Unlike Jackson's fight ending move which came before anyone  could notice, mine comes almost in slow motion and am down. I grawn at the assault my back just experienced with the heavy land. This asshole couldn't  even hold back can't  he see our size different but am guessing  that's him holding  back.  I glare at him as I stand up ready to attack him and ready to dodge his attack but at the last moment he moves pulling my raven hair  making it fall to its full lenth just below my bum. I  lose my balance and stumble, my only thought as I fall is how my nose won't  be the same after  this and I close my eyes waiting for the impact which never comes as a strong arm is wrapped  around  my waist and am pulled with some force making my back land on a hard chest, I feel a joint of electric sparks travel down my back. I open my eyes and analyze my situation, Alexander's arms are wrapped  around  my waist, am against  his chest and his head tucked  in my neck which shocks me but  before  I can react am pushed away and he points at some one else saying "next" like nothing  just happened. As I walk to stand besides  Jackson he says, "wow, I've always wondered  what was up with your nun hair style" but I hardly register  what he says. I look up and find Whisky eyes staring at me, his opponent  already defeated. I have a feeling  it  going to be a long year.