
chapter 2


Summer  and I enter the cafeteria and head over to the counter to get our food, A lot of options  are available  and I can't choose so I decide to try everything. Summer only grabs some Mac and cheese, a juice box and an apple.

We spot Jackson, Teddy and Lindsay sitting on one of the tables and decide to join  them. When we sit everyone looks at my plate,"What? I couldn't  choose  one so I decided to try everything." I say as I start eating,  Jackson clear his throat and says, "Guys, this place is amazing. It comes with everything."

"Don't  get too comfortable thats what they want you to think so that they attack when you least expect it." Tedd says with his mouth full.

"Swallow then talk Dumbass" Lindsay say's giving him a light hit on the head.

"Hey that hurt" he complains touching  the spot she hit.

" But he does have a point, this is still somehow Training you know" Summer contributes.

"I say let's just enjoy whats being  given right now and deal with what to come  when....."

'BANG' am cut off when the cafeteria  doors opens with a bang. Everyone's attention  is now fixated  at it as a black box comes flying into the room, the door and all the window swiftly shut before any one can react.

"Is that a bomb" Jackson asks as everyone stands up to check it out. One guy who I remember  as Jacob, he is a nerd and wears glasses that too big for his head, walks over to itand I see panic  on his face.

"Guys this is a smaller version of the GBU-39 bomb and we only have3 minutes to diffuse it." He says.

" This easy just cut the yellow wire" Jackson says casually.

"No, a GBU-39 can't  be diffused like a normal bomb. That will make the count down faster." Jacob says

"What do we do then? Ahh why couldn't  it be a normal bomb are they trying to kills us?" someone says in the back ground.

Am freaking  out right now.  Are they even allowed  to kill us but if we don't  diffuse  the bomb we all fell an am no expert at this. I don't  want to die. I can't  die a virgin.

"Jacob do you know how to stop a count down since know one knows how to diffuse  this type of bom?" I ask.

"That's it great idea noèlle. Someone pass me a spoon" Hey says smiling  at me. He has a dimple.

"What the fuck do you want to do? Eat the bomb? Teddy asks laughing while passing him the spoon. Seriously  making jocks at a time like this.

"No if I can alter the magnetic  forces in the bomb  it can stop the count down." Jacob says doing some  smart ass thing to the bomb while we all look anxiously at what his doing. The bomb makes a whistle sound the count down stops and I let out a sigh of relief.  Oh God I was so scared.

The sound of hands Clapping  at the back of the room grab everyone's  attention. Everyone looks at the same time in the direction  the sound came from. I feel like time just stopped as my eyes land on the most beautiful  person l've  ever seen leaning against one of the back tables.black hair all shugged up and some of it falling on his forehead, Whisky eyes, well defined  jaw line, thin lips but full enough  to kiss. My eye slide down his neck noticing tattoos on the left side neck that disappear into his black shirt  that sticks to his muscles like a second  skin. His dressed like the FS members earlier. I let out a gasp as it hits me, but Summer beats me to it by whispering "Alexander."

This room is locked shut does it mean he was here before. How come no one noticed. Am snapped out of my Trans as he start walking toward us. Everyone  makes way for him and he stands in front of Jacob.

"I started thinking  that non of you is going  to figure it out and I might have to come in. Good job." He says, his eyes moving from Jacob to the bomb.

"Um.uh... t..thanks" Jacob stumbles on his words. Can't blame him this guy reeks of authority  and danger.

"Well then let's get to the  point  of this test." He says moving  a bit infront to look at everyone, " This was to test your efficiency, which all of u failed, but did well in not panicking and working together  under pressure." He pauses and gives some guy a death glare as he smiled making his smile drop almost immediately. Okay, he doesn't  like people  smiling infront of him.

"That is useless  in situations  where you are on a mission  alone." He says . I swear his eyes land on mine but only for a fraction  of a second.

"Get some rest for tomorrow, you will need it." With that said he walks to the door which opens for him automatically and his gone. The windows also open as people head over to finish their meals as some go out of the cafeteria.

After summer and I finish our meals, we decide to take his advice and go rest. When I lay on my bed after putting  on my pajamas I think of asking  summer about  Alexander  but she dashes into the bathroom  before I can ask. I start feeling  sleepy  and the only thing that comes to mind as I dift into deep sleep are his Whisky eyes.