
Chapter 1


I try to control my breathing because  am nervous right now. Today is the day I have been anxious  about for weeks. Assignment day. The day new recruits get assigned to factions.

Am shocked I even made it because only fifty students from knight Training Hall make it every year and my name was last on the list. Many people didn't believe  that I made it because trust me am the least person expected to be their.

I look around me and everyone is wearing  the black recruits uniform and focused on Mr Marshall's speech I realize I haven't been paying attention and and I turn to look at him.

"I encourage  all of you to work even harder from here, remember, you earned your  place here and can still lose it" he says and am pretty sure he looked at me while saying  the last part. Does he know me, I have only seen him from a far and I've never talked to him before.

Mr Marshall walks off the stage then a middle age man in a dark blue suit who I've  never seen walks on the stage and explains how we are going to be divided into five factions.

"This year, new recruits, we have a surprise for you. We have assigned the five shadows as captains of your factions." He says, everyone is surprised  and I feel a tingle of excitement,  the five shadows are the top assasins in the world being supervised by them is like a dream. Am I asleep. Everyone is now whispering  to each other. "I heard their is only one girl." one wispers. "I heard the guys are hotand don't get me started about their leader." the other one says. The hot part I also heard. The blue suit man clears his throat through the microphone  to get everyone's attention.  Everyone  immediately  pays attention.

"Allow me to introduce  your faction captains. Rosette Jones" a gingerhead girl comes in and walks to the stage standing to the right of the man. She's wearing black leather pants that show her good figure and  matching boots with a black body top. The girl is really pretty. Almost all the guys in the room look amazed.  I swear I hear the guy sitting  next to me swallow his saliva.

"Rex Smith" a guy with blonde hair, sophisticatedly gelled back, comes in and stands next to the girl. The black shirt his wearing shows  his muscles well.

"Ian smith" a guy who looks exactly like Rex comes in and follows to stands next to Rex. His hair is also blonde and he wears glasses. Am guessing  they must be twins. The FS has twins.

"Rune Lennox." This guy has dusty  brown hair and is dressed like Ian and Rex. He follows the sequence and stands next to Ian. I feel everyone waiting for something, I know it's the Leader, l've heard stories and how he scares everyone when he walk into a room.

"And finally Alexander Kingston" everyone stares anxiously at the entrance but no one walks through  it.

Rune moves to wisper something into blue suit man's ear  the man makes an oh sound facial but slightly looks annoyed.

"Mr Kingston won't  be joining  us right now but am sure you will all get to meet him soon." He says"These are your captains.We give you the best for you to be the best. From here you will be transported to Ellite Camp for your starter missions. " everyone  gives him a round of applause  as he walks off of stage

Am finally an assasin.....so that I can finally get my revenge.


The Elite Camp is beyond  what I expected. It is big and left me speechless, we were given a tour around the camp and a list of our rooms. A year here and I will be as good as the FS.

I finally find my my room after  some struggle, my roommate  is not yet here so I take the bed next to the window and the room is pretty big.  I decide to organize  my things before  supper which I was told was at seven. When am done with everything  I decide to take a shower. I find shampoo and other things  already in the shelf, this place has everything, I sniff one of the body wash bottles with pomegranate on it and God it smells  great so I decide use the same one. While in the shower I hear voices from the room am guessing  its my roommate. I wonder who it is.

I wrap one of the white towels on the bathroom counter around my body and head out feeling  refreshed.

When I enter the room my jaw almost drops at the scene  before me. My roommate who is Summer, who used to be my weapon partner at the academy, is kissing Rune Lennox one of the FS. I gasp, which shifts their attention from their heated makeout session to me making My brain go into blabber mode, "Oh my God, am so sorry I didn't  mean to..... I didn't  know you were.... I didn't  see anything"

Summer is a shy girl and the least I expected  to find kissing anyone especially not a member of the FS. Rune looks at me from head to toe and I  realise am in a towel. I quickly  grad the fresh pair of clothes  on my bed and dash back into the bathroom. I close the door  with a bang and lay my back against it, my heart is beating  so fast, why do I have to make a fool of my self on the first day here.

I take my time dressing so that I find him gone, which I do. I find Summer  arranging  her things, she turns to look at me, "Am glad it's you who found us Noèlle, Please don't tell anyone about this" she says with a pleading  look.

"Don't  worry I won't  tell a soul. But how did u two um.. you know, start all this?" I ask waving  my hand.

"Umm we are childhood  friends so it kind of just started." she says shyly    while blushing.

"You grew up with Rune?!" I ask almost shouting.

"Xander too, those two are really close."

"Xander?" I ask confused

"Alexander Kingston the FS's leader." She replies. I was shocked  but now am more shocked. We talked a lot during  weapon  class and sometimes  when we just hung out but she never mentioned  any of this. Before I can ask anymore questions she diverts the conversation."let's get to the cafeteria  for supper or else we will be late,  by the way this us the first time am seeing your hair in anything  else but that tight  bun you make, I didn't  know it's this long" she says.

" umm thanks, I like it long." I answer. Which reminds  me to do the same bun and I immediately  do it.

"Wear it down often. Now let's go" she says pulling  my hand as we walk out of the room.