
Chapter 6

Marco took this chance to regain his energy, Jack diligently keeping watch for any enemies. While recovering Mira softlessly "This building is massive how are we going to know where the boss is" Jack and Marco both knew she was right, but with how soft her voice was now she was obviously having doubts, if they reinforced those doubts she could break at any moment. "I'm sure he's held up at the top, it's the safest spot after all" Jack informs her, after trying to encourage her spirit they quickly readied themselves to press on forward. To climb to the top there only option was the stair cases. "Why not try and take the elevator?" Marco asks. "Didn't your parents teach you anything, you don't take elevators during emergencies" Mira says in a know it all tone.

Following behind Jack they cautiously walked through the building's floor in search of the stairs, eliminating any undead they come across. 'is this becoming a little easier?' Marco thought to himself, 'I guess as out teamwork improves we start to struggle less and less here'. As they began to sweep through the floor at a faster pace the teams confidence rose dramatically. After defeating a small group Jack calls out to the team "Over here guys we found it", in front of him was the staircase they had desperately scoured the building. "With this we can climb straight to the top and deal with the boss" Mira joyfully squealed. They continued up the staircase, it lacked any lighting or windows to illuminate the room, Marco without having to even be asked makes a small fire lighting the area around them. With the assistance of Marco's make shift light they now had mild vision up the stairs, but the level of unknown up the stairs ensured they remained high cautious as they slowly made their way up the stairs.

As they crept up the stairs there worries grew stronger, no enemies had been seen in the entire staircase. A suspenseful air filled the staircase, Mira shakingly walked up each step with goosebumps filling her arms. "It's fine just keep walking, whatever comes our way we'll deal with easily" Jack stops and says, with a reassuring smile and innocent eyes the tension was shattered like fragile glass.

Unexpectingly the made it to the top of the staircase, they now stood at the doorway leading to the top of the building, no enemies had appeared the entirety of there climb, they all sighed a breath of relief, but they knew what was next, if there guess was right behind this door was the boss, an entity that couldn't take lightly at all, to survive they know they have to give it there all.

Jack signals a thumbs up to Marco and Mira, He was ready to move. with a nod from both he like a hurricane opens the door and rushed out, in his view was a bone chilling atmosphere, A skeletal man with ragged robes stood atop the building, wielding a spear like staff, he cackled as Jack appeared. Surrounding the undead being was a large force of armored skeletons. As he cackled he took several steps back allowing for the skeletons to stand guard in front of him.

wielding shoddy swords and shields the skeleton s march towards Jack. Unaffected by the sight of these armored skeletons Jack hangs low and runs towards them, with ease he avoids there attacks and follows up with decisive blows to the legs cripplingly them. As Jack was single handedly avoiding roughly 20 skeletons attack effortlessly Marco stood in the doorway for his opportunity, as Jack crippled and defeated several skeleton guards there was now an opening, He readied his hand concentrating and condendensing his power in to a devastating mass of fire. Once the path way was clear of skeleton guards this ball of destruction was flung towards the boss, fully focused on Jack as he slew countless skeletons, his boney skull was in shock as a powerful blast flew towards him, He didn't have time to dodge, he had to block or he would die. He raised his arms in a desperate ploy to guard the strike, in the process his fragile physique was propelled across the room top. As the explosion erupted and the smoke cleared Marco stood exhausted waiting for the outcome, 'How much damage did that do' He thought as he waited for the climactive reveal. Once the smoke cleared a purely skeleton individual was revealed,His left arm was now missing along with his robes. The skeleton pointed the staff towards Marco, and cackled minicully as he sprinted towards him. 'This man is dangerous, he must be dealt with' he thought to himself, The puny human in his view was on the floor exhausted being healed, they wouldn't be able to stop his strikes as all.

As he quickly approached the doorway he was suddenly knocked away like a rag doll, Marco looked over to Jack who was holding off the skeletons, only piles of bones remained 'He won?!, how is that even possible he was just meant to be a distraction!' He was in awe.

Jack had delivered a fierce drop kick to the monsters side sending him flying like a ragdoll. Jack rolling sideways and getting to his feet, narrowing his vision in front of him was the weakened boss. Before it could adjust to the sudden attack just dashed in again, slashing at what would be vitals on a normal person, each strike hitting but lacking any real impact. 'My attacks aren't getting anywhere, i have to get a good hit or this isn't going to go well for me'. After withstanding a barrage of attacks from Jack, the boss found himself on his feet speer in hand. Atop of speer a black ball could be seen, seconds later before Jack could react the ball erupted into an explosion, underneath the there feet a black surface covered the floor, Jack readied himself for what this meant.

The boss spun the staff around like some form of dance move before following up with an unexpected dash. In a moment the boss closed the gap between them, stabbing his spear furiously, Jack nimbly avoids the barrage, managing to stop the following up stab with his dagger. With his spear stopped momentarily Jack runs along the inside of the spear,Punching the skeletal being with all his might in the skull. The boss desperately trying to dodge minimises the impact, his jaw was now a shattered monsterity of bone from the impact. The boss was unable to avoid the close combat he'd made with Jack was frantically walking back to make a gap between them. Jack wouldn't allow this.

Through the slit in his rips Jack grabs hold of his spindly spine. The boss now locked in place by Jack he thrust his dagger into the side of the Skeletons Skull, this time unable to avoid the impact shattered his dome, as his skull shattered so did his life force as the body went limp in Jack's grip.

"Phew that was exhausting" Jack sighed heavily, he fell backwards onto the floor breathing heavily with a large smile filling his face, he was happy. from the sideline Marco and Mira were in shock, what did they just watch. how could a G rank be this strong?, he practically soloed the boss and his guards, this guy wasn't right. 'Either his rank was wrong or somehow he faked his ranked somehow and for some weird reason'.

Lying on the floor was the spear staff wielded by the boss, since it wasnt of value to Jack and it was his fault Marcco and Mira were stuck in this mess he grabbed the spear and walked over to Marco. "Aye marco, you should have this, you attack disarmed the boss heaps, if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't have managed to beat him," Jack said earnestly, while he spoke he held the spear out to Marco. his face was covered in surprise before swapping to a joyful smile as he gripped the weapon. 'What's with this guy he's too humble for his own good'

With his jaw dropped Marco looked to Jack in a mix of awe and confusion, ' this guy, this whole situation, none of it makes any sense'. As he finished his thought just like earlier he found his scenery changing, the landscape and atmosphere changing at an exponential pace, They all began to look around, 'where the hell are we now?!' Marco and Mira quickly thought to themselves as they analyzed there surroundings, a dimly lit room withfurnature. "wait is this someone's house?, what the hell is going on" Mira says with annoyance filling her voice. "Ahh, yeah, this is my place i dunno we came back here, but it's probably good right haha" Jack mentions in an embarrassed tone while shyly having his hand behind his head.

Mira holding her fingers in between her eyes tightly sighed after his joking remark, "Okay well were back so I'm leaving I need a break from all this madness" . Marco surprised at how fast Mira stormed off after they just got back quickly followed off in a jog like waltz "I better check up on her, give us a call if you need us again!" He ran out as he went after Mira.