
Chapter 25

"Poro how could you rush off like that, we could of stayed together and fought safely!" Odin berraded the injured Poro with criticism as he checks the dagger wound in his back. "I'm sorry, seeing Hammond like that was to much, it really is my fault we lost... agh!" as he spoke groans of pain echoed from him. "Forget about it, the dagger is in their deep and too dangerous to pull out. we have to get you healed quickly" The regretful Poro nods to fellow S rank before Odin helps him to his feet, supporting his weight and helping him off to the nearest healer.

Jack finding himself stepping inside the large facility red lights spinning atop his head, his allies following behind. "Scour this building. Find Diana and report back immediately!" as Jack spoke these orders his minions and allies quickly sprinted inside the facility. Slowly he followed behind, hoping he'd come across his sister somewhere in this facility, the military claimed to not know where he was but that wasn't going to stop him from finding her, suddenly as he slowly walked through the building a realisation overcame him. "Hammond where are you!" As he called for his most powerful minion a mist appeared around Jack as Hammond answered the call and appeared beside his mastered kneeled at the ready. 'Yes Master, How can I be of service?". "You were high up in the association what do you know about my sister Diana?". Jacked looked at Hammond as he thought hard about what to tell his master, "When I was with the association I tried to ignore it but we often guarded important researchers doing experiments inside this facility. I always thought it to be Diana but i was a coward, please forgive me sir" Hammonds words left many questions to be answered but he couldn't sit her talking,. "Take me to where she is". Hammond standing up and walking into the facility leading Jack through the Maze like facility.

After minutes of walking through the corridors and staircases, each level they delved deeper a new one appeared beneath it, Jack was flabbergasted by the depth of the facility. Eventually as they reached sublevel 13 Hammond suddenly stopped moving, a large metal vault liked door stood in front of them with a keypad beside it, Hammond slowly entered the passcode he'd seen countless researchers enter. with the numbers enter he hovered his finger over enter, hesitant he looked to Jack. "Are you sure you want to go inside Master?" This question through Jack off, what he believed to be a mindless minion was cautious of how Jack would handle going in, but it wasn't enough to deter him from his objective.

"Do it", as he spoke Hammonds finger fell heavy on they keypad, sounds of machines continued as light slowly pierced through the large door, as the doorway became clearer an unconscious Diana could be seen, Jack's eyes widened as he saw her strapped to a platter and hanging onto a wall, tears welling in his eyes and pouring down his cheeks he slowly walked over to her, remnants of experiments were clear.

Black Symbols etched into her arms, leaving her once pristine skin a dark red colour, tracing the symbols guilt filled up inside him as he could only blame himself for how they treated her, carefully he unlatched the trapps restricting her to the wall. "Sir Jack have you found-"Mara's voice was heard clearly as she turned into the room, shock coating her face. "These humans how have they…?, this woman is more demon than even I" She spoke slowly, she walks over to Jack couldn't process her voice as he focussed on freeing her, grabbing his shoulder she spoke softly. "Are you alright?" Stopping what he was doing Jack slowly crumbled to the floor, the little sister he knew so well was now a monster like creature held prisoner.

Clearing away the tears he shook his mind and quickly finished freeing her, as the last restraint was removed the unconscious Diana slowly toppled forward, slowly Jack put her on the floor, gently trying to wake her up. "Diana, it's Jack. Wake up we have to go" He spoke slowly and gently to not surprise her to much. Quickly Diana's eyes began to flicker open and shut as she slowly came to. "Jack-?, what, how?" Unsure of the situation she let out bits and pieces of sentences. "Don't worry about it, stand and lets go" As she realised the situation she stood on her feet, as she stood tall Jack could clearly now see the changes she underwent. Her body toned and refined to that of an athlete, her skin reddened and small horns were visible on her forehead. Clenching her fists opened and closed she relished freedom, before quickly leaping to Jack and hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much!" tears poured down both their cheeks as they savoured the moment.

'Sir Jack, Im sure you wish to reconnect some more but we cannot stand idly by we should flee" Diana suggested as she worried about the possibility of reinforcements from the humans. "You are right, let's find Hob's and leave quickly!", Diana looked surprised as she saw the odd looking woman in front of her, but wasn't going to question it with everything going on. "Hob's stayed at the front as a rear guard sir", "Okay then, let's hurry to him and leave!" Jack spoke clearly as he headed for the door, Mara closely behind, Diana confused followed behind quickly. The three sprite though the facility, heading for the entrance at full speed.

Eventually the four regrouped at the entrance, ready to leave. With the key in hand Jack walks towards a lone door in the facility. Diana unsure of what was happening was shaken at the uncertainty of where they were going but gripped her arms tightly as she watched Jack turn the key. The portal home swirled before them, "We'll check the otherside sir, you and miss Diana wait here a moment" Hobs and Mara headed in first to check it was safe, Jack and Diana waited patiently before Jack gestures for her to go through, slowly she took a step into the portal. Standing tall Jack walked through the portal standing high behind Diana. They'd found themselves in the ruins of an old building, a red sky floating overhead. "Miss Diana, this is the demon realm. my homeland, once we pass through her you'll see your new home in the beautiful mystic realm" Mara explained engilently as they made their walk to the mystic portal. After a short and uneventful walk they found themselves at the stone altar that would lead them to the mystic realm. The four stood before the spinning vortex ready to press on, to ensure the otherside was safe Jack called forth some ascended minions, Diana's eyes widened as she saw up close the shadowy power her brother possessed, a chill rushed down her eyes as she thought about how these ascended were once people not long ago. quickly the minions marched through the portal ready to face anything on the other side. As usual Mara and hobs headed through the portal standing side to side with the minions on the other side. "Where nearly at our new home Diana. I know it's not what you wanted but I hope you like it" As Diana heard these a joyful smile appeared on Diana's face. Although she was uneasy about leaving her life behind for a new one she wasn't willing to turn around for anything. With a regal bow Jack gestured for her to walk through the portal, a mild distance behind her Jack followed behind.

Lush trees and green grass covered their surroundings, a clear blue sky and cool breeze hung around them as they found themselves back in the mystic realm safely. OxKeep visible in the distance. "See that city in the distance Diana, that's OxKeep, our new home", Diana's eyes welling up with small tears as she thought about a new home. With A quick pace the group walked through the forest towards the fortified city, until they stood before a tall gatehouse. The Guards on duty quickly realised who had arrived, scrambling to let them in. "Welcome Back Sir Jack! and Captain Hobs!" The guard frantically said as he rushed off to open the gate for them.

As the gatehouse doors opened and they made their way past the guards, Diana was surprised to see them standing tall, holding their hands to their chest in respect as Jack walked past them. "Uh, Jack what exactly is our new life here?" Diana asked nervously as they walked into the city streets. "We rule this city, helping everyone who lives here," Jack replied confidently. Diana was shocked as she heard Jack, she nw this was going to be their new home but never did she ever imagine Jack was their leader. "So your like their king...?"she asked with uncertainty. "Not exactly, I'm their Mayor" Jack answered confidently as they walked through the city square, citizens clapping as their mayor returned safely. Diana shook her head, gripping the bridge as she heard the ludacris news, never had she imagined her brother would be someone so important. "Sir Jack, I must return to my men and make sure they stuck to their training while we were away.'' "Okay Hob's, give them a good work out as catch up when you get their", "Will do sir, Mara would you want to accompany me for their training?" Hobs asked curiously. "I'd love to put those men to work again", with a nod the group separated, Jack and Diana found themselves alone standing before their new home. The large manor stood tall, 'Come on. let's find you a room to settle down in".

A well suited halfing stood at the ready for Jacks orders as he walked through the door. "Welcome back sir. How an we be of service?" The halfling politely asked as Jack entered the main lobby. "Diana here is our newest guest, she's a very important so find her a nice room, oh and some nice clothes". "Right away sir, this way madame" Gesturing for Diana to follow some maids down a hall. "I'll come visit later when you've settled it" Jack said as he watched he walked away by maids.

Weeks passed after Diana's arrival into OxKeep, slowly she found herself settling in with the simple, finding joy and more importantly purpose in her new life. Inside a locked room Diana and a elderly looking hobbit sit alone talking, "How are you going mr Jenkin's, feeling any better". "I'm mostly okay but my shoulder really aches lately,'' the elderly man says while rubbing his shoulder, as she hears this she rubs her chin in thought. "Okay, I'll have a look for you Mr Jenkin's" Hands raised she stands behind the elderly man, pressing her palms to his shoulder, a pale red light radiates from her hands covering the area around her hands. "Well, that should help with the pain, but try not to over do it Mr Jenkins" She says in a calm voice as she sits back down catching her breath, "Oh thank you Diana, I dunno what we'd do without you", with his treatment complete and their meeting finished Jenkins slowly stands and leaves the room quietly, behind him plastered on the door reads a sign "Redwin Medical". As Diana now sits alone reading parchments and documents a knock comes at the door, "It's me Jack", hearing these words she quickly steps up and rushes to the door opening it for her brother. "Your back already, I didn't think you be back for a few days!" She says excitedly as she sees Jack. "Yeah, the dungeon was a lot weaker than I'd thought, how is your healing going?", "It's slowly getting stronger the more I use it, but I can only heal basic injuries so I really want to learn to be a proper doctor so i don't have to rely on it as much". Determination fills her voice as she speaks about learning more about medicine, "If you come with inside a dungeon maybe you could get some life essence and improve your powers quicker", before Diana even thought about considering the idea she shakes her head side to side, "I can't, I'm not a fighter or a magic genius like you. I just want to stay here and learn medicine."Well it's your decision, but if you change your mind I'll be spending the rest of the day running drills with soldiers"

Jack deep down knew he wouldn't be able to drag the soft hearted Diana through dungeons not matter how safe she would be she didn't have the spirit for someone fighting beasts inside dungeons, but she does have the right determination to become a great doctor someday.

Back on earth inside the military base Jack and his forces raised construction vehicles and men in suits scoured the area as a large fence was quickly put up around the facility. Deep down in the underbelly of the Facility, under the flickering lights of the research rooms stands a large stone altar, scientists in hazmat suits wield machines of all kinds trying to understand the mysterious inside the altar.

The altar seemingly stumping all those who try to understand it's secret until a faint hymn radiates from the centre of it, shock filling the faces of all those under the suits, unaware of what was happening slowly stepped towards the exit of the room, before any could reach the doorway a wave erupts from the altar. The energy knocking all those around it down instantly, as the disorientated soldiers regained their composure they looked back at the altar in disbelief as a spiraling vortex hung around the altar.