
The Ascendancy of Dracula

A random fellow is reincarnated as a vampire, specifically Dracula, in a fantasy world. But he is not just a vampire, he is also something far greater. A/N : This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there. Any art I use as a reference is not mine, unless stated so. If the artist wants said art removed, just say so and I will happily oblige... with proof you are the artist. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

Theodoric_Jager · Fantasy
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10 Chs


{A/N : Hello there! I will give an explanation about drakes, wyverns, and dragons. Drakes are wingless dragons; they are 4 meters long and their average height is 2.5 meters. Wyverns are 5 meters long and have a wingspan of 10 meters, their height is 3 meters. However, Dragons are completely different, it depends on many things, such as the breed, the nurturing of the dragon, and so on. They come in different shapes and sizes. The three classifications of Dragons are rated in stars. 1-3 stars is copper, 4-6 stars is iron, 7-9 stars is silver, 10-12 is gold. Beyond that, are just "legends" and "myths", maybe higher. The classifications mostly depend on the previously mentioned breed, nurturing of the dragon while it is still a youngling, and etc.

Examples of Drakes, Wyverns, and Dragons might change later on.

Hope you all have a blessed day!}


[Vlad POV]

Arriving at the library I sit in one of the chairs and look towards a shelf that is exactly in front of me, filled to the brim with fancy glass bottles containing a red liquid. The bottom of the shelf has gold and silver goblets, all with beautiful patterns.

Directing my right and left arms are towards the shelf. I concentrate on one of the glass bottles and one of the gold goblets. Instantly, shadows form around the glass bottle and appears in my right hand in puff of shadows. As for the goblet, it flung towards my left hand. Shadow manipulation and telekinesis, definitely useful in certain occasions.

I put the goblet down and proceed to unscrew the bottle and pouring the blood into the goblet and drinking it all.

Thinking to myself 'It has been three days since I woke up in the throne room... and a week or two left till we go to war.'

I call for Archibald telepathically, and he appears to me right.

"Tell me… since you have been cursed to be in a mortal body, which not only does not allow you to use half the powers you possess but also limits your potential and weakens your strength in genera. Do you think I… or we can remove the curse?" I curiously ask Archibald, wondering if we can remove the curse, so he can truly unleash his true strength.

Sighing, Archibald's expression is one of sadness at his predicament. Understandable, after all he is a demon and from what he told me of his past, he messed with the wrong witch. What surprised me, is when he listed his so called "crimes" before he even met the witch and it is nothing compared to others of his kind, which baffled me.

"It is possible, though not easy. After all, you would require great power to break a curse that was put on me almost three centuries ago. And no less, by a powerful witch. But if somehow, we do that, I will be bound back to hell. As I have not been there for a long time now, and there are certain rules set for us demons."

"Hmm, we could easily get rid of the curse, I am sure. But… the part were you go back to hell. What if we… give you a body, or more like bind you to one. So, you are a demon, but with a body and none of the issues that come with it." I ask Archibald.

His eyes widens at my words, thinking carefully, he says "This… could be possible my lord. This… is perfect. Soul agic is the answer. All have souls, be it dragons, demons, angels, and so on. All have a soul, even the trees and plants. And I know you have soul magic, but the is not enough, you will need something powerful to truly help you with this, which means-"

I cut off Archibald, realizing what is saying, "The Grimoire of Death…."

"Exactly, it is the only object that will give you not just power of souls, but much more than you can imagine. The grimoire is old, the oldest of its kind. Which is why I always thought that it is strange for it to be close to us so suddenly." Says Archibald, saying the last part in a manner of perplexity.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused by his last words.

"My lord, have you not thought about how strange it is, how much of a coincidence it is for the oldest grimoire to be here, near us. This grimoire is not only of the old world, but goes back to ancient times, and an era long forgotten. Yet the book lived for millenniums and was used by the greatest figures of those eras." Asks Archibald.

I look at him intently and ask, "Are you insinuating that someone or something has placed the grimoire there… most probably for me?"

"I dare not my lord, but it is too big of a coincidence." Says Archibald, sure of himself.

Sighing, I say "Let's deal with that when the time comes. Now we need to talk about your body. If we can bind you, give a demon, for the first time in all of history, a body bound to nothing, able to roam freely. Will it be possible with the grimoire?"

"Theoretically yes, but this is a sensitive and complicated procedure, typically you would use a soul and shove it into a body, or skeleton, resulting in an undead, well kind of an undead. The thing is lord, my "soul" is different from yours or others, it is bound to hell. Meaning you will have to learn soul magic detach my "soul" from my body, which will probably break the curse if we didn't already, and then break the linkage between me and hell. Then at last, put me in a body, to bind me to eat.

Soul Magic is a sub-category of Dark Magic, since you have Dark Magic, you will be able to learn Soul Magic, easier than the rest. The reason is, the Dark Energy that I sensed you generate is of an extremely high quality. Not only that, but you can also channel them. Thus, you are better and more talented than many in Dark Magic." says Archibald.

"Well, this is interesting. Okay so, soul magic, checked. All we have left is the grimoire and… a body...' I say.

"I think, the only, and probably safest body will be a blank body." says Archibald.

"A blank body?" I asked, confused.

"A body that can be anything and everything, the only ones who have this type of body that come in mind are... shapeshifters." says Archibald.

"Shapeshifter... yes, like that is easier said than done. They can be anyone and everything." I say and continue "Maybe Dragan or one of the others know of one..."

"That is most likely. I would suggest starting with practicing soul magic. And after you get the grimoire and body, you will be able to know the procedures from then on and put my soul in the body, after that, the body will change into me." says Archibald.

I nod to myself and telepathically communicate with Dragan, Henriksen and Esmeralda, and I ask them to come to my library.

After a while the three arrive, I look towards Hendriksen and Esmeralda and ask them "How do you feel? Anything wrong?"

They both shake their heads and Hendriksen says "I feel great," he looks at Esmeralda and then at me and continues "we both feel amazing."

Esmeralda then says, "Thank you so much, Vlad." I nod happily and say, "You deserve it, the both of you." they bow their head lightly with a smile.

"Now, to business, I guess. Do you know any shapeshifters?" I say, and they look at each other confused, and then turn back to look at me. Dragan speaks first and says, "Apologies my lord, I do not know of one.", I tell him it is alright and look towards the rest.

Esmeralda says "That is a strange question... and yes, we do know of one. But he is quite the troublemaker... well he really is a troublemaker, one that we want to get rid of."

"Well, how convenient, my luck seems to have no bounds." I say laughing.

"Bring him, alive and in chains." I say, and they look confused. Before they can ask for what I need the shapeshifter, out of curiosity as usual. I raise my hand, as in to signal for them to stop and say "I need his body for a friend of ours."

They both nod and say, "It will be done." and Hendriksen says "Good riddance to be honest."

I look confused and ask, "You seem to have history with this, shapeshifter?" they both nod and Esmeralda says in an annoyed tone "Terrible history."

"So where is this shapeshifter?" I ask and Hendriksen says "In The Echelux Kingdom." I look surprised and say "Huh? The kingdom of adventurers. That is intriguing."

"Well, you may leave, as for Dragan, I need you to put a group of guards together to get me thirty of a variety of beasts and put them in the dungeons, in the laboratory and you will oversee their task." I say and they nod and take their leave.

'I hope I will be able to achieve what I think I can...' I think to myself. A while back, when I was experimenting on the bandits, specifically the ones who I experimented with mutations on. I felt I could influence the mutations, but I couldn't. I could feel them and understand them, but not influence them. I think I will be able to after a little bit of experimentation.

Waiting for a guard to notify me, I summon the book about the celestials which the All-Father gave me. I sit back down on my chair and continue reading from where I stopped.

After a while, a Dragan knocks on my door and tells me "Lord, the beasts are in the laboratory."

I nod and dismiss him. Getting up and heading out of the library and towards the laboratory.

Reaching the laboratory, I see them all in the strap tables. From different kinds of boars to deer and so on. Some look like they are from my previous world, but not at the same time. Some have red fur, some green, and some boars have stone-like fur. Some boars even have antlers of stone or regular bone. Same goes for the deer's, a couple have a metallic like glint to their fur, and antlers. Anyways, I strapped on the gloves and went for it.

[Four and a half hours later]

This was a success. To some degree. I think I have a new power now. After countless retries and even asking for another batch of animals. I am able to induce mutations. Now this definitely could come in handy in developing and empowering soldiers that don't want to be Vampires... well that I don't want to be Vampires.

There are a couple of villages around the Caligo Forest. Around six are loyal to me for sparing and even saving them... although four of them are very loyal... to the point that each of them built an altar at the border of the forest. They would put offerings such as things they've hunted, ore, coins, jewels, etcetera. I tried a long time ago to give it back, but each time they bring more and more. So, I just let someone pick it up when no one is looking and bring it to the storage in the castle.

These four villages are my prime candidates for a mutated, enhanced army. "This will be wonderful." I say grinning.