
The Artful Match

Brielle is one of the few female hunters at the association. Dealing with useless trainees every six months, she has a low tolerance for bullshit. She no longer believes in love, and nothing will change her mind after what happened to her. She believes that the only thing she can love and trust is her job, where she helps protect the defenceless by killing those who use their abilities to get everything they want. Hunting is a thrill that she enjoys more than life itself. Having a minimalist life, the only thing at home she cherishes is her painting. A vampire that refuses to choose a partner for his sister. Ketan will do anything to protect his loved ones, even kill those that threaten his livelihood. Usually, he is calm, gentle, and collected. He stays hidden away from everyone when he does not want anything to do with individuals until the day he is captured and locked away in a dungeon. After that moment, his life changed for good. Cursing the blood that he drinks, Ketan fights against the pull of drinking more blood from the person that donated the blood. An Excerpt from the book: Brielle throws her arms around Ketan’s neck. “I was so worried about you. I did not know what you were going to do or if you would survive.” Ketan smiled and accepted her hug. “I am sorry for worrying you. I had to do what needed to be done. Besides, I knew that this was going to happen and be as painful as it was.” Brielle starts sobbing in his embrace. “I think that you should take what you need from me, Ketan. You will not be able to stand the bloodlust soon… will you?” Pushing her away before losing control. Ketan moves away from her weakly. “Stay back. I am not in control of myself right now. You should not even be here right now. Leave me alone!” Ketan holds his hand out to stop her from coming closer to him. “I can hear your pulse racing; it’s deafening.” “You were fine a moment ago; now you are you pushing me away, Ketan? I can help you.” Brielle leans down towards him and gently pulls him into her arms. “No, stop. I can’t control myself, and I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you. I am not a sedated beast; I lust for every drop of your sweet blood that I hear pumping through your veins, but I must resist. Otherwise, I will harm you in the worst way possible.” Ketan pushes her back and teleports deeper into the cave. “Stay back before I begin to acquire a taste for your blood. It is a deadly thing to tempt fate once again.” Brielle continues to walk into the deep dark cave towards him. “Ketan, I trust you more than I have trusted others. I know that you will not kill me. Just look at how fearful you are right now.” She finally reaches him again. Crying, Ketan grabs her from behind, sits her in his lap. One arm wrapped around her waist, the other in her hair, pulling off the right exposing her neck. Slowly he lowers his lips to her neck, licking the surface testing the flesh. His fangs rest at the hollow of her neck before carefully breaking the skin. He starts to drink her blood deeply, but as he drank, he slowly stopped and lifted his face up, crying while holding Brielle against his body crying. Blood leaking from the bite marks while some drips down his chin. Her body was being held up by Ketan, and her eyes were now closed. Her body seemed lifeless in his arms. She started to slide forward as a deadweight. Ketan catches her and holds her princess style in his lap, rocking back and forth. Crying fresh tears.

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
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55 Chs

2 Fighting With a Vampire

"I thought that we already agreed that we wouldn't let anyone else know about the girl I slept with?" Leo glared at Will.

Brielle started to laugh. "You two never stop fighting, do you?" looking at the girl in her arms, she smiled. "What's with the girl leaving you, Leo. I thought that you had the most charm ever?"

The girl smiled and touched Brielle's cheek. "You are kind. I like you."

"Here's the thing. I saved a chick from a pest. He was pushing his fucking luck while being a fucking leech. It was all over as soon as I kissed her at the engagement party. She was my type. I took her back to my place, and we had a wonderful time, plenty of sex. I fell asleep a second time in the morning, which is unusual for me. As I thought about that fact, but I chopped it down to working all that overtime. So when I woke up, she was fucking gone." Leo growls and looks at Brielle.

"Pffffft." Brielle starts laughing at Leo. "So let me get this right… you meet the girl of your dreams, and she gets away from you. Oh, that is hilarious." Brielle looks to Will. Using her eyes to plead for more information.

Will pulls out his phone and tosses it to Brielle. "On there is picture proof of the night. The girl in question is Sam's good friend. We did a background check but finding her is going to be extremely difficult."

Leo missed catching the phone and tried to take it from Brielle. "Please don't look at my embarrassing pictures."

Brielle sidestepped and pushed the phone out of reach, and flipped open the phone. At the same time, she was protecting the girl that was next to her. Brielle started scrolling through the pictures and sent herself all the pictures that were from the engagement before tossing that phone back in front. She had her personal phone on silent. "Thanks, Will." Looking down at the girl, she covered her eyes and said the word sleep.

"Don't worry, I will be taking her to Asurlon, and he will wipe her memories. You did a good job." Leo had caught the phone. He quickly scolded through the pictures. "You know what, these pictures are actually pretty amazing."

Brielle feels her work phone start vibrating in her pocket and quickly pulled it out. "Will drive and turn right in ten meters. There is a hunt in the area. I just got the call to go there. The information says that there is another child kidnapping. Why does the algorithm always match me up with the child-saving missions?"

Leo pulled out his phone and checked his messages. "I got that order as well. It looks like there are four vampires that have gone rogue. I will assist. I want to burn off some more steam."

Brielle looks up at Leo and glares, "fine, but you will not be allowed near the package." She holds firm on this, and the two have a staring match.

Will turns and drives to a building that is starting to fall apart and turns to Brielle as Leo gets out. He waits until the door is slammed shut. "Watch him for me. Ever since Kitty took off on him, he has been having a tough time. He has been going on a rampage."

"You got it. I will make sure that moron does not push it too hard." Brielle lets out a sigh and gets out of the car, and races to the apartment entrance. She nods her head and Leo to show that she is ready.

Leo opens the door, jumps in the room, and looks around, trying to figure out where the vampires were. He waved Brielle in when the coast was clear. He moves forward carefully, the floorboards were broken, and there was a heavy scent of blood in the air.

Brielle walked in and looked around. She went to the stairs and sees a new bunny plush and starts to climb the stairs. Coldly she pulls out her gun and inches up and peeks around the corner while the stench of blood becomes stronger. She creeps down the hall, and she hears a creaking sound behind her. She turns her head, expecting it to be Leo, but it was a vampire. Promptly she fires the suppressed gun. She hits the vampire right in the heart, and he turns to dust. She continues to creep forward and finds the blood-soaked room. The room had dead bodies all around the room and a young girl lying on the pile. Rushing forward, Brielle looked over the girl and made a tch sound when she found vampire bite marks on the girl's neck. The worst part was that the girl's eyes were wide while opened in horror. She heard a significant commotion downstairs and turned and pulled out her sword and faced the vampire that appeared behind her.

"She was a delectable treat. The blood of the young is the most vital and strong." He laughed and looked at the human in front of him. He took a deep breath smelling the air. "Mmmmm, despair is also a rare treat. You would be delicious to eat as well." He was in his complete vampire form, licking his lips.

Brielle's hold on the sword became tighter, and she took her stance. "You make me sick. Look at all the bodies in this room. Your bloodlust drives you. I will not allow you to live." She had holstered her gun and was glaring at the vampire. She watched his body and saw that he was going to move behind her, and she slashed upwards, blocking the nails from the vampire.

"Ooooo, I like a feisty bitch. Maybe it would be a waste to eat you. I should turn you into my personal blood bank." He jumped back, "What do you say?"

"Fuck you." Brielle charged in on the vampire and slashed, crashing into his fingernails again. She grabbed the dagger that was hidden under her shirt and threw it at his heart before pushing off the ground and landing back beside all the dead bodies.

Roaring, the vampire pulled the dagger out of his chest beside his heart and tried to heal the wound. When the wound did not heal, he glared at the girl and threw the dagger back at her. "I'm going to kill you for this."

“Bloodlust – the disease that makes us the monsters we are known to be; it is what wipes away the last of our humanity.”

― Daniele Lanzarotta, Bloodlust

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