

The mansion's butler Martin Luther came in to announce that it was time to go to the hall. My father walked in right after the announcement and took my hand in his we then walked down the stairs into the hall like a couple. A guard announced our presence and everywhere fell silent.

Before I entered the hall everywhere was noisy with soft music playing on the background and people chattering loudly and once I walked in everywhere turned silent. I heard whispers of how people were admiring my beauty and I couldn't stop smiling.

After walking down the hall we headed towards the chairs where I and my parents would sit on. After taking a seat my dad stood up and made a speech with his deep bass voice:

"Dear people of Blue Crest, as we all know that this is the debut party of your beloved princess Suzanne Artemis Quinn, he said as I stood up to wave my hands to the crowd. Tonight, is a very special night for Suzanne as she is presenting herself to her people and I hope you all accept your princess" he ended his statement with a good will.

Shortly after the speech he gave, a man I recognize as a Lord and his son walked towards my dad and started talking and giggling. My father then introduced me to the Lord whose name is Edward Jones Ashley and his son Carlos Jones Ashley. They seemed really nice and after a while of chatting I found out we had a lot in common and right after my dad asked me for a dance and then we stepped on to the dance floor and a slow music started to play in the background as the hall fell silent. Everyone's eyes were on me as I danced elegantly with my father, the emperor. After the dance the music change and hall returned to being bright, I went for a walk to the garden with Carlos and we began talking about the empire.


Lady Suzanne, don't you think the emperor is doing good work for empire. I mean there has been a lot of growth in the empire." He said"

"Yes, I do think so. Father has been really working hard for this empire." I said with a neutral voice as I was stressed from all the greetings and attention. Carlos sensed this and asked if I wanted to go back inside

"Lady Suzanne, do you want to go back inside you look stressed?",He asked in a concerned tone.

"I don't think that would be necessary Sir Carlos, I am just a little stressed and want some fresh air". I answered in a polite manner.

"You can call me Carlos no need for the formality", he said.

"Okay, Sir Carl... umm.. Carlos" I said.

" Now let's get you back inside before you catch a cold", I noticed how handsome and caring he was as he stressed his hands forth for me to take it as I was shivering. As we walked inside a regal looking man with midnight long black flowing down to his waist called out to me.

"Lady Suzanne, please wait", the man said. I and Carlos stopped walking and turned towards the man as he approached us. When he finally got to us I found myself staring at him he had the perfect face with the bluest eyes I have ever seen, nice plump lips and chiseled jawline, not to talk of his masculine body that looked like that of a Demi God. I was lost staring at him that I did not realize that he asked me a question.

*Clears throat*

"Lady Suzanne, if you're done staring would you answer my question". He said as Carlos shot daggers at the man with his eyes.

"Huh, umm I- I- I'm s- sorry what was your question". I said

"I asked if I may take a dance", he said.

"I already ask..". Carlos was saying as I interrupted him saying yes and then he took my hands and placed a kiss on it. I felt Carlos' eyes on the man as he looked angry.

"By the way my name is Damien Von Heist", he said with a charming smile on his lips. As we walked in to the hall holding hands everyone's eyes turned to look at us and there were whispers on how we looked together. We stepped on the dance floor and started to dance slowly with every step going elegantly.

"Lady Suzanne, has anyone told you you are beautiful?", he asked.

"Sir Damien, I don't really go out but my mum says it all the time", I answered in a polite manner.

" I would like to let you know that you are the most beautiful lady I've ever seen", he said. I turned as red as a tomato as I smiled and then suddenly he pulled me closer by my waist and our faces were very close, I felt his hot breath on my face and suddenly he placed a light kiss on my lips and I felt time stopped, a blush crept to the cheek starting from my neck.

"Be mine", I heard Damien say.

"W- w- what!!! I- I be y- yours. I said stuttering.

"Breath darling". He said and I realized I had stopped breathing after the kiss and then the music stopped and we decided to take a walk to the balcony.

"Sir Damien". I called out

"He answered saying yes!!".

"Why did you kiss me in front of the crowd", I asked curiously.

"Why do you think I kissed you", He answered me with another question and now I was confused.

"Do you know about the magic users in the Southern part of the empire"?. He asked.

"Sir Dam-", he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Can you drop the formality, call me Damien or for short Dami and I'll call you Suzie",he said as he plastered his charming smile on his face and right before I was about to say something he gave me an ink blue rose then someone I think his personal assistant came to whisper something in his ear and left immediately.

"Suzie, I think it's time to leave", he said with a pout on his lips.

"Ohh, okay", I said chuckling lightly.

"So now you're laughing at me, huh", he asked the pout not leaving his lips.

"I didn't mean to but you look so cute while pouting",I answered laughing out loud.

"Your laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard", he said making me blush hard. He looked at his pocket watch and leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you again Suzie", he said as he walked away.

"Bye Dami", I said.

Walking back inside I was dragged into a room by Carlos....