
The Good Of Protests

Throughout history, protests have been used as a way to gather a movement of people who consider something to be changed about the world around them. Many protests lead to bad things happening but also good. Unfortunately, the world right now has overlooked all the good protests can cause. Social media has played a big part in this, not saying social media is bad just saying what's happening on social media. One of the good things that have came out of protests are racial equality. Many protests have lead to this. Another example would be women rights. In some countries women are still looked down on. Another good thing about protesting is changing the stereotypes and the general public view.

In August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. Delivered a speech called I have a dream. This speech was considered one of the best speeches every spoken and the speech was able to change the world without violence. This one act of retaliation was able to change the world. This was just one of the examples of a good protest. This one speech alone shows the power of words without violence.