
The Art Of Falling In Love


Always_Lazy · Urban
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2 Chs


In contrast to the sunny and bright weather a few days ago, today the sky grumbled with grey clouds and dressed itself in a sombre tone. With every second that ticked by, the clouds roared to entail a storm.

Down on the ground, a group of people, dressed in black, from head to toe, stood in front of two gravestones. Their feet impatiently tapped on the ground as they became aware of the storm that was about to embrace them. As much as they wished they could leave, they couldn't. The funeral they came to attend was not only of huge importance to them but to their business too—even if they were dead.

Their gazes lowered down to the gravestones. On the grave, the deceased's name and date from when they lived till the day they died was carved out. The two were young but passed away early. Placed atop the gravestones lay various types of sympathy flowers, from bouquets of Lilies, orchids and white roses; each flower representing its own meaning but the most noticeable and significant was the forget-me-nots. With their lush blue colour, their petals demanded to be stood out and remembered.

Just like any other flower, the forget-me-nots too had a special meaning. An emblem of remembrance, the flowers communicate this simple but essential message to a family: 'your loved one lives on in our memories.' Such a touching meaning also symbolised fidelity and being truthful to someone you love. It seemed whoever placed the forget-me-nots down on the gravestones, promised to never ever forget them.

Right at the front of the crowd, three figures of different sizes stood side by side. Instead of crying or mourning for the lost ones, they were completely still with a blank expression on their face. They looked down at their feet and eloquently put their hands in front of them. 

The Mrs who came along with their husband, stole glances at the three figures. When they saw no sentiment on their face they became thirsty with gossip. The whispers travelled from one ear to another quite quickly.

'How unfaithful, looks like they didn't love their parents enough to cry at their funeral.'

'How heartless can they be?'

'You know how rich kids are these days. All they care about is the card.'

Nobody among the crowd came with well wishes except a few close family. All they had in their heads were selfish motives and schemes along with a full heart of venom. Only someone who has lost someone precious to them would understand the pain and shock the three siblings were going through.

The process of grieving relied on the individual and everyone grieves differently.

Some cry feeling the loss immediately, some silently grieve to put up a brave front while others are too shocked to process anything. It looked like the siblings were the latter.

Even if their tears didn't fall down, the clouds cried for them. Bursting down with one loud cry, the droplets fell continuously one after another. People jumped onto their feet and looked frantically for shelter. No longer worrying about their images they ran inside.

Left outside were the three figures along with a lady who they called aunt. They ignored the rain and shed the tears they hid. The roaring of the rain silenced their sobs and broken hearts. So young and yet so defenseless, the sky felt pity rise in its heart.


A few days later

"When the recipients are of age, they will each get their inheritance left by their parents." The man faced the three siblings and read out the information written.

"When will that be?" Other than them there was another person in the room. Heavy makeup was put on her face masking the under eye bags and swollen cheeks.

"That would be 18 years old, Miss Williams." The man addressed the woman. Isabella Williams, the aunt, from the maternal side of the children. "What about their custody, who gets it?" Isabella questioned, she was most worried about this. She cared about her nieces and nephew and didn't want them to end up in the wrong hands. She knew much of how greedy people were in their family. No doubt they were aware of the inheritance left to these children.

The man flipped some pages until he found the thing he was looking for. "It's written in the will that Adam, Addilyn and Allison get to decide." The man then looked up to the three and asked, "Who would you guys like to stay with?"

Adam cleared his throat. He stayed silent for a second before voicing out his thoughts.  "I want to take my sister's custody." Being the oldest out of the three siblings, he felt responsible for them. Not too long ago, he turned nineteen. With the funds from his inheritance he was capable of becoming his sister's legal guardian. "I am old enough to be their guardian." He trusted Isabella however he didn't trust the people around her.  

"You don't want to come with me?" Isabella asked gently. She wasn't the least bit offended by this and listened to his reasons. 

"It's not that Aunty Izzy. We want to come and stay with you but the difference is that you live in London while we live in China." Addilyn jumped to explain, supporting her brother's idea fully. "Your business, your friends, family and everything is London. I know if we asked you, you would willingly move everything to come with us but we don't want that. That's not fair on you Aunt," she continued

"We know you care about us but our life is in China," Allison added on. Even though she didn't understand why her older siblings were taking this action, she believed that they were doing the right thing.

Isabella went into deep thought and mauled over what she should do. After a minute or so she sighed and said, "Fine." She breathed out last. Then again she didn't have any other option except to agree. "But expect me to be coming over every chance I get, okay." It was not a question, more like a command.

"That's fine." Adam nodded with the compromise and then looked at the lawyer his parents had hired. "I have to do some paperwork but don't worry. It will be done quickly." He then passed a sheet of paper and pen to Adam. "I need you to sign here and here."

There was an unfathomable silence in the room. Only the pen scratching on paper could be heard. The symphony rang inside each person's head bringing them out of their complicated thoughts.

It took one accident to change not one but three lives.


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