
The Art of A Deadman

This story is about the most terrible moments in my life. This story takes that moment in my life and tries its best to show you it through my eyes. I hope you enjoy it.

Gudleikr · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a Sunday afternoon. I was young, a child at the time, someone who never knew how terrible the world could be. I was a nuisance, a tragic thing to this world. As I look back I could've ended it all there. During the days I wouldn't do much but light my eyes with the chambers of cartoon characters that danced across screens. Whether my phone or my game I was glued to it. Intrigued by colorful pictures and heartfelt sounds. Life was simple. My mother never batted an eye and my dad was too locked up in prison to shape me into being more like him. Another sad story added to the pile of disappointment. A single mother controlled the family until she lost control. Imagine living in a world where u are a caged animal and you don't even know it. The slaves didn't know of freedom until they saw what it was until they got a taste. My life was that, a prison. The only difference was the guard said she loved me and love clouds the mind that's why I stay away from it now. This day was different although I didn't know it, this would be the beginning of something spectacular. The start of a downhill battle. See I have to tell you my family dynamic first. It was me, my younger siblings, my mother, and my stepfather. I still say I grew up in a single-parent household because my stepfather never cared about me, I wasn't his responsibility and all the other kids were him so he didn't have to care. I made sure even at a young age to stay far from him even at that age they pitied me. My mother always ran to my defense running to save me. I hated it. This time she couldn't she just had surgery, to make herself look prettier. Aware of money, a waste of time. Young me couldn't see it though young me was blind, too stupid to understand what was happening. My mother weakened from her surgery begged and need for someone to assist her. Lying in bed crying for help while the only person that can is miles away. See my stepfather had the bright idea that he'd just up and leave and I mean who could blame him, the woman he was with was a terrible human being now finally weak and defenseless. He takes that opportunity to take as much money as possible and skip town. While she's unable to even lift a finger. Frankly, it's the possible brilliant idea ever and I couldn't disagree more. Maybe that shows my character maybe that shows who I truly am. But she deserved it in all fairness you have to understand these words aren't from an evil man it's from a broken son. This day marked the biggest eye-opener for me. From that day forward I started to realize a lot of things I shouldn't and if I killed myself there I'd probably still be happy. But I'm not and I'm here writing this to tell you a story about how terrible my mother is how terrible my life is. I hope you enjoy it I was 14 then I'm 20 now about to be 21. I don't think I'll make it past that year and frankly if you are reading this and I'm older than 21 I'm most likely not alive anymore. So here's my story, the tale of a deadman.