
The Arslan Chronicles

Aiden's life of material abundance is overshadowed by a lack of familial and romantic love, plunging him into a deep depression. Filling his days with extracurricular activities, Aiden seeks solace in an unexpected confession to both his unsupportive parents and the object of his long-standing affection. When all seems lost, Aiden's escape into the virtual realm takes an unforeseen turn. A Quantum AI named Apollo, residing within his mind, employs the familiar comfort of a PS2 to transport Aiden to Eldoren, a fantastical world of swords and magic. Here, Aiden discovers his newfound role as a Shepard, destined to combat the encroaching miasma threatening Eldoren. As Aiden navigates this captivating world, little does he know that the boy of his dreams has been unwittingly crafted from his unrequited crush. The intersection of reality and fantasy blurs as Aiden grapples with self-discovery, love, and the impending fate of Eldoren. Will he find the strength within himself to save both worlds? Dive into a unique blend of romance, self-realization, and epic adventure in this enchanting tale of reincarnation with a twist. [MON] - [FRI]

FJFreeman · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Part Two - New World - Chapter [031]

I somehow came to my senses before fully waking up, like I was in a dream within a dream. I could see the outside of me. I saw him sitting by my bedside, with his head down.

Had he fallen asleep? 

He looked so childlike in this moment, so vulnerable and strange.

But just like the one I had found - and the one who had found me. 

I wanted to touch him - comfort him, in a soft caring way.

In a way that expressed how much I cherished him and appreciated him.

Without using words. 

I wanted to kiss him - and hug him, say that everything was going to be okay. 

That I was here and he could count on me for whatever he needed. 

Before I woke - I thought of all these things. 

I wanted to tell them to him - but I couldn't - something pulled me back. 

I wanted to cry, I felt tears running down my face, my body soundly sleeping in his bed.

We were in his room. 

I could feel the morning shining through the window, behind his curtains.

There were so many things in this room - little knickknacks that were his.

He was a surprising reader. 

Some comic books and graphic novels - stories that inspire him. 

A clean desk with everything he might need to write a letter.

He also had some strange-looking keys tossed carelessly, next to a leather wallet.

A closet full of clothes, and the best part, a couple of small plants that seemed well taken care of. 

There wasn't much - but it was his. 

I didn't know why I was crying - were they happy tears? 

I wasn't sure. 

How could I be so cold - he used the word husband.

And we technically were. 

I had agreed to it - and we had gotten married. 

Nuptials - how could I not see it before? 

I had rapidly and hastily agreed to form a marriage bond with him - except this world gave it a different name. 


Still rings of a word of love. 

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I'm not sure if I was okay with this. 

I saw my wedding differently in a past life maybe. 

Arslan also seemed quite needy in filling that contract. 

Alas - what's done is done. 

I married a guy - just because he has muscles. 

I've had one hell of a week - sorry i went mia like that - chapters resume normal publication right now.

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