
Chapter 5: Exchange Opportunities for Opportunities

Translator: 549690339

Xie Jiuniang looked toward the Clan Leader of the Xie family at the head of the table.

In her past life, she had felt the same resentment toward this grandfather, thinking he was no different from the main branch. But now, she discovered this grandfather was somewhat different.

Perhaps living another life provided a different perspective on things.

Her grandfather should have had some familial affection for her, but not much. Compared to the interests of the family, the welfare of a junior member really didn't count for much.

Before Xie Jiuniang's previous life ended, Xie Ying was already preparing for Divinity Transformation and often supported the family.

This showed that obtaining the Soul Cleansing Pill was not without its price...

Xie Jiuniang asked, "Grandfather, I can agree, but what will the family give me in exchange?"

"What do you want?" The Clan Leader seriously scrutinized his once neglected granddaughter for the first time, and she was indeed somewhat extraordinary.

This was the time to play the sympathy card.

Xie Jiuniang said with a pitiful expression, "You tell me, what can be worth as much as the Cleansing Spiritual Grass? What can be worth the future I would have after becoming a Dual Spiritual Roots cultivator?

Know that as a Dual Spiritual Roots cultivator entering the Tianxu Sect, I could at least become an Inner Sect Disciple, and if lucky, even take a powerful master, having a future as a Nascent Soul or even achieve Divinity Transformation. Taking away my Cleansing Spiritual Grass is no different from cutting off my path to immortality.

If someone else stole my opportunity outside, I would accept my fate, but this happened at home... Grandfather, tell me, is this still my home?"

With the last question imbued with tears, Xie Jiuniang's words were a direct hit to the soul.

Is it still a home?


The place that should provide shelter from the storm, the safest home...

The Xie Clan Leader was taken aback by her words, and the others were momentarily stunned.

Xie Ying, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, quickly broke the silence, stepped forward, and took Xie Jiuniang's small hand, saying, "Ninth Sister, I don't need it. Keep the Cleansing Spiritual Grass. We are family, and this is your home. This time, my father also acted for the good of the family; I'm sorry. It was my fault, please don't be disappointed with the family..."

This act turned Xie Jiuniang's stomach.

What does it mean to leave it to her?

The item was hers to begin with!

Xie Jiuniang looked down and withdrew her hand, her gaze accidentally catching a piece of jewelry on Xie Ying's wrist: a Gold Filigree Hollow Lantern Pendant with a green leaf inside that seemed to be made of jade, faintly radiating an extraordinary aura.

It incited a deep yearning within her... She wanted it!

In her past life, once Xie Ying joined the Sect, her cultivation sped up rapidly, and her combat abilities were impressive. Defeating opponents of a higher level was the norm.

Familiar with Xie Ying, Xie Jiuniang always felt there was something fishy and paid extra attention to her. On one occasion, she accidentally witnessed Xie Ying suddenly disappear and then reappear out of nowhere, her clothes even changed...

Could it be a Mustard Seed Space?

Or some kind of Secret Realm Transport Key?

Usually, only these two items could account for the situation described. The Teleportation Talismans commonly available in the market could only transport a person away; they couldn't bring someone precisely back to their original location.

A Mustard Seed Space or a Secret Realm Key were opportunities against the heavens, even rarer than the Cleansing Spiritual Grass. If word got out, it would definitely lead to a bloody battle for them.

Should she take the gamble?

To exchange one opportunity for another?

Even though it was a gamble, there really was an element of risk involved. Xie Ying's golden ticket from her previous lifetime might not necessarily be with her at this moment... But still, the leaf on the bracelet was incredibly tempting.

Xie Jiuniang's heart raced as she pretended to be reluctant and said, "I can hand over the Cleansing Spiritual Grass, but I have three demands. If you don't agree, I'll destroy it..."

Her last line carried a hint of ruthlessness.

In reality, if a Golden Core Cultivator acted, a child wouldn't even have the chance to destroy it, so the threat seemed substantial but actually wasn't too strong. However, it was clear that the Clan Leader had no intention of forcibly taking it.

The Clan Leader said with mixed emotions, "Alright, state your demands first."

"That's right, as long as it's not too much, your great uncle can agree to it." Xie's great uncle was a bit anxious.

The Clan Leader gave him a cold glance, causing Xie's great uncle's heart to jump, and he dared not interject any further.

Even Xie Ying calmed down.

Xie Jiuniang looked around at everyone and said solemnly, "First, send someone to the Mortal Realm. Bring my parents back and ensure their safety on the way."

As soon as he heard 'Mortal Realm', the Clan Leader's expression darkened slightly. He knew his third son and daughter-in-law were on a mission, but he wasn't aware that it was to the Mortal Realm.

The Spiritual Energy in the Mortal Realm is scarce, and remaining there for too long is detrimental to cultivation. His third child shouldn't have been tasked with such a mission.

Xie Da-Bo broke out in a thin sweat on his forehead.

Clan Leader Xie said, "That's no problem, I will arrange for it."

"The rewards for the task must be given as promised," Xie Jiu Niang added, "and my parents should also be compensated for their portion from these past years."

"Given! All will be given," Xie Da-Bo pleaded, only wishing she would stop talking.

Xie Jiu Niang then looked directly at Clan Leader Xie and said, "My second request is that I hope the family will not interfere in my affairs for any reason in the future."

Clan Leader Xie asked, "Do you want to leave the family?"

"That's not the case, I just don't want a repeat of today's event," Xie Jiu Niang further clarified, "Of course, if the family is in trouble in the future, I will not stand by and watch."

Xie Jiu Niang wouldn't be able to leave even if she wanted to; her parents wouldn't agree. And leaving by herself, without her parents, would be pointless anyway.

But her meaning was clear: She would only intervene if the family was in trouble. They should not expect anything else.

At this moment, since she only possessed the talent of a Triple Spiritual Root and her personal value was not high, particularly in comparison to a Heavenly Spiritual Root, Xie Jiu Niang was confident that the family would agree to her terms.

Once again, Clan Leader Xie examined his granddaughter, who was steady in spirit and very calm—indeed, an excellent prospect for cultivation.

It's just that, after all, she had grown cold-hearted.

Since she no longer wished to be fettered by the family, it was no harm to fulfill her wish, as she was, after all, his direct granddaughter.

"This matter, I agree to it. Later, I will explain it to the elder ancestor," Clan Leader Xie declared.

Xie Jiu Niang inexplicably let out a sigh of relief and said, "The last request, my chances are not so easily exploited, I want everything on my elder sister… in exchange."

"No way!" Xie Ying blurted out a denial.

Once the words were out, Xie Ying realized her mistake as everyone turned to look at her in surprise.

Xie Jiu Niang scoffed inwardly. This was not something her sister could refuse.

Today, it wasn't yet clear who would be at a loss!

After all, Xie Jiu Niang knew she wouldn't be the one to lose out.

As long as she could bring her parents home early and avoid a deadly fate, she had already profited!

Also, she had made everyone believe she was at a loss. Of the three demands she had made, except for Xie Ying, none had harmed the interests of the elders.

That meant, in the eyes of the elders, her demands were not excessive and quite in line with what a child might request. Even Xie Wenshuang, who favored the main branch of the family, didn't think anything of it.

Xie Wenshuang said, "Yingying, give them to her."

"But... some of these items were gifts from elders, and there's also my brother..." Xie Ying touched her jewelry, clearly reluctant to part with it.

Xie Jiu Niang snorted disdainfully, mocking, "If my elder sister is reluctant, then there's no need to exchange. I certainly don't mind."

This was even less acceptable!

Xie Ying looked imploringly towards her father.

Xie Da-Bo, under the pressure from his father, dared not say more, only managing to send a message to his daughter: "Yingying, agree to it for now. Later, we will find an opportunity to take them back."

Xie Ying's eyes brightened, and she nodded in agreement.

Xie Jiu Niang just wanted to say, keep dreaming!

Once the items were in her hands, they were hers!

The subsequent transaction went smoothly.

Xie Jiu Niang nearly stripped Xie Ying bare, leaving her only in her worthless clothes.

Xie Ying, looking at Xie Jiu Niang who was carefully checking the items, said in frustration, "You've taken the items, but what about the Cleansing Spiritual Grass?"

"That... I didn't bring it with me. Elder sister can come with me to get it," Xie Jiu Niang was no longer concealing her intention at this point.

Xie Er-Bo laughed.

The little girl was quite cunning, having taken precautions against everyone beforehand.

Luckily, no one had demanded a search. Otherwise, it would have been quite embarrassing. If things had escalated, it was uncertain who the Cleansing Spiritual Grass would end up with, since there were other juniors with Dual Spiritual Roots in the clan, although only Xie Ying had them in their branch.

The nutrients shouldn't flow into fields belonging to outsiders.

They had no intention of benefiting others.