
The Arranged Marriage, Pack and Duty!

At the altar stood Damon Blackwood, his posture rigid and his gaze cold as he watched her approach. As Serena Sinclairs reached the front of the aisle, Damon offered her a tight-lipped smile that did little to ease the tension between them. She returned the gesture with a forced smile of her own, her eyes flashing with hatred as she took her place beside him. "I, Serena Sinclairs, take you, Damon Blackwood, to be my husband," she recited mechanically, her voice rigid and emotionless. Damon's lips quirked into a smug smile as he repeated the words back to her with sarcasm. "I, Damon Blackwood, take you, Serena Sinclairs, to be my wife." She stole a glance at Damon, his handsome features set in a mask of indifference as he recited his vows with mechanical precision as well. The officiant pronounced the two of them as husband and wife, and then faced them with a smile; "You both may now share a kiss." Everyone eagerly watched, waiting to see if they would eventually kiss given the hatred between those two... ********** In the mystical realms of South Queensferry Town and Edinburgh City, Scotland, two powerful werewolf packs, the Blackwoods and the Moonstones, have long vied for dominance. Billionaire businessman Damon Blackwood and socialite Serena Sinclair are thrust into an arranged marriage, their union a strategic move to strengthen their packs' positions and their businesses in human society. Damon illicit affair in their marriage brought about the downfall of their personal life and businesses. And to overcome the struggles, they both needed to work together. Will Serena agree to his terms and work with Damon? Or will his past hurtful actions toward her determine her decision? Find out in this spellbinding tale of romance, betrayal, and supernatural warfare.

Nikkybrien270 · Urban
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5 Chs

4. Silver metal

As the car screeched to a halt in front of the pack hospital, Serena's heart raced with fear and worry.

They rushed Lucas into the building, where the pack doctor immediately sprang into action, attending to his injuries with a sense of urgency.

"We need to get him into an excluded room, away from the other human patients," Doctor Mark said, his voice calm but authoritative. "We can't risk drawing attention to his condition."

Serena and Damon nodded in agreement, their minds racing with concern for Lucas. They watched anxiously as Lucas was wheeled away, his face pale and drawn with pain.

They both hovered anxiously outside the room, waiting for the doctor to come out.

An hour passed, filled with tense silence and worried glances exchanged between Serena and Damon. Then, finally, the door to Lucas's room opened, and the pack doctor emerged his expression grave.

"He's stable for now," the doctor said, his voice soft but reassuring. "But he'll need time to heal."

Serena let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders sagging from the tension. "Thank you, doctor," she said gratefully.

Just then, the hospital doors burst open, and Serena and Damon's parents rushed in, their faces etched with worry.

"Serena, Damon, are you both okay?" Serena's mother asked, rushing to embrace her daughter.

"We heard about the shootout at the event. Are you hurt?" Serena's father added, his brow furrowed with worry.

"We're fine," Damon replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil brewing inside him. "But Lucas was injured. He's in the room over there."

Their parents rushed to Lucas's side, offering words of comfort and support, each silently praying for Lucas's swift recovery.

Damon's father stood firmly, his eyes fixed on the closed door behind which Lucas lay. Lucas is his late brother's son, so he has to look after him.

"We're still waiting for more news about the incident," he said quietly. "But it seems that Lucas took the brunt of the attack."

"Yes Dad," Damon replied.

"How did an ordinary bullet affect him to this extent of not healing himself?" With a low voice, Damon's father asked.

Damon moved closer to him and whispered into his ears. "It's a silver metal bullet."

"What! It is now clear that this is a planned attack, not an accident."

"Exactly my thought, dad. Someone who knows about our existence and weakness must definitely be behind everything." Damon answered with certainty.

"Work on it from now on. I need to know who this person is in a week." Damon's father commanded.

"Alright, Dad."

As they huddled together, discussing what had happened, a group of policemen entered the hospital, their badges gleaming in the harsh light.

"Excuse me Mr Blackwood, Mrs Blackwood, I'm Inspector Cole." One of the officers said. "We're here to ask some questions about the incident at the event," his voice was professional but firm as he pulled out a notebook and pen.

Serena and Damon nodded, their faces drawn with curiosity about how to answer the officers' questions to the best of their ability.

"Of course," Damon replied, his voice steady. "We'll do whatever we can to help."

The officers led Damon and Serena to a quiet area in the hospital for questioning, their parents following closely behind.

For the next few minutes, they answered a barrage of questions, recounting the events of the morning in meticulous detail.

They watched anxiously as the officers took notes, having thoughts of who could have orchestrated such a violent attack.

After the interrogation, the policemen promised to investigate further and catch the culprit responsible for the shooting.

As they were about to leave the hospital, Damon's phone rang, interrupting the tense atmosphere. He answered it quickly, his brow furrowed in concentration as he listened to the voice on the other end.

"Yes, I understand," Damon said calmly, his voice betraying no hint of emotion. "I'll be there shortly."

Serena glanced at him curiously, but Damon did not explain as he ended the call and rose from his seat.

"Where are you going?" Serena asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"I have some business to attend to," Damon replied cryptically, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I'll be back soon."

With that, he strode out of the hospital, leaving Serena and their parents behind in a cloud of uncertainty.

Damon knew that whoever had orchestrated the attack on Lucas would pay dearly for their actions, and he was determined to make them suffer.

Meanwhile, Serena had been busy making calls of her own, her face set in a mask of determination as she dialled a familiar number.

"Yes, I need you to start tailing Kiera," Serena said into the phone, her voice firm and commanding. "I have a feeling she's involved in this somehow, and I want to know everything she's up to."

As the person on the other end of the line confirmed their instructions, Serena ended the call. She has the feeling that Kiera was somehow behind the attack towards her, and she is determined to uncover the truth, no matter what.

Damon hadn't gone more than ten minutes when he was suddenly called to come back to the hospital Lucas just woke up. With a speed, he turned around and drove back to the hospital.

Back inside the hospital room, Lucas stirred from his fitful sleep, his eyes fluttering open as he struggled to sit up. Serena and Damon rushed to his side, relief flooding through them at the sight of Lucas awake and conscious.

"Lucas, you're okay," Serena said softly, her voice filled with relief.

Lucas managed a weak smile, his strength slowly returning as he spoke. "I'll be fine," he reassured them, his voice hoarse with pain. "But we need to find out who did this."

Damon nodded in agreement, his jaw set with determination. "We will," he vowed, his eyes burning with resolve. "Just rest for now."

As they spoke, the door to the room opened, and the pack doctor entered his expression grave. "I've done what I can for now," he said somberly. "But Lucas will need time to recover. He lost a lot of blood."

"But hope he will be okay doctor?" Serena asked with a worried expression.

"Yes, he will be." Doctor Mark assured them.

"Good!" Damon uttered, and his phone immediately beeped with an incoming message.

He swiped up the screen to see the content but was stunned to see Kiera's alarming message...