
The Ark: Antichrist

Magic, the world's most valuable resource, pales in comparison to the forbidden fruit from the garden Eden, the fruit that gives the abilities of religious and mythological beings, those who are vessels of gods surpass traditional magic. Apollo is one of them but must hide which being he is the vessel of, in fear of others attempting to exploit him, can he move up the world of sorcerery while maintaining the god he is a vessel of a secret?

six_3Y3S · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The match began, Dagon brought up his hands and made a symbol with his hands just then his arms were on fire, Historia responded with her own hand sign, and just then her arms became covered in stone .

Apollo watched in awe

"Hmm so the Dagon fella is a fire mage, a bit boring for my tastes but still he has a high mana capacity, on the other hand this Historia, her mana is low and she's using earth magic which requires high mana control... she has no chance"

Dagon then sent out 5 balls of fire at Historia, Historia responded with a wall of stone blocking the balls of fire.

Dagon smiled and laughed at Historia

"You really are pathetic! You know that? , I'll afford you a quick loss!"


Dagon then sent out a massive wave of fire, poor Historia just didn't have the mana to block it, and so she was hit by the wave and was flung into the wall of the arena ending the first match.


Both Historia and Dagon were then teleported out of the arena,

Apollo wasn't surprised at the outcome he saw this coming, it was a shame that, that racist bastard wasn't beaten to a pulp but nothing he could do about it.

Then the two men from earlier who guided Dagon and Historia before came and this time they were walking towards Apollo

"Ah is it my turn?"

"yes, now follow me sir"

Apollo did as told and followed the men, he saw his opponent, it was another Elf, Apollo was just happy to see someone like him so he greeted the Elf

"Hey brother!"

Apollo held out his hand for a greeting but the Elf responded with a face of disgust

"do you not know Elven?"

Apollo shook his head

"no I'm an orphan unfortunately"

the Elf smiled and sighed

"of course you were!"

they had both reached the entrance to the arena and then they walked in.

Apollo rushed to the other side of the arena

It was then the speakers rang out again


Apollo readied a stance, the audience were confused to why he wasn't imbuing himself with magic, Harat on the other hand imbued his hands with water magic, Apollo smiled in response, the audience couldn't imagine what Apollo was going to do.

Harat looked at Apollo in confusion

"Aren't you going to attack me?"

Apollo laughed in response

"Aren't you?, or are you just going to stand there with your fancy water hands"

Harat was infuriated at Apollo's arrogance, so he decided to begin with his strongest attack


A massive wave then shot out from Harat's hands, the wave was big much taller than Apollo.

Apollo in response held out his right hand closing it then lifting he middle and index finger and yelled out

"BASS" a loud sound echoed through the arena, it was low, but the vibrations were so intense it could be seen, ripples in the air, I ripped through the tsunami and dispersed it, Apollo then dashed towards Harat, Harat in panic set off water jets at Apollo, who masterfully dodged the water jets, when he was now close enough Apollo cocked his arm back and punched harat, knocking him out immediately.