
The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure Serving Gods Who Go Too Far

Sir_Smurf · Realistic
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17 Chs

To the Royal Capital!

The day to go to the capital city had been decided.

Once an aristocrat turns five years old, they would go to the capital to have

an audience in front of the king.

Reine was also going as well since starting next year, she would be

attending a school in the capital.

"I don't wanna leave Cain! I don't want to live in a mansion in the capital

alone," Reine complained.

"Maria, Jin, and Alex are going to be there as well. So don't be so upset."

Garm tried to convince her, but she didn't want to let go of Cain.

"When I enter the school , Reine -nee will be in the fifth grade . I look

forward to seeing you at school," Cain said expectantly.

Reine's eyes shone, and she pumped her nonexisting chest.

"Cain, look at me! I'll do my best as Cain's sister!"

Reine was obviously very happy.

Cain smiled as usual with Choroi.


Today was the day to go to the capital.

The capital was actually seven days away, but this time it would take ten

days as it was necessary to stop by each city along the way.

As an aristocrat, you need to stimulate the economy by staying in towns and

villages along the way.

If the escorts were counted as well , the number of people visiting will

reach a reasonable amount to stimulate the economy.

Garm, Sarah, Reine, butler Sebas, Cain's personal maid Sylvia and Cain

were being accompanied by Ten knights as escorts .* [Proofreader : it was

actually : "

Accompanying this time are Garm , Sarah , Reine , me, butler Sebas and

my own maid Sylvia. Also, Ten knights are accompanying us as escorts."]

"I'm looking forward to my first visit to the capital city."

Cain had never been out of the Gracia territory, so he was very excited

about the trip.

Cain used "Search " and noticed a wall gate three kilometers ahead of us .*


Proofreader: It was actually : "I used "Search" and noticed something

happening three kilometers ahead of us."]

"Father, I can see the city of Renoma," he said.

Guards were lined up on both sides of the city gate.

Then, several knights ran on horses and spoke to the guards guarding the

city gate.

They soon got into the city and proceeded towards the main building . Cain

was informed that the guesthouse next to the main building was where they

would be staying.

At the entrance of the guesthouse , the lord of the city, Viscount Safa von

Tarmar, was waiting.

"Lord Garm, thank you for visiting this city," the viscount respectfully said.

"Sir Saffal, this time as well, please take care of me. Let me introduce you

my third son, Cain. He would be staying for a while in the capital city."

Gram smiled. [Proofreader: I changed up the words a bit.]

"I'm Cain von Sylford. I will be in your care," Cain introduced himself.

"Please take care of Cain. Let's take a rest for now," Gram said and smiled.

After the conversation, Cain was guided to his room by one of the maids of

the guesthouse.

After entering the room, Cain sat on the sofa while Sylvia poured him a cup

of tea.

"I'm strangely tired even though I traveled in a carriage," he mumbled.

"Young master Cain, the tea is ready. Please take a rest today." Sylvia

handed him the tea.

"Thank you, Sylvia."

After drinking the black tea, Cain did the magical power cycle training that

he'd do every day. He started meditating and exploring the magic in his


Even though the amount of Cain 's magic was already beyond common

sense , it had already become a habit of his to do the training. So if he didn't

do it he wouldn't be able to calm down.

Cain slept only after finishing the magic cycle training.

He was dead tired, so he immediately fell asleep.


After going through several towns, Cain and the group would soon be able

to reach the capital in three days.

Even though things have been going smoothly, Cain had still activated

"Search" just to be safe.

Thanks to his ridiculous amount of magical power, he had been able to

activate it going all day long.

Just as Cain's relaxed, a battle that was going on three kilometers ahead

alerted him.

"It 's bad! There's a big battle three kilometers ahead!" Cain exclaimed to


Garm got surprised.

"What? How do you know that!?"

Cain ignored his question and further detailed , "It seems that there are

dozens of monsters fighting against 10 people."

Seeing Cain being ignorant , Gram didn't press further and said, "Ok, let's

send several people for reinforcement!"

After the order was given, four knights ran ahead with their horse.

Cain used "Search" again, and saw the number of people fighting gradually


They won't make it in time.

"Father, the knights won't be able to make it in time. I'll go aheah and help

them first,"

Cain said to Gram.

"Cain. I know that you've been training , but it's still dangerous ," Gram

solemnly said.

"It's okay, father. I won't lose; my level should be high enough to do it. I

will go."

Cain took his sword and jumped off the carriage.

He didn't want to show off in front of his family, but to reach his

destination faster, he decided to use body strengthening and wind magic.

The wind gave Cain a boost and accelerated his speed instantly.

Cain ran through the grassland at speed exceeding 100 km/h.

In no time, Cain disappeared from the carriage.

The surrounding escorts were stunned. Of course, the family as well,

including Garm.

Cain had overtaken the knights along the way and went way ahead of them.

When he reached the battleground , he saw a group of orcs attacking the

knights and the knights protecting a carriage.

There were only three knights standing when he arrived. The other knights

had fallen due to the orcs' attacks.

Cain shouted as he arrived, "I'm here to help!"

"Don't go here! run away!"

One knight shouted at Cain to run away.

Cain ignored what the knight had said and chanted his magic:

"Air bullet."

Ten air bullets flew towards the orcs. It went straight through the head and

blew the heads away.

Ten orcs were down instantly!

There were only 20 left.

"Wind cutter." Cain chanted again.

Then, ten vacuum blades danced and in the next second, another ten orcs

were torn and fell down immediately.

There were still ten more orcs left. However, as a knight was still fighting

with them, Cain couldn't use his magics.

"Next is a sword then," Cain mumbled and unsheathed his sword . Then ,

he started attacking the orcs. The strengthened body flied like a bullet.

Wait. Did I just went 10 meters just by taking a step?

Cain questioned himself but nonetheless started cutting down orcs one after

another, swinging his sword while avoiding the clubs that the orcs were

swinging around.

"This is the end!"

Cain shouted and swung his sword towards the last remaining orc.

Its neck fell down in one swing, and it immediately died.

"Are you okay?"

Cain went to the fallen knight.

The remaining knights turned their swords to him.

" Stop there! Don't come any closer to the carriage.."

Cain immediately stopped. The carriage seemed like it's owned by a noble.

It was more luxurious than their carriage.

Cain sheathed his sword and corrected his posture before introducing

himself , "

Forgive me for not introducing myself before. My name is Cain von

Sylford. I am the third son of Garm von Sylford Gracia."

Finally, the four knights arrived as he finished his introduction.

One of the four knights came forward and said, "I am a knight of Garm von

Sylford Gracia. I came to assist you. But where are the monsters?"

Then, the knights noticed the fallen orcs lying around.

"They were all defeated."

The knights were amazed.

"Rather than that, let me treat your wounds, I can use a bit of healing

magic." As Cain's said that, he went to the wounded knights.

Some people couldn't be helped anymore, but he tried to treat the ones that

were still breathing.

"Area heal."

As Cain 's chanted , the nearby breathing knights were wrapped in white

lights instantly, and as the light faded, their injuries were cured.

"What is this?!"

The knights exclaimed.

"It didn't replenish the blood you lost. So you should rest and eat something

to regain your energy," Cain said.

Father should be reaching here soon.

After a while, a carriage with being escorted by knights came in sight.

It stopped nearby, and Sara and Reine came down from the carriage with

Garm following behind.

After noticing Garm, the four knights formed a line.

As soon as Gram got close to Cain, he reprimanded him, "You can't just

jump off the carriage and disappear just like that! Don't do such things

again. Later, I want a full explanation on what had just happened."

After saying that, Gram looked at the other carriage and said, "I am Garm

von Sylford Gracia. I see from your symbol that you are part of duke

Santanas family.

The orcs have been defeated so it is safe now."

Cain was a bit surprised; he had thought it was an aristocratic carriage, but

it was a duke.

Suddenly, the carriage door opened.

Two girls of the same age got out of the carriage while holding each other 's

trembling hands.