
The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure Serving Gods Who Go Too Far

Sir_Smurf · Realistic
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17 Chs


Now Cain is sitting on a sofa in the drawing-room at the Royal Castle


Outside the door, are the maids working for the Royal Castle.

He couldn't understand why they made a five-years-old child wait in this


Earlier, a few butlers and maids appeared and immediately stripped him,

measured his sizes and dressed him up in new aristocratic clothings.

As expected, travel clothes, even one for aristocrats, wasn't one that's

suitable for an audience with the king.

Surely this time, Cain certainly defeated Orc's thirty and rescued the

Princess and Miss Silk.

He was sure that the knights had heard about the situation.

When he thought about it, a knock came from the door, and a butler came


"Cain-sama, the King is ready to see you, so please prepare yourself


"Oh, that… I don't even know what to do in this situation." Cain was


"Surely, it's rare to have an audience with the king at the age of five. Once

you've entered the hall, go straight and put one knee on the carpet, put one

of your hands on your chest and lower your head. I think that should be

enough since the king is the one that requested your presence," the butler

gave some tips.

"Thank you."

Cain thanked the butler.

"Let's go."

They went through the hallway and stood in front of the big door.

The door opened, and the butler and Cain stepped forward. On the left and

right, were people who seemed to be nobles. Of course, Garm was there as


Cain proceeded to the end of the carpet, bent on one knee, place one of his

hand on his chest, and lowered his head.

"Raise your head."

His Majesty's voice can be heard from the front.

Cain Raised his head as he was told. There, he could see His Majesty sitting

on the throne in front of him and the Queen and the royal prince and

princess standing around him. Of course, there was also the third Princess

Telestia. Teles smiled when he saw Cain.

His Majesty looked imposing; on the throne adjourned with his royal

clothing. He looked like he's entering his forties and he had a well-defined

body and a long beard.

From the side, a grey-haired person, around his fifties, came out. It seemed

like he's the prime minister Cain had heard about.

"This time, Princess Telestia and Miss Silk von Santana were attacked by a

flock of fifty orcs."

The aristocrats who were busy chatting with each other was stunned by the


"At that time, Cain von Sylford himself jumped into the scene and

subjugated thirty orcs alone. And escorted the princess and Miss Silk back

to the capital."

Hearing that thirty orcs were defeated alone by such a small boy, the nobles

along the line buzzed like bees.

"As a form of gratitude, His Majesty has decided to bestow him a medal

and the rank of baron. After the minister finished the explanation, the King spoke out, "Cain von Sylford, this time, your deed is worthy of praises. Without you, there would

have been no one to help Telestea and Miss Silk here. Also, I will give him

ten platinum coins and a mansion in the capital city."

The aristocratic people made noises yet again, and this time they were


One nobleman came out of the crowd and confronted, while his fat body


"Please wait, your Majesty. Even if his deeds are worthy of a medal but at

the age of five, he is still just a kid."

One person seems to be the opposite. No, to be honest, I also felt like

rejecting since I don't know what to do with a noble title.

"Marquis Corzino, should you face the same situation, can you jump into

the scene alone and defeat thirty orcs?" The King questioned.

"No, but…"

Despite being scared, the marquis still opposed.

"Cain von Sylford is the third son in his family. He has little chance of

inheriting his father's title. How can I let such talent be left unnoticed? This

decision will not change."

The King was resolute.

Marquis Corzino went back to the nobles lines, while his eyes were locked

onto Cain.

"Cain von Sylford, will you accept the reward?" The King then asked,

staring straight at Cain.

I'm scared of the king's gaze.

Cain saw the face of the Prime Minister standing beside him.

The Prime Minister silently urged Cain to accept it.

He also saw Garm's face standing on the other side.

Similarly, he kept his silence, but his face was also urging Cain to do the


Cain responded after taking a deep breath.

"I am grateful to your majesty… I will gladly accept it."

The atmosphere wasn't one that allowed a refusal, especially not by Cain,

who was only ten-years-old.

"This ends the audience. His Majesty will now leave."

After those words, His Majesty exited and the royal family followed behind


"Details of your reward will be explained in a separate room," the Prime

Minister said.

Cain also left, told by the Prime Minister. The maids had lined up the tables

and chairs in the room so that ten people could sit there.

While Cain was waiting in the room, Cain's father said, "While I was

waiting for you, I was told about the plans for making you a baron.

However, I never expected them to also grant you a property. I'm very

proud of you, Cain."

He stroked Cain's head while saying so.

While the two people were talking, the door opened, and several people

entered the room.

The one who came first was His Majesty, and then the queen, the Prime

Minister, Princess Telestia, the person who seems to be the father of Miss

Silk and Miss Silk.

Silk waved her hands as she smiled while looking at Cain.

In such a situation where the upper level of the country is in full swing,

moving your body is no easy feat.

The king sat in the middle chair.

"Everyone, let's not be so tense. Sit down."

As per his word, everyone started to sit down.

Cain sat face to face with His Majesty.

"Okay, first of all, Cain, thank you very much for your help. I heard your

feat from Telestia."

The king bowed his head. The queen also bowed as she heard of his feat.

"Cain, I thank you as well, I'm Silk's father, Eric von Santana Malpeque.

Thank you so much for helping Silk."

The Duke also bowed down.

"Her Majesty, the Queen, the Duke, please raise your head. I just saw them

needing help and did what I could to help them. There's no need for such


The King, the Queen, and the Duke raised their heads.

"Thank you. But I'd like to thank you as a parent, not as a King. Now then,

let's continue."

"Are you sure you want to grant a five-year-old kid with a property of his


Garm asked his majesty.

"Yes, Garm. I heard the story from Telestia while he is only ten, with his

skills in magic, swordsmanship, and not to mention his item box, with such

skills, it wouldn't be beneficial for the country to leave such talent alone."

His Majesty smiled at Cain.

Unintentionally, Cain had cold sweats running on his back.

"As Cain is still a child, he won't have any real responsibilities. And seeing

that you haven't even gone to school yet. I'll pay for the mansion upkeep as

well. If you have anything you want to ask about the nobility, just ask


"Thank you. I will talk to my father."

"There is a more important story than that."

The King made a serious face and his eyes meet each other with Duke Eric

as if they were asking each other.

"Cain, I hope you'll get along with my Telestia and Eric's daughter, Silk as

well. Of course, the formal marriage will only be after adulthood, so for

now, how about we set you up as fiancees?"

"" !!!!!!!!!!!! ""

Garm was stunned. Of course, Cain was too.

I looked at Telestia and Silk, but both of them had a bright red face.

"…So, that's what… but, your Majesty, why?"

"Cain, hmm, but I thought you've accepted their advances? Both inside the

carriage and at the inn along the way."

Cain remembered in his head about what happened in the carriage.

"…So, that's what… but, your Majesty, why?"

"Cain, hmm, but I thought you've accepted their advances? Both inside the

carriage and at the inn along the way."

Cain remembered in his head about what happened in the carriage.

Surely in the carriage, the princess and Miss Silk were sitting next to him

with their arms crossed.

As for the inn, they stayed in the same room, because he surrendered to

Princess Telestia, who had a strong will, so they divided the bed and slept

together in the same room.

Cain thought that it was fine since they slept in a different bed and they

were only five years old so there shouldn't be any problem.

"If an unmarried woman slept in the same room as the unmarried man and

ride in the carriage as well, then it would make sense if they are to be

married, isn't it? Or could it be that you were just playing with our

daughters' feelings? " Your Majesty said to Cain. Combined with the silent pressure from the Duke and facing against a two-way attack, Cain had no way of fighting.

Cain did not know if the royal family was so tough.

Without knowing what to do, Cain turned to the Prime Minister. The

minister didn't say a word and just averted his eyes.

"…I understand, but please give priority to how Princess Telestia and Miss

Silk is feeling."

Cain was exhausted just by returning the words.

"As you can hear his response. What do you think? Telestia, Miss Silk."

Both of them were smiling with red faces, holding their mouths, and eyes

filled with tears.

Cain now had two fiancees at the age of five.