1 Prologue: the night that it all burned down

The reality of this world is that it is based on a delicate balance that hangs over everything that resides in this place.

There is nothing that can hide from its effects and one has to accept that as long as one is in the rules confided by the world, he is as powerless to oppose it as a mere child is against its hunger.

It’s a baseless struggle which everyone is facing.

And just like any struggle that exists in the world, there exist people who want to break past their limit and achieve the impossible.

In their haste to do so, they expose the flaw in the world's design. To balance this, the world has to take actions accordingly for the extra has no place inside its boundaries.

The extras are vanquished outside its rules to never exist, a curse on their being for all eternity. Unknown to everyone, they no longer exist anywhere or consist of anything.

They are no more than a fragment of imagination in this world’s memories. All the talent drained away by the selfishness of the living to break apart their safety net.

This ignorance, however, does not stop people from seeking what they think is an impossible feat, once again jeopardizing the balance of the world as a whole.

It shakes the world, the audacity and the world gradually begin to lose its trust in its own progeny.

Now no longer being able to favour its favourites, the world is left to depend on what he has once discarded, however, it still cannot bind their will for it has suffered a lot.

So, they reach a compromise in the end with each other. The others will be given a role, all 5 of them be given a duty they had to carry and thus they will not perish before their time.

When their time comes, they will be guided to the one who will succeed them, another unfortunate soul doomed to exist due to human selfishness.

They will be given a chance to be alive again but their death will be a forsaken memory for everyone, quiet as a night but impactful as a day.

And thus the cycle continues till the world chooses to stand on its roots.


The sirens blazing all over the place made the panic inside the white walls blaze with a fury of moments. People ran around, securing what they could before the police raided the lab.

However, not everyone had the raid as the first priority in their mind, for there were far more important factors at risk there.

“What should we do? We lost them?” The panic in the place was real, the whole place in a quiet uproar regarding the recent events.

“Leave it be, where would they even escape us?” another consoled the panicky first one. The place had been deserted by the higher-ups as soon as one of their scientists had run away with their only successful test result.

That put their whole operation behind schedule by a lot.

“The higher-ups must be fuming about this” the first one replied, the voice of the female still containing the panic which was now making her breath short.

“Breath damnit, we need to get this data out. We’ve worked too long on this to let it go up in flames now. Besides, we still have the spares with us” the second one consoled, one hand on the back of the first.

It seemed to calm the first one down enough to get a deep breath inside.

“You’re right. I’m almost done here” the answer came right at a time before the second wave of the alarms sounded.

“It’s bad, let’s get out of here right now and remove the evidence. We will need to do the damage control as well. Tell the others to burn our associative orphanage and hospital as well. We can’t have them finding evidence of what we were doing here” the door was opened up with a bang as people evacuated the place.

Police found the empty room right before the building burst into flames.

That night, a lab, a hospital and well as an orphanage burned down into black flames in the dead of the night.

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